Clients maintaining a U.S. futures or futures option position at a quantity exceeding the CFTC's reportable thresholds may be contacted directly by the CFTC file with a request that they complete a Form 40. Contact will generally be made via email and clients are encouraged to respond to such requests in a timely manner to avoid trading restrictions and/or fines imposed by CFTC upon their account at the FCM.
Completion of the Form requires the following steps:
2. Complete Form 40 - You will receive an email notification from the CFTC once your Portal Account has been approved. Note that this approval may take up to 2 business days from the date you complete the New User Request Form. The email will contain a link to the Portal where you will be prompted to log in:
Instructions for completing the form are available at:
Note that Portal provides the opportunity to save a copy of your submission in XML format, a recommended step, as this allows for uploading the file to the Portal should you need to make modifications at a later date. This will eliminate the need to renter the form in its entirety.
The CFTC will send a confirmation email upon successful completion of your Form 40.
3. Confirm with IBKR - forward your confirmation email, or other evidence that you have submitted the Form 40 to This will assist to ensure that your account is not subject to CFTC directed restrictions or fines.
The CFTC, the primary regulator of U.S. commodity futures markets and Futures Commission Merchants (FCMs), operates a comprehensive system of collecting information on market participants as part of its market surveillance and large trader reporting program.
IBKR, as a registered FCM providing clients with access to those markets, is obligated to report to the CFTC information on clients who hold a position in a quantity that exceeds defined thresholds (i.e., a "reportable position"). In order to report this information, IBKR requires clients trading U.S. futures or futures options to complete an online CFTC Ownership and Control Reporting form at the point the client requests futures trading permissions.
Once a client holds a "reportable position", the CFTC may then contact that client directly and require them to file more detailed information via CFTC Form 40. The information required of this report includes the following:
Clients who fail to complete this Form in a timely manner may be subject to trading restrictions and/or fines imposed by CFTC upon their account at the FCM. It is therefore imperative that clients immediately respond to these CFTC requests.
To complete the CFTC Form 40, clients must first register for a CFTC Portal Account, an online process which is subject to a review period of 2 business days from the point of initial registration to acknowledgement of approval by the CFTC. For information regarding this registration process and completing the Form 40, see KB3149.
全新的2014/65/EC號指引(“MiFID II”)和(歐盟)600/2014號法規(“MiFIR”)為報告由EEA投資公司執行的MiFID II下金融產品交易提出了新要求。(“MiFIR交易報告”)
注 :常見MiFIR定義和條款列表,請見KB2980
歐洲經濟區(EEA) - 截至2017年10月,EEA由以下國家組成:奧地利、比利時、保加利亞、克羅地亞、塞浦路斯共和國、捷克共和國、丹麥、愛沙尼亞、芬蘭、法國、德國、希臘、匈牙利、冰島、愛爾蘭、意大利、拉脫維亞、列支敦士登、立陶宛、盧森堡、馬耳他、荷蘭、挪威、波蘭、葡萄牙、羅馬尼亞、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亞、西班牙、瑞典和英國。
投資公司 - MiFID II第4 (1) (1)條將投資公司定義爲以向第三方提供一項或多項投資服務爲常規職能或業務的法人,及/或以專業的方式開展一項或多項投資活動的法人。該框架涉及的投資服務和活動在MiFID II附錄I的第A部分列出。
執行的交易 - 就MiFIR交易報告而言,“交易”指完成買賣MiFIR覆蓋的金融産品。當一筆交易是由于投資公司完成以下活動而産生時,該筆交易視爲被執行:
IB經紀商 - 交易由以下盈透證券集團實體(“IB經紀商”)接收和/或傳遞之金融産品的賬戶:
MiFIR覆蓋的金融産品 - (歐盟)法規第600/2014號第26 (2)條(MiFIR)規定了與以下金融産品交易有關的交易報告義務,不論此類交易是否在交易場所進行:
該法規覆蓋的金融産品在MiFID II的C部分作了法律上的列舉:
(1) 可轉讓證券;
(2) 貨幣市場産品;
(3) 集合投資活動的單位;
(4) 與證券、貨幣、利率或回報率、排放配額或其它衍生産品、金融指數或金融指標有關的,且可用實物或現金結算的期權、期貨、互換、遠期利率協議及任意其它衍生品合約;
(5) 與大宗商品有關的,且必須以現金結算或在未發生違約或其它終止事件的情况下可由交易的一方選擇以現金結算的期權、期貨、互換、遠期及任意其它衍生品合約;
(6) 與大宗商品有關、且可用實物結算的期權、期貨、互換及任意其它衍生品合約,前提是此類合約在受監管的市場、多邊交易設施(MTF)或有組織交易設施(OTF)上交易,但在OTF上交易且必須以實物結算的批發能源産品除外;
(7) 可用實物結算但未在本段第6點中提及的與大宗商品有關的期權、期貨、互換、遠期及任意其它衍生品合約,此類合約不用于商業用途,而具有其它衍生金融産品的特點;
(8) 用于轉移信用風險的衍生品;
(9) 金融差價合約;
(10) 與氣候變量、運費率、通貨膨脹率或其它官方經濟指標有關的,且必須以現金結算或在未發生違約或其它終止事件的情况下可由交易的一方選擇以現金結算的期權、期貨、互換、遠期利率協議及任意其它衍生品合約,以及與資産、權利、義務、指數及本部分未提及的指標有關、且在某些方面(包括但不限于是否在受監管的市場、OTF或MTF上交易)具有其它衍生金融産品的特徵的任意其它衍生品合約;
(11) 由2003/87/EC號法令(排放交易機制)承認的任意單位構成的排放配額。
國民身份識別信息 - 在MiFIR下,自然人必須根據特定國民識別信息的優先級要求報告該識別信息,其中優先級取决于MiFIR認可的國籍。身份識別信息可爲護照、身份證、稅務代碼、個人代碼或全名和生日的串聯(“串聯”)。IB經紀商只要求客戶提供IBUK尚未獲得的國民身份識別信息。
法律實體標識(“LEI”)= 一個基于ISO 17442的由20字符構成的獨特識別信息,用于在全球範圍內識別參與金融交易的法律實體。
能以客觀可衡量的方式降低風險的大宗商品衍生品交易- 在報告大宗商品衍生品交易時,IB經紀商須說明該交易根據2014/65/EU號指引第57條(第57條)是否能以客觀可衡量的方式降低風險。 僅當此類交易是來自非金融實體持有的賬戶,且根據第57條,此類實體通過該賬戶交易大宗商品衍生品的目的是客觀降低與其業務活動直接有關的風險時,IB經紀商才會允許此類交易。(如生産小麥的公司交易此類衍生品以對沖業務活動的風險)。(如生産小麥的公司交易此類衍生品以對沖業務活動的風險)。
在有報告義務的公司負責做投資决策的個人或算法 - 在MiFIR下,投資公司有義務在交易報告中列明公司內負責就買/賣金融産品做投資决策的主要負責人或算法。只有單個個人或算法可被認定爲是某筆交易的負責人,而投資公司必須根據委員會委托監管條款(歐盟)2017/590號第8條的規定報告此類個人或算法。
在有報告義務的公司負責執行交易的個人 - 委員會委托監管條款(歐盟)2017/590號第9條要求投資公司報告决定接入哪個交易場所[…]、向哪家公司傳遞委托單或與委托單執行有關的任意其它條件的個人或算法。對于大多數交易報告,本要求僅適用于IB經紀商,但由于IB經紀商通常是執行交易的實體,當一家通過委托交易報告計劃委托IB經紀商報告交易的投資公司提交委托單時,提交委托單的特定用戶將被作爲負責執行交易的個人進行報告。
委員會委托監管條款(歐盟)2017/590號第4條 - 委托單傳遞
1. 僅當以下條件被滿足後,根據(歐盟)第600/2014號法規第26(4)條傳遞定單的投資公司(定單傳遞公司)才被視爲傳遞了該委托單:
(a) 委托單來自其客戶或源于其根據一位或多位客戶向其提供的全權委托指令購入或處置特定金融産品的决定;
(b) 委托單傳遞公司已將第2段中提及的定單詳情傳遞給了另一家投資公司(定單接收公司);
(c) 委托單接收公司受(歐盟)第600/2014號法規第26(1)條之約束,且同意報告該定單的交易或根據本條款將委托單詳情傳遞給另一家投資公司。
2. 就某個給定的委托單而言,應根據第1段傳遞以下委托單詳情:
(a) 金融産品的識別碼;
(b) 委托單的目的是收購還是處置金融産品;
(c) 委托單中列明的價格和數量;
(d) 委托單傳遞公司的客戶就定單而言的標識和詳細信息;
(e) 當投資决策是根據代理權做出時,應表明客戶的决策者的標識和詳情;
(f) 識別做空交易的標識;
(g) 識別在委托單傳遞公司內負責做投資决策的的個人或算法的指示;
(h) 投資公司內負責監督做投資决策的個人的分支所在的國家,及從客戶處收到委托單或根據客戶的全權委托指令代表客戶做投資决策的分支所在的國家;
(i) 對于大宗商品衍生品委托單,表明該交易根據2014/65/EU號指引第57條是否旨在以客觀可衡量的方式降低風險;
(j) 委托單傳遞公司的識別碼。
3. 當某個委托單涉及一家以上傳遞公司時,第2段第一子段(d)到(i)點中所指的委托單詳情應針對第一家傳遞公司的客戶。
4. 當委托單包含多個客戶時,第2段所指的信息應針對單個客戶傳遞。
注:常見MiFIR定義和條款列表,請見 KB2980
2018年1月3日起,全新的2014/65/EC號指引(“MiFID II”)和(歐盟)600/2014 號法規(“MiFIR”)將生效,届時將爲2007年通過金融工具市場指引(“MiFID I”)創建的交易報告(“MiFIR交易報告”)框架帶來重大變革。
需報告的項目已從MiFID I體系下的23項增長至MIFIR下的65項。新增的信息要求包括:
有關不直接受MiFIR管轄的賬戶持有人需要提供哪些信息,詳情請見知識庫文章 KB2976。
注:常見MiFIR定義和條款列表,請見 KB2980
The Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products Regulation - EU No 1286/2014 (“PRIIPs Regulation” or “PRIIPs”) became applicable on 1 January 2018.
A PRIIP is defined as any investment where the amount repayable to the investor is subject to fluctuations because of exposure to reference values. PRIIPs include ETFs, options, futures, CFDs, structured products, etc.
The Regulation requires product manufacturers to create Key Information Documents (KIDs) and persons advising or selling PRIIPs to provide retail investors based in the European Economic Area (EEA) with KIDs to enable those investors to better understand and compare products. The UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has equivalent requirements for UK residents.
As a broker, IBKR is required to block trading in a PRIIP if a KID is not available.
The objectives of the PRIIPs Regulation.
Since the financial crisis of 2008, one of the main objectives of the European Commission has been to increase consumer protection and rebuild confidence in financial markets.
The Regulation specifies that the Key Information Document (KID) must be prepared in a standardised format.
By defining a standard format and content for the KID, the Regulation aims to:
What is a KID?
The KID is a 3-page document that contains important details of the product including general description, cost, risk reward profile and possible performance scenarios.
Who is the regulation applicable to?
The Regulation applies to both PRIIPs manufacturers and distributors. The responsibility to create and maintain the document falls to the product manufacturer. However, any distributor or financial intermediary that sells or provides advice about PRIIPs to a retail investor, or receives a buy order for a PRIIP from a retail investor, must provide the investor with a KID. This also applies to execution-only, online environments.
Who should receive a KID?
Retail investors domiciled in the EEA and the UK should receive a KID prior to investing in a PRIIP. If no KID is available from the manufacturer, the PRIIP will be restricted from trading for EEA and UK retail clients.
Generally KIDs must be provided in an official language of the country in which a client is resident.
However, clients of IBKR have agreed to receive communications in English, and therefore if a KID is available in English all EEA and UK clients can trade the product regardless of their country of residence.
If a KID is not available in English, but one is available in another language, German for example, the PRIIP can only be traded by retail clients who are citizens of, or resident in countries where that language is an official language, in this example Germany, Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg or Liechtenstein.
Special Case – US ETFs
U.S. clients are not impacted by PRIIPs, so the issuers of U.S. listed ETFs do not as a rule create KIDs. This means that EEA and UK Retail clients may not purchase the product. Clients nevertheless have several options:
We categorize all individual clients as “Retail” by default as this affords clients the broadest level of protection afforded by MiFID. Client who are categorised as “Professional” do not receive the same level of protection as “Retail” but are not subject to the KIDs requirement. As defined under MiFID II rules, “Professional” clients include regulated entities, large clients and individuals who have asked to be re-categorised as “elective professional clients” and meet the MiFID II requirements based on their knowledge, experience and financial capability.
We provide an online step-by-step process that allows “Retail” to request that their categorisation be changed to “Professional". The qualifications for re-categorisation along with the steps for requesting that one’s categorisation be considered are outlined here or, to directly apply for a change in categorisation, the questionnaire is available in the Client Portal/Account Management.
Implications for Interactive Brokers:
In order to meet the PRIIPs Regulation, where required, IB UK will provide KIDs electronically by means of a website (“PRIIPs KID Landing Page”).
Where can I find the PRIIPs KID Landing Page?
The KIDs can be accessed from our designated PRIIPs KID Landing Page. There are three different ways you can find the KIDs. They are available through the IBKR Trader Workstation (“TWS”), the IBKR website and Client Portal.
1. Find KIDs through TWS:
2. Find KIDs through the IBKR website:
3. Find KIDs through Client Portal:
Can I potentially get exposure to a US ETF/other PRIIPs restricted product through a CFD?
An investor could potentially get exposure to a U.S. ETF or other PRIIPs restricted product when trading a CFD (Contract for Difference) as some CFDs are designed to track the performance of underlying assets, including ETFs and other PRIIPs products.
If an investor trades a CFD that is designed to track the performance of a U.S. ETF or other PRIIPs product, the investor may be indirectly investing in that underlying asset. This is because the CFD's value is based on the value of the underlying asset, and any gains or losses in the value of the underlying asset will be reflected in the value of the CFD.
European Economic Area (EEA) - As of October 2017, the EEA consists of the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom.
Investment Firms - Article 4 (1) (1) of MiFID II defines investment firm as any legal person whose regular occupation or business is the provision of one or more investment services to third parties and/or the performance of one or more investment activities on a professional basis. The investment services and activities covered by the framework are listed in Section A of Annex I of MiFID II.
Transactions Executed - For the purposes of MiFIR Transaction Reporting, a transaction is the conclusion of an acquisition or disposal of one of the financial instruments covered by MiFIR. A transaction is considered to be executed when it resulted from one of the following activities performed by an Investment Firm:
[Ref: Articles 2 and 3 of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/590]
IB Broker - Accounts that trade financial instruments which are received and/or transmitted by one of the following Interactive Brokers Group entities ("IB Brokers"):
Financial Instruments Covered by MiFIR - Article 26 (2) of Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 (MiFIR) lays out the transaction reporting obligation with regard to transactions in financial instruments listed below, irrespective of whether or not such transactions are carried out on the trading venue:
The financial instruments covered by this requirement are legally enumerated in Section C of MiFID II:
(1) Transferable securities;
(2) Money-market instruments;
(3) Units in collective investment undertakings;
(4) Options, futures, swaps, forward rate agreements and any other derivative contracts relating to securities, currencies, interest rates or yields, emission allowances or other derivatives instruments, financial indices or financial measures which may be settled physically or in cash;
(5) Options, futures, swaps, forwards and any other derivative contracts relating to commodities that must be settled in cash or may be settled in cash at the option of one of the parties other than by reason of default or other termination event;
(6) Options, futures, swaps, and any other derivative contract relating to commodities that can be physically settled provided that they are traded on a regulated market, a MTF, or an OTF, except for wholesale energy products traded on an OTF that must be physically settled;
(7) Options, futures, swaps, forwards and any other derivative contracts relating to commodities, that can be physically settled not otherwise mentioned in point 6 of this Section and not being for commercial purposes, which have the characteristics of other derivative financial instruments;
(8) Derivative instruments for the transfer of credit risk;
(9) Financial contracts for differences;
(10) Options, futures, swaps, forward rate agreements and any other derivative contracts relating to climatic variables, freight rates or inflation rates or other official economic statistics that must be settled in cash or may be settled in cash at the option of one of the parties other than by reason of default or other termination event, as well as any other derivative contracts relating to assets, rights, obligations, indices and measures not otherwise mentioned in this Section, which have the characteristics of other derivative financial instruments, having regard to whether, inter alia, they are traded on a regulated market, OTF, or an MTF;
(11) Emission allowances consisting of any units recognised for compliance with the requirements of Directive 2003/87/EC (Emissions Trading Scheme).
National Identifiers - Under MiFIR, natural persons must be reported by using specific national identifiers required under a priority order that depends and varies on the Country of citizenship that is identified as relevant under MiFIR. The identifier can be a passport, a national ID card, a tax or personal code or a concatenation of full name and date of birth (“CONCAT”). The IB Broker will only request clients to provide national identifiers that are not already available.
Legal Entity Identifiers (“LEI”) = 20-character unique identifier based on the ISO 17442 for the global identification of legal entities that engage in financial transactions.
Commodity Derivatives Transactions that reduce risk in an objectively measurable way - When reporting transactions in commodity derivatives, the IB Broker will have to specify whether the transaction reduces risk in an objectively measurable way in accordance with Article 57 of Directive 2014/65/EU (“Art 57”). The IB Broker will allow such transactions only from accounts held by entities that are non-financial entities using the account for trades in commodity derivatives that are intended to objectively reduce risk directly relating to their commercial activity in accordance with Art 57. (e.g. company that produces wheat that trades in such derivatives to hedge its commercial activity).
Account holders that make such a declaration in the Trading Permission section of their Account Management, agree that all the transactions executed in commodity derivatives for that account will be executed for reducing the risk under Art 57, and the IB Broker will report the relevant transactions accordingly.
Individual or algorithm responsible at the reporting firm for making the investment decision - Under MiFIR, Investment Firms are required to include in their transaction reports the identification of the individual or algorithm that was primarily responsible for making the investment decision within the firm to acquire or dispose of a financial instrument. Only one individual or algorithm can be identified as responsible with regard to a transaction, and Investment Firms must identify such individual or algorithm as specified in Article 8 of commission delegated regulation (EU) 2017/590.
In accordance with these requirements, your IB Broker has implemented a new section in Account Management and new features in the IB Trader Workstation to allow Investment Firms that report their transactions through an IB Broker to identify individuals and algorithms in compliance with the new obligations.
Individual responsible at the reporting firm for the execution of a transaction - Art 9 of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/590 requires Investment Firms to identify individuals or algorithms responsible for determining which trading venue to access […], which firms to transmit orders to or any other condition related to the execution of an order. While this requirement applies only to IB Brokers for the majority of the transactions reports (because the IB Broker is usually the entity that executes the transaction), when an order is submitted by an Investment Firm that transaction reports through an IB Broker via the Delegated Transaction Reporting, the specific user that has submitted the order will be reported as responsible for executing the transaction.
Article 4 of commission delegated regulation (EU) 2017/590 - Transmission of an order
1. An investment firm transmitting an order pursuant to Article 26(4) of Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 (transmitting firm) shall be deemed to have transmitted that order only if the following conditions are met:
(a) the order was received from its client or results from its decision to acquire or dispose of a specific financial instrument in accordance with a discretionary mandate provided to it by one or more clients;
(b) the transmitting firm has transmitted the order details referred to in paragraph 2 to another investment firm (receiving firm);
(c) the receiving firm is subject to Article 26(1) of Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 and agrees either to report the transaction resulting from the order concerned or to transmit the order details in accordance with this Article to another investment firm.
For the purposes of point (c) of the first subparagraph the agreement shall specify the time limit for the provision of the order details by the transmitting firm to the receiving firm and provide that the receiving firm shall verify whether the order details received contain obvious errors or omissions before submitting a transaction report or transmitting the order in accordance with this Article.
2. The following order details shall be transmitted in accordance with paragraph 1, insofar as pertinent to a given order:
(a) the identification code of the financial instrument;
(b) whether the order is for the acquisition or disposal of the financial instrument;
(c) the price and quantity indicated in the order;
(d) the designation and details of the client of the transmitting firm for the purposes of the order;
(e) the designation and details of the decision maker for the client where the investment decision is made under a power of representation;
(f) a designation to identify a short sale;
(g) a designation to identify a person or algorithm responsible for the investment decision within the transmitting firm;
(h) country of the branch of the investment firm supervising the person responsible for the investment decision and country of the investment firm's branch that received the order from the client or made an investment decision for a client in accordance with a discretionary mandate given to it by the client;
(i) for an order in commodity derivatives, an indication whether the transaction is to reduce risk in an objectively measurable way in accordance with Article 57 of Directive 2014/65/EU;
(j) the code identifying the transmitting firm.
For the purposes of point (d) of the first subparagraph, where the client is a natural person, the client shall be designated in accordance with Article 6. For the purposes of point (j) of the first subparagraph, where the order transmitted was received from a prior firm that did not transmit the order in accordance with the conditions set out in this Article, the code shall be the code identifying the transmitting firm. Where the order transmitted was received from a prior transmitting firm in accordance with the conditions set out in this Article, the code provided pursuant to point (j) referred to in the first subparagraph shall be the code identifying the prior transmitting firm.
3. Where there is more than one transmitting firm in relation to a given order, the order details referred to in points (d) to (i) of the first subparagraph of paragraph 2 shall be transmitted in respect of the client of the first transmitting firm.
4. Where the order is aggregated for several clients, information referred to in paragraph 2 shall be transmitted for each client.
Also see:
Overview of MIFIR Transaction Reporting
MiFIR Enriched and Delegated Transaction Reporting for EEA Investment Firms
MiFIR Information Required from Account Holders that do not have Reporting Obligations
The MiFIR Transaction Reporting regime requires Investment Firms, like your IB Broker, to include specific client identifiers in their transaction reports.
Accounts that trade in financial instruments which are received and/or transmitted by one of the following Interactive Brokers Group entities (“IB Brokers”) will need to be identified in the IB Broker’s reports by using specific identifiers that may or may not be already available to it.
Similarly, Investment Firms that use the IB platform for their clients’ orders and have elected to transaction report through their IB Broker will have to use the same identifiers for their client orders. If you are the client of such a firm, your IB Broker may need additional information from you to complete the transaction reports.
Information Required
When additional information is necessary for this purpose, clients will be asked to provide it via the completion of an electronic form available in the Account Management.
The information requested for these accounts is:
Note: For a listing of common MiFIR definitions and terms, see KB2980
Who is Subject to the MiFIR Transaction Reporting Requirements?
All EEA and UK investment firms (collectively, "Investment Firms") are subject to the reporting requirements and will have to report all transactions executed in financial instruments covered by MiFIR within one working day from their execution.
The below entities (“IB Brokers”), will offer assistance to IB clients that are Investment Firms in complying with the new requirements:
With the exception of Omnibus Introducing Brokers, where applicable, that utilise the IB platform (in which all their underlying client positions are held in one or more omnibus accounts), all IB clients that are EEA Investment Firms will be able to elect to have their IB Broker report on their behalf. The IB Broker will report for IB clients based on two distinct reporting mechanisms implemented in accordance with the Regulation: Enriched Transaction Reporting and Delegated Transaction Reporting.
In compliance with Article 4 of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/590, if an IB Broker includes details of orders submitted by clients that are Investment Firms (“the transmitting firm”) in its own transaction reports, the transmitting firm is exempt from reporting these transactions.
Enriched Transaction Reporting will only apply to transactions in financial instruments carried by an IB Broker submitted for execution by an Investment Firm for the benefit of the Investment Firm’s clients (for example, a Financial Advisor, Fund Manager or Introducing Broker Account submitting orders for its clients' subaccounts).
Delegated Transaction Reporting services are provided by an IB Broker to Investment Firms for all other transactions submitted by the Investment Firm.
This includes transactions entered by the Investment Firm for its own proprietary account, transactions submitted on the basis of discretionary mandates given by their clients and transactions in Financial Instruments for which an IB Broker is not the carrying broker (i.e., any transaction in a financial instrument where another IB affiliate is the carrying broker). Delegated transaction reporting does not apply where the trades are submitted directly by clients of the Investment Firm.
These reports will be submitted to the National Competent Authority (“NCA”) of the Country of legal residence recorded in the Legal Entity Identifier of the account for which the Delegated Transaction Reporting was enabled (e.g., if the Investment Firm’s legal residence is Netherlands, transactions will be reported to the Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM)).
Clients will only need to sign one agreement with an IB Broker to cover both Enriched and Delegated Transaction Reporting.
How to Sign Up for the Enriched and Delegated Transaction Reporting Service
Investment Firms (other than Omnibus Introducing Brokers) will be prompted to complete an electronic form in the Account Management system during which it will be possible to accept to use IB’s Enriched and Delegated Transaction Reporting Service.
Investment Firms that are Omnibus Introducing Brokers on the IB platform will not have the ability to activate the Enriched and Delegated Transaction Reporting.
Investment Firms that utilise IB’s Enriched and Delegated Transaction Reporting Service will need to sign the relevant legal agreement and provide the following information:
How the New Requirements Will Affect the Account Management and the IB Order Entry System
Some of the information required for the submission of a transaction report may change on an order by order basis, and may require input of the person submitting the trade. Hence, IB has amended IB Account Management and the IB Order Entry System to allow traders to provide the necessary information.
Accounts that want to use IB’s Enriched and Delegated Transaction Reporting Service shall select the authorised traders and list the Algorithm IDs that may be responsible for making an investment decision.
The traders and algorithms listed in Account Management will be displayed in a new dropdown field of the IB Trader Workstation at the time of the order submission. This field will show the default value selected in Account Management of the account. The client will be able to change this by selecting another value present in the dropdown list.
The IB Trader Workstation will allow an authorised trader on the account for which the Enriched and Delegated Transaction Reporting was activated to select one person or algorithm as responsible for the investment decision within the firm with regard to the specific order submitted.
Note: For a listing of common MiFIR definitions and terms, see KB2980