1. クライアント・ポータルにログインしてください。
2. ユーザーメニュー(右上端にある人型のアイコンです)をクリックしてから、セキュア・メッセージセンター をクリックしてください。
3. 「新規のメッセージを書く」ボタンの横にある設定 (ギヤ)アイコンをクリックしてください。
4. メッセージ設定の画面が表示されます
5. ドロップダウンリストから、第一と第二言語を選択してください。
6. セキュア・メッセージ配信の項目からご希望の配信方法を選択してください。
7. 保存をクリックして変更内容を保存してください。
To address changes in our business, technology, services, markets, and other factors, Interactive Brokers Canada Inc. has revised the terms of our standard client agreement (Form 3206) ("Amended IB CAN Client Agreement").
For IB CAN accounts opened prior to June 9, 2021, the Amended IB CAN Agreement will be effective as of June 25, 2021. Continuing to maintain an IBKR account after June 25, 2021 shall constitute acceptance of the Amended IB CAN Client Agreement.*
The full text of the Amended IB CAN Client Agreement can be reviewed here:
Sections or subsections (indicated in parentheses) of the Amended IB CAN Client Agreement that are new include, but are not limited to:
• Notice Requirements and Amendment of Terms (3)
• Special Risks of Algorithmic Orders (5 B)
• Payment for Orders and Rebates (6)
• Order Execution (8 C on pre-trade filters)
• Designation of Trusted Contact Person (12)
• U.S. Residents (14)
• Margin (15 B iii, iv and v)
• Closing Rights Positions Prior to Expiration (17)
• Mutual Funds (18)
• Worthless and Non-Transferable Securities (19)
• Position Limits (20)
• Unclaimed Property (29)
• Commissions and Fees, Interest Charges, Funds (33 C, D and E)
• Exposure Fees (34 B)
• Risks Regarding Political and Governmental Actions (36)
• Fractional shares (37 B)
• Indemnification (41)
• Fast and Volatile Markets (43)
• Physically Deliverable Futures (Schedule A / referenced in 32) *
Sections or subsections of the Amended Client Agreement that are not entirely new but have been substantively amended include, but are not limited to:
• Client Agreement (1)
• No Advice Regarding Investment, Tax, Trading or Account Type (2)
• Responsibility for Client Orders/Trades (4)
• Order Routing (5 A)
• Order Execution (8 A and B)
• Confirmations and Reporting Errors (9)
• Proprietary Trading – Display of Customer Orders (10)
• Client Qualification (11)
• Margin (15 B i and ii)
• Liquidation of Positions and Offsetting Transactions (16 all subsections)
• Universal Accounts (22)
• Short Sales (23)
• IBKR's Right to Loan/Pledge Assets (24)
• Security Interest (25)
• Event of Default (27)
• Suspicious Activity (28)
• Multi-Currency Function in IBKR Accounts (30 all subsections)
• Commodity Options and Futures Not Settled in Cash (32 all subsections)
• Commissions and Fees, Interest Charges, Funds (33 A and B)
• Account Deficits (34 A)
• Limitation of Liability (40 A)
• Client Must Maintain Alternative Trading Arrangements (42)
• Equity Options (57)
• Futures and Futures Options (58)
*Client's indication of an intent to make or take delivery on any Covered Contract as defined in Schedule A of the Amended Client Agreement shall constitute acceptance of the Amended Client Agreement as of the date of Client's indication of such intent, even if prior to June 25, 2021.
Interactive Brokers LLCでは、業務内容やテクノロジー、サービスの変更、またマーケットなどの変動に伴い、弊社がスタンダードとして使用するクライアント・アグリーメント(Form 3203)(「変更版クライアント・アグリーメント」)の諸条件の見直しを行っております。
2021年4月6日以前に開設されたIB LLC口座には、2021年6月11日より変更版のIB LLCアグリーメントが有効となります。 2021年6月11日以降もIBKR口座を保有される場合には、変更版クライアント・アグリーメントにご同意いただくことを意味します。*
変更版クライアント・アグリーメントの全文はこちらよりご確認ください: https://gdcdyn.interactivebrokers.com/Universal/servlet/Registration_v2....
To address changes in our business, technology, services, markets, and other factors, Interactive Brokers LLC has revised the terms of our standard client agreement (Form 3203) ("Amended IB LLC Client Agreement").
For IB LLC accounts opened prior to April 16, 2021, the Amended IB LLC Agreement will be effective as of June 11, 2021. Continuing to maintain an IBKR account after June 11, 2021 shall constitute acceptance of the Amended IB LLC Client Agreement.*
The full text of the Amended IB LLC Client Agreement can be reviewed here: https://gdcdyn.interactivebrokers.com/Universal/servlet/Registration_v2....
Sections or subsections (indicated in parentheses) of the Amended IB LLC Client Agreement that are new include, but are not limited to:
Sections or subsections of the Amended Client Agreement that are not entirely new but have been substantively amended include, but are not limited to:
*Client’s indication of an intent to make or take delivery on any Covered Contract as defined in Schedule A of the Amended Client Agreement shall constitute acceptance of the Amended Client Agreement as of the date of Client's indication of such intent, even if prior to June 11, 2021.
What are IBKR Notes?
IBKR notes are short term debt securities issued periodically by IBG LLC. Interactive Brokers LLC (IB), a broker-dealer affiliate of IBG LLC is the sole placement agent for the Notes. The U.S. dollar denominated Notes are issued at face value in $1,000 increments and the minimum subscription is $10,000. The Notes mature no later than the 30th day following issuance but may be redeemed sooner. The Notes pay a fixed rate of interest, which is set by adding a spread to the effective Federal Funds rate as reported by the New York Federal Reserve Bank on the morning of the date the Notes are sold to the purchaser. The minimum Rate is 0.50% per annum, and all interest is due and payable upon the earlier of the date of redemption or maturity of the Notes.
Who is eligible to invest in IBKR Notes?
Clients who are Accredited Investors are eligible to subscribe to IBKR Notes. If you are interested in further information about this private placement, you may confirm your Accredited Investor status and access the restricted IBKR Notes Program section of the Client Portal, which contains the confidential Offering Memorandum, Subscription Agreement and other information about the IBKR Notes Program.
Only US persons will be able to participate at this time.
Additional Information
Where can I sign up for IBKR Notes?
Qualified clients can use the button above or follow the below procedure to request to participate in the IBKR Notes program:
How are the rates determined for IBKR Notes?
The issuer sets the interest rate for each Notes issuance at its discretion. The minimum interest rate for a Notes issuance is 0.50%. When there is a new Notes issuance, IBG LLC announces a Spread rate at least two days in advance. The Interest Rate on the Note is the Spread Rate plus the Benchmark Rate, which is the Federal Funds Rate on the morning of the new issuance.
Can I choose which IBKR Notes to invest in?
Yes. So long as you are enrolled in the IBKR Notes Program and have indicated via the Client Portal your intention to participate in future Notes Program issuances, you have a standing order to automatically purchase Notes from the Issuer, if and when offered by the Issuer, with free credit balances in your IBKR account (the “Free Cash Balance” is generally defined as cash in your IBKR account in excess of margin requirements and short stock value). IBKR provides controls to allow you to place parameters on your standing order, including, a maximum amount of Notes to purchase (in dollars) and a minimum Free Cash Balance to leave in your account after purchasing the Notes.
What are the minimum and maximum investment sizes for IBKR Notes?
Investors must purchase a minimum of $10,000 in aggregate principal amount of Notes and may not purchase more than $25,000,000 in aggregate principal amount. Notes are issued only in book-entry form, in denominations of $1,000 and integral multiples of $1,000.
Can IBKR Notes be redeemed early?
The Notes are redeemable prior to maturity only at the option of the Issuer. If the Issuer redeems the Notes prior to maturity, you will receive a notice of redemption. The principal and accrued and unpaid interest to and excluding the date of redemption will be credited to your IBKR account. Notes holders do not have the option to redeem their Notes holdings early.
Can I change my investment preferences in IBKR Notes?
Yes, you may change your Maximum Investment Amount and Minimum Uninvested Cash amount at any time by notifying us through Client Portal. You may also temporarily or permanently suspend your participation by setting the “Invest in All Upcoming Notes” preference to Off.
If you suspend your participation in the Notes Program, IBKR will not sell you Notes during any future issuances, but you will continue to hold existing Notes in your account until the earlier of their maturity or redemption. You may re-activate your participation in the Notes Program though the Client Portal at any time by setting the “Invest in All Upcoming Notes” preference to On.
Can I terminate my participation in the IBKR Notes program?
You may terminate your participation in the IBKR Notes Program at any time by notifying us through the Client Portal. IBKR may also terminate your participation in the Notes Program at any time and for any reason, including if you no longer meet the eligibility requirements or if you do not reaffirm that you meet such requirements upon our request. If your participation in the program is terminated, IBKR will not sell you Notes in any future issuance, but you will continue to hold existing Notes in your account until the earlier of their maturity or redemption. In addition, you will not be permitted to re-activate your participation in the Notes program without re-enrollment.
How are IBKR Notes reported on my Activity Statement?
IBKR Notes will be reported like a Bond on your Activity Statement. You will see Bond activity in various sections of your statement including the Performance Summary, Open Positions, Trades, and Financial Instrument Information sections. During the holding period, accrued interest is not reflected on the statement. Interest payments will be reflected upon redemption or maturity.
What happens if an IBKR Notes offering is oversubscribed?
In the event that an IBKR Notes offering is oversubscribed, IBKR will allocate notes to potential investors at its sole discretion. There is no guarantee that any potential investor, including you, will be allocated Notes.
Will the returns for IBKR Notes be included in Portfolio Analyst?
Yes, returns for IBKR Notes will be included in your Portfolio Analyst reports.
Are Notes Transferable?
No. Notes cannot be transferred between accounts at IBKR or to an external account. Notes must remain in the account they were initially allocated to until they mature (unless redeemed early by IBKR).
What happens if I close my account before my IBKR Note matures?
Clients must hold the Notes until they mature (unless redeemed early by IBKR). If you would like to close your account while you hold Notes, you may submit a close account request and request a transfer of your assets. However, Notes are non-transferrable, and the account will remain open until the Notes have matured and all assets have been transferred out of your account. During this period, account fees and charges may continue to apply. Please contact Customer Service should your account closure request be pending due to an existing Notes position before processing.
Can an advisor invest in IBKR Notes on behalf of their clients?
Yes. Advisors with trading discretion over their client accounts can invest in IBKR Notes on behalf of eligible clients through the IBKR CRM.
Are IBKR Notes included in the Net Liquidation Value calculation for fee-based advisor clients?
Yes. The value of the IBKR Notes in an IBKR account will be included in the calculation of Net Liquidation Value (NLV) fees. Interest will also be included in the calculation.
If I place a trade that uses the minimum required spare cash to invest in IBKR Notes, will my notes be liquidated?
The minimum spare cash requirement to invest in IBKR Notes is checked only when placing the initial Notes investment. It is not required to be maintained while the Note is outstanding.
Are IBKR Notes included in my Equity with Loan Value?
Yes, IBKR Notes are included in calculating your Equity with Loan Value.
If my account is in a margin deficit, will IBKR liquidate IBKR Notes?
If your account is in a margin deficit, IBKR will not liquidate your investment in IBKR Notes.
Additional Information
Where can I find the IBKR Notes Offering Memorandum?
The IBKR Notes Offering Memorandum is available at the time of enrollment as well as within the IBKR Notes page in the Client Portal. You may access this page by selecting Settings followed by Account Settings and Invest in IBKR Notes within the configuration section, and clicking the download Offering Memorandum link.
Are IBKR Notes marginable?
No. IBKR Notes are non-marginable and are ineligible for use as margin collateral. Additionally, the Initial Purchase will be capped to the USD cash balance in an account. An investment in IBKR Notes is not allowed if the purchase causes a USD debit balance.
Does the interest rate on an IBKR Note vary by amount invested?
No. All holders of a specific Note receive the same interest rate regardless of their individual investment amount.
How liquid are IBKR Notes?
The Notes are illiquid. No public market exists for the Notes. They are non-transferable and cannot be traded.
Are IBKR Notes “cash equivalents”?
No. IBKR Notes are illiquid short term debt investments. Cash equivalents generally are highly liquid instruments which are readily convertible into known amounts of cash.
How often are IBKR Notes issued?
Notes are issued at the discretion of the issuer.
What is the notice period for new IBKR Notes issuances?
There is a two-day notice period prior to newly issued Notes being allocated to your account. For example, if a new issuance notification is sent on Monday, the Note will post to your account on Wednesday evening. Interest begins accruing on settlement date (T+1), which would be Thursday.
How is interest calculated for IBKR Notes?
IBKR conforms to international standards for day-counting when calculating the interest paid on IBKR Notes.
IBKR utilizes the 30/360-day count convention, which means that interest income is determined based on a 360-day year. The actual number of calendar days each Note will be outstanding for is 30. But the number of days which accrue interest may be greater or lesser than 30 based on the specific time period Notes are issued, redeemed or mature.
Are Notes insured by SIPC, FDIC or any other entity?
No, the Notes are not insured by SIPC, FDIC or any other entity.
Any information provided about the IBKR Notes Program by Interactive Brokers LLC should not be construed as a solicitation or recommendation of any investment product. Each investor should review and determine independently whether or not IBKR Notes is suitable for them to invest in. In addition, all investors interested in IBKR Notes should review the details and associated risks found within the offering memorandum, accessible through the Client Portal.
Advanced Micro-Fabrication Equipment Inc. (AMEC)
Aero Engine Corporation of China
AECC Aviation Power
Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC)
Beijing Zhongguancun Development Investment Center
China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT)
China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC)
China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC)
China Communications Construction Company (CCCC)
China Construction Technology Co. Ltd. (CCTC)
China Electronics Corporation (CEC)
China Electronics Technology Group Corporation (CETC)
China General Nuclear Power Corp.
CGN Power Co. Ltd.
China International Engineering Consulting Corp. (CIECC)
China Mobile Communications Group
China Mobile LTD.
China National Aviation holding Co. Ltd. (CNAH)
China National Chemical Corporation (ChemChina)
China National Chemical Engineering Co. Ltd.
China National Chemical Engineering Group Co., Ltd. (CNCEC)
China National Nuclear Corp.
China National Nuclear Power Co. Ltd.
China National Offshore Oil Corp. (CNOOC)
CNOOC Limited
China North Industries Group Corporation (Norinco Group)
China North Industries Corp.
Norinco International Corporation Ltd.
China Nuclear Engineering & Construction Corporation (CNECC)
China Railway Construction Corporation (CRCC)
China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC)
China Shipbuilding Industry Group Power Co. Ltd.
China South Industries Group Corporation (CSGC)
China Spacesat
China State Construction Group Co., Ltd.
China State Construction Engineering Corp. Ltd.
China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC)
China Telecommunications Corp.
China Telecom Corp. Ltd.
China Three Gorges Corporation Limited
China United Network Communications Group Co. Ltd.
China United Network Communications Corp. Ltd.
China UNICOM Hong Kong Ltd.
Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, Ltd. (COMAC)
CRRC Corp.
Dawning Information Industry Co (Sugon)
Global Tone Communication Technology Co. Ltd. (GTCOM)
GOWIN Semiconductor Corp.
Grand China Air Co. Ltd. (GCAC)
Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd. (Hikvision)
Inspur Group
Inspur International Ltd.
Luokong Technology Corporation (LKCO)
Offshore Oil Engineering Co. Ltd
Panda Electronics Group
Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp. (SMIC)
Sinochem Corp.
Sinochem Group Co. Ltd.
Sinochem International Corp.
Xiaomi Corporation
アメリカ政府により今後さらに詳しいガイダンスの発表がある場合には、弊社で内容のアップデートを行います。 大統領令による制裁措置の発表は、こちらより、またこれまでに発表されているガイダンスは、こちらよりご確認いただけます。
The U.S. announced additional sanctions related to certain Chinese securities scheduled to go into effect on February 1, March 9, and March 15, 2021. These are an extension of the sanctions regarding other Chinese companies that went into effect on January 11. The U.S. has also recently announced that the application of sanctions against certain Chinese securities will be delayed from January 28 to May 27, 2021.
These sanctions prohibit U.S. persons from purchasing publicly traded securities, including options and other derivatives, of certain companies affiliated with the military of the People's Republic of China. We sent you this notice because you hold a position in at least one of the securities the U.S. has stated will be subject to the sanctions effective March 9, 2021.
Who will the sanctions apply to?
Currently, the sanctions only apply to "U.S. persons." A U.S. person includes, "any United States citizen, permanent resident alien, entity organized under the laws of the United States or any jurisdiction within the United States (including foreign branches), or any person in the United States." The definition of U.S. Persons includes IBKR clients who are resident in, citizens of or incorporated in the U.S, or owned by U.S. persons.
What restrictions will the sanctions place on IBKR Customers who are U.S. Persons?
U.S. Persons may not buy any of the sanctioned securities after the effective date of the sanctions-February 1, March 9, or March 15 as listed below-unless the purchase is to close an existing short position. They may close existing positions in these securities up until June 2, 2022 assuming the listing exchanges offer trading and the clearinghouse will settle the trades. In recognition of these actions, opening orders and inbound transfers of sanctioned securities will not be accepted, effective immediately.
What types of securities do the sanctions cover?
The sanctions cover all securities, including stocks, bonds, warrants, options and other derivatives such as ADRs. The sanctions also cover ETFs, index funds and mutual funds that include the CCMC securities.
What individual securities are subject to the sanctions?
As we noted above, sanctions on the first wave of CCMC securities went into effect on January 11, 2021. We have listed below all of the CCMC issuers whose securities are subject to sanctions and the effective date of those sanctions.
CCMC Securities
Name of Company
Effective Date
Advanced Micro-Fabrication Equipment Inc. (AMEC)
Aero Engine Corporation of China
AECC Aviation Power
Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC)
Beijing Zhongguancun Development Investment Center
China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT)
China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC)
China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC)
China Communications Construction Company (CCCC)
China Construction Technology Co. Ltd. (CCTC)
China Electronics Corporation (CEC)
China Electronics Technology Group Corporation (CETC)
China General Nuclear Power Corp.
CGN Power Co. Ltd.
China International Engineering Consulting Corp. (CIECC)
China Mobile Communications Group
China Mobile LTD.
China National Aviation holding Co. Ltd. (CNAH)
China National Chemical Corporation (ChemChina)
China National Chemical Engineering Co. Ltd.
China National Chemical Engineering Group Co., Ltd. (CNCEC)
China National Nuclear Corp.
China National Nuclear Power Co. Ltd.
China National Offshore Oil Corp. (CNOOC)
CNOOC Limited
China North Industries Group Corporation (Norinco Group)
China North Industries Corp.
Norinco International Corporation Ltd.
China Nuclear Engineering & Construction Corporation (CNECC)
China Railway Construction Corporation (CRCC)
China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC)
China Shipbuilding Industry Group Power Co. Ltd.
China South Industries Group Corporation (CSGC)
China Spacesat
China State Construction Group Co., Ltd.
China State Construction Engineering Corp. Ltd.
China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC)
China Telecommunications Corp.
China Telecom Corp. Ltd.
China Three Gorges Corporation Limited
China United Network Communications Group Co. Ltd.
China United Network Communications Corp. Ltd.
China UNICOM Hong Kong Ltd.
Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, Ltd. (COMAC)
CRRC Corp.
Dawning Information Industry Co (Sugon)
Global Tone Communication Technology Co. Ltd. (GTCOM)
GOWIN Semiconductor Corp.
Grand China Air Co. Ltd. (GCAC)
Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd. (Hikvision)
Inspur Group
Inspur International Ltd.
Luokong Technology Corporation (LKCO)
Offshore Oil Engineering Co. Ltd
Panda Electronics Group
Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp. (SMIC)
Sinochem Corp.
Sinochem Group Co. Ltd.
Sinochem International Corp.
Xiaomi Corporation
We will provide you with an update if the U.S. government issues additional guidance. For reference, the U.S. Executive Order announcing the sanctions is available here and guidance provided to date is available here.
重要点: 口座アクセスに関するご質問が上記の情報で解決しない場合には、クライアントサービス・センターまでご連絡ください。 ログインに関連するリクエストは、セキュリティ上の理由により口座名義人の口頭によるご本人様確認が必要となるため、すべてお電話のみで承っております。クライアントサービス・センターのお問い合わせ番号および営業時間はこちらのリンクよりご確認ください: ibkr.com/support
1. 「無効なユーザー名とパスワードの組み合わせ」のメッセージを受信します
ユーザー名はすべて小文字で入力する必要がありますので、Caps Lock キーがオンになっていな いか確かめてください。
セキュリティに関する重要点: 24時間の間にクライアント・ポータルへのログイン情報を10回連続して間違えて入力した場合には、この後に正しいログイン情報を入力してもロックアウトされます。このロックアウトはハッカーが思いつくパスワードをランダムに試していくことを防止するためです。間違ったログイン情報が最後に入力されてから24時間この状態が続きます。
2. セキュリティデバイスの数字を入力すると「ログインに失敗しました 」のメッセージを受信します
a. テンポラリー・パスコードをご利用の場合、アルファベットはすべて大文字で入力する必要があります
b. セキュリティカードや電子的なデバイスをご利用の場、文字の間にスペースは入れないでください
ログイン情報に関連するリクエストは、セキュリティ上の理由により口座名義人の口頭によるご本人様確認が必要となるため、すべてお電話のみで承っております。 お客様の地域のクライアントサービスセンターのいずれかにお問い合わせください。
テンポラリー・パスコードはセキュリティデバイスがランダムに作成するコードの代わりとなる、英数字からなるコードで変化しません。これを利用して2日間はクライアント・ポータルと取引プラットフォームに通常通りアクセスすることができます。 暫定的なアクセスが2日以上必要な場合にはより高いセキュリティが必要になりますので、テンポラリー・パスコードを使用してクライアント・ポータルにログインし、オンライン・セキュリティーカードを印刷していただきますようお薦め致します。こちらはセキュリティデバイスの代わりとして3週間有効となります。
6. もらったテンポラリー・パスコードの有効期限が切れました
7. 発行してもらったオンライン・セキュリティカードの有効期限が切れました
8. フィジカル・セキュリティデバイスが届くのを待っているのですが、現在口座にログインできません
セキュリティデバイスはお口座に登録されている住所に発送致しますが、客様のお住まいの場所によって米国内の場合は2日間、その他の国の場合には2週間ほどかかります。セキュリティデバイスは手動で有効化されなくても、一定の時間をおいて自動的に有効化されるように設定されています。 自動的に有効化され、口座へのアクセスに問題がある場合には、テクニカルアシスタントセンターまでご連絡ください。
9. テンポラリー・パスコードでクライアント・ポータルにはログインできますが、取引プラットフォームにはログインできません
10. セキュリティデバイスが手元にあり、有効化しようとしています
代替品として届いたデバイスや、一時的に手元にお持ちでなかったためにテンポラリー・パスコードが発行された元のセキュリティデバイスを再度有効化される場合には、クライアント・ポータルにログインしてセキュリティカードを再有効化するメニューを選択してください。 再有効化が完了すると、テンポラリー・パスコードとオンライン・セキュリティカードは無効となります。
11. ユーザー名を入力すると「文字が正しくありません」のメッセージを受信します
IPアドレスのエラーなどテクニカルな問題は無くならないため、口座の完全な保護には二段階ログイン認証プロセスによるSLS (ibkr.com/sls)をのご利用が必要になりますことをご了承ください。