作为一家在美国证监会(SEC)注册、协助客户完成证券交易的交易经纪商,IB LLC须遵守各类与授信和保证金贷款有关的法规。对于外国权益证券(即非美国发行人发行的证券),Reg.T规则允许美国经纪商向符合要求的证券提供保证金贷款,这些证券应在联邦储备委员会定期发布的“外国保证金股票”列表上,或根据美国证监会法规15c3-1或“无异议函(no-action letter)”被视为拥有“现成市场(ready market)”。
2012年11月以前,“现成市场”包含“富时环球指数(FTSE World Index)”中由外国发行人发行的权益证券。. 该定义基于美国证监会1993年的一封无异议函,且基于这样一个前提:尽管这些证券在美国没有现成的流通市场,但其可以方便地在外国市场上卖出。 2012年11月,美国证监会发布了一封后续的无异议函(www.sec.gov/divisions/marketreg/mr-noaction/2012/finra-112812.pdf),该文件拓展了被认为有“现成市场”的外国权益证券的范围,即纳入了不在富时环球指数中、但满足以下四个条件的证券:
1. 在富时环球指数承认的国家的外国交易所上市,且该证券至少在该交易所交易了90天以上;;
2. 外国交易所的每日买价、买价和最后价通过电子报价系统持续向美国经纪商提供;
3. 在其上市交易所前20个工作日的日交易量中位数达到10万股或50万美元以上(不包括执行计算的经纪商买入的股票);
4. 过去10个交易日股票单日的流通总市值超过5亿美元。
IBKR的保证金政策规定,如果一个账户违反保证金要求/保证金不足,则该账户将不能进行转账或其它存款。 如果违反保证金要求/保证金不足,账户将立即面临平仓清算。自动平仓清算会以市价委托单的方式完成,账户中的任何/所有仓位都可能会被清算。某些情况下,由于特定市场行情,保证金不足最好是通过手动平仓清算解决。
含贷款价值的资产(ELV) – 用于确认客户是否有足够的资产开立或维持证券仓位。等于现金 + 股票价值 + 债券价值 + 共同基金价值 + 欧洲和亚洲期权价值(不包括账户期货部分下以市场价值计的美国证券、期货期权和现金)。
大多数平仓清算都是保证金不足导致。保证金账户保证金不足分两种类型:维持保证金和Reg. T保证金。
1. 维持保证金不足:在账户中,含贷款资产价值(ELV)必须始终高于账户所持头寸的当前维持保证金要求(MMR)。ELV和MMR的差额为当前剩余流动性;因此对某些人来说,监控账户更简单的方法是记住账户的当前剩余流动性必须始终为正数。如果当前剩余流动性变成负数,则表明账户维持保证金不足。
2. Reg T保证金不足:账户窗口的余额部分有一个项目叫特殊备忘录账(SMA)。美联储对其规定了执行时间,即美东时间每个交易日的15:50-17:20。在这个时间窗口内,SMA余额必须为正数。如果SMA在美东时间15:50到17:20期间变成负数,则账户将被视为违反Reg T保证金要求。
特殊备忘录账(SMA)表示的不是账户资金或现金,而是在Reg. T保证金账户内证券市场价值上升时产生的信用额度。其目的是为了维护未实现盈利对于后续交易所能提供的购买力,如果没有这种处理,购买力只有通过取出多余资金然后在要进行后续买入时再存入账户才能确定。从这个角度来说,SMA有助于维持账户价值稳定、尽可能减少非必要的资金转账。
要说明SMA是如何运作的,我们先假设账户持有人存入了$5,000美元,然后买了$10,000美元的证券,贷款50%(保证金要求等于1 – 贷款比例,也就是50%)。前后的账户相关数值如下:
事件1 - 首次存款
事件2 - 买入股票
净清算价值/含贷款价值* (A + B)
初始保证金要求 (B * 50%)
可用资金 (C - D)
接下来,假设多头股票市场价值上涨至$12,000美元。$2,000美元的涨幅可产生$1,000美元的SMA,可供账户持有人:1) 在无需额外存入资金的情况下再买价值$2,000美元的证券,保证金贷款比率50%;或 2) 取出$1,000美元现金,如果账户没有现金,这$1,000美元将记入账户的贷款余额。见下表:
事件2 – 买入股票
事件3 - 股票升值
净清算价值/含贷款价值* (A + B)
初始保证金要求 (B * 50%)
可用资金 (C - D)
最后,请注意,SMA只是一个用以衡量IB LLC下证券账户是否符合隔夜初始保证金要求的Reg. T概念,我们并不会用SMA来决定账户是否符合日内或隔夜维持保证金要求,也不会用它来决定商品账户是否符合保证金要求。同样,如果账户在隔夜或Reg.T初始保证金要求开始实施生效时(美国东部时间15:50)SMA为负值,则会面临强制平仓清算以满足保证金要求。
悉,保证金要求预计将在正常水平上提高35%左右。保证金要求将在20 个自然日内逐步提
期货代码 | 描述 | 上市交易所 | 交易类型 | 当前比例(价 格扫描范围) * |
预计比例(价 格扫描范围) |
ES | E-mini S&P 500 | GLOBEX | ES | 7.13 | 9.63 |
YM | Mini DJIA | ECBOT | YM | 6.14 | 8.29 |
RTY | Russell 2000 | GLOBEX | RTY | 6.79 | 9.27 |
NQ | NASDAQ E-mini | GLOBEX | NQ | 6.57 | 8.87 |
DJIA | OSE 道琼斯 工业平均 |
OSE.JPN | DJIA | 5.14 | 6.94 |
注:IBKR 的风险漫游工具能帮助您评估最新的维持保证金要求对您现有的投资组合或您想
Normal 0 21 false false false DE-CH X-NONE X-NONE
How are executions allocated when an order receives a partial fill because an insufficient quantity is available to complete the allocation of shares/contracts to sub-accounts?
From time-to-time, one may experience an allocation order which is partially executed and is canceled prior to being completed (i.e. market closes, contract expires, halts due to news, prices move in an unfavorable direction, etc.). In such cases, IB determines which customers (who were originally included in the order group and/or profile) will receive the executed shares/contracts. The methodology used by IB to impartially determine who receives the shares/contacts in the event of a partial fill is described in this article.
Before placing an order CTAs and FAs are given the ability to predetermine the method by which an execution is to be allocated amongst client accounts. They can do so by first creating a group (i.e. ratio/percentage) or profile (i.e. specific amount) wherein a distinct number of shares/contracts are specified per client account (i.e. pre-trade allocation). These amounts can be prearranged based on certain account values including the clients’ Net Liquidation Total, Available Equity, etc., or indicated prior to the order execution using Ratios, Percentages, etc. Each group and/or profile is generally created with the assumption that the order will be executed in full. However, as we will see, this is not always the case. Therefore, we are providing examples that describe and demonstrate the process used to allocate partial executions with pre-defined groups and/or profiles and how the allocations are determined.
Here is the list of allocation methods with brief descriptions about how they work.
· AvailableEquity
Use sub account’ available equality value as ratio.
· NetLiq
Use subaccount’ net liquidation value as ratio
· EqualQuantity
Same ratio for each account
· PctChange1:Portion of the allocation logic is in Trader Workstation (the initial calculation of the desired quantities per account).
· Profile
The ratio is prescribed by the user
· Inline Profile
The ratio is prescribed by the user.
· Model1:
Roughly speaking, we use each account NLV in the model as the desired ratio. It is possible to dynamically add (invest) or remove (divest) accounts to/from a model, which can change allocation of the existing orders.
Basic Examples:
CTA/FA has 3-clients with a predefined profile titled “XYZ commodities” for orders of 50 contracts which (upon execution) are allocated as follows:
Account (A) = 25 contracts
Account (B) = 15 contracts
Account (C) = 10 contracts
Example #1:
CTA/FA creates a DAY order to buy 50 Sept 2016 XYZ future contracts and specifies “XYZ commodities” as the predefined allocation profile. Upon transmission at 10 am (ET) the order begins to execute2but in very small portions and over a very long period of time. At 2 pm (ET) the order is canceled prior to being executed in full. As a result, only a portion of the order is filled (i.e., 7 of the 50 contracts are filled or 14%). For each account the system initially allocates by rounding fractional amounts down to whole numbers:
Account (A) = 14% of 25 = 3.5 rounded down to 3
Account (B) = 14% of 15 = 2.1 rounded down to 2
Account (C) = 14% of 10 = 1.4 rounded down to 1
To Summarize:
A: initially receives 3 contracts, which is 3/25 of desired (fill ratio = 0.12)
B: initially receives 2 contracts, which is 2/15 of desired (fill ratio = 0.134)
C: initially receives 1 contract, which is 1/10 of desired (fill ratio = 0.10)
The system then allocates the next (and final) contract to an account with the smallest ratio (i.e. Account C which currently has a ratio of 0.10).
A: final allocation of 3 contracts, which is 3/25 of desired (fill ratio = 0.12)
B: final allocation of 2 contracts, which is 2/15 of desired (fill ratio = 0.134)
C: final allocation of 2 contract, which is 2/10 of desired (fill ratio = 0.20)
The execution(s) received have now been allocated in full.
Example #2:
CTA/FA creates a DAY order to buy 50 Sept 2016 XYZ future contracts and specifies “XYZ commodities” as the predefined allocation profile. Upon transmission at 11 am (ET) the order begins to be filled3 but in very small portions and over a very long period of time. At 1 pm (ET) the order is canceled prior being executed in full. As a result, only a portion of the order is executed (i.e., 5 of the 50 contracts are filled or 10%).For each account, the system initially allocates by rounding fractional amounts down to whole numbers:
Account (A) = 10% of 25 = 2.5 rounded down to 2
Account (B) = 10% of 15 = 1.5 rounded down to 1
Account (C) = 10% of 10 = 1 (no rounding necessary)
To Summarize:
A: initially receives 2 contracts, which is 2/25 of desired (fill ratio = 0.08)
B: initially receives 1 contract, which is 1/15 of desired (fill ratio = 0.067)
C: initially receives 1 contract, which is 1/10 of desired (fill ratio = 0.10)
The system then allocates the next (and final) contract to an account with the smallest ratio (i.e. to Account B which currently has a ratio of 0.067).
A: final allocation of 2 contracts, which is 2/25 of desired (fill ratio = 0.08)
B: final allocation of 2 contracts, which is 2/15 of desired (fill ratio = 0.134)
C: final allocation of 1 contract, which is 1/10 of desired (fill ratio = 0.10)
The execution(s) received have now been allocated in full.
Example #3:
CTA/FA creates a DAY order to buy 50 Sept 2016 XYZ future contracts and specifies “XYZ commodities” as the predefined allocation profile. Upon transmission at 11 am (ET) the order begins to be executed2 but in very small portions and over a very long period of time. At 12 pm (ET) the order is canceled prior to being executed in full. As a result, only a portion of the order is filled (i.e., 3 of the 50 contracts are filled or 6%). Normally the system initially allocates by rounding fractional amounts down to whole numbers, however for a fill size of less than 4 shares/contracts, IB first allocates based on the following random allocation methodology.
In this case, since the fill size is 3, we skip the rounding fractional amounts down.
For the first share/contract, all A, B and C have the same initial fill ratio and fill quantity, so we randomly pick an account and allocate this share/contract. The system randomly chose account A for allocation of the first share/contract.
To Summarize3:
A: initially receives 1 contract, which is 1/25 of desired (fill ratio = 0.04)
B: initially receives 0 contracts, which is 0/15 of desired (fill ratio = 0.00)
C: initially receives 0 contracts, which is 0/10 of desired (fill ratio = 0.00)
Next, the system will perform a random allocation amongst the remaining accounts (in this case accounts B & C, each with an equal probability) to determine who will receive the next share/contract.
The system randomly chose account B for allocation of the second share/contract.
A: 1 contract, which is 1/25 of desired (fill ratio = 0.04)
B: 1 contract, which is 1/15 of desired (fill ratio = 0.067)
C: 0 contracts, which is 0/10 of desired (fill ratio = 0.00)
The system then allocates the final [3] share/contract to an account(s) with the smallest ratio (i.e. Account C which currently has a ratio of 0.00).
A: final allocation of 1 contract, which is 1/25 of desired (fill ratio = 0.04)
B: final allocation of 1 contract, which is 1/15 of desired (fill ratio = 0.067)
C: final allocation of 1 contract, which is 1/10 of desired (fill ratio = 0.10)
The execution(s) received have now been allocated in full.
Available allocation Flags
Besides the allocation methods above, user can choose the following flags, which also influence the allocation:
· Strict per-account allocation.
For the initially submitted order if one or more subaccounts are rejected by the credit checking, we reject the whole order.
· “Close positions first”1.This is the default handling mode for all orders which close a position (whether or not they are also opening position on the other side or not). The calculation are slightly different and ensure that we do not start opening position for one account if another account still has a position to close, except in few more complex cases.
Other factor affects allocations:
1) Mutual Fund: the allocation has two steps. The first execution report is received before market open. We allocate based onMonetaryValue for buy order and MonetaryValueShares for sell order. Later, when second execution report which has the NetAssetValue comes, we do the final allocation based on first allocation report.
2) Allocate in Lot Size: if a user chooses (thru account config) to prefer whole-lot allocations for stocks, the calculations are more complex and will be described in the next version of this document.
3) Combo allocation1: we allocate combo trades as a unit, resulting in slightly different calculations.
4) Long/short split1: applied to orders for stocks, warrants or structured products. When allocating long sell orders, we only allocate to accounts which have long position: resulting in calculations being more complex.
5) For non-guaranteed smart combo: we do allocation by each leg instead of combo.
6) In case of trade bust or correction1: the allocations are adjusted using more complex logic.
7) Account exclusion1: Some subaccounts could be excluded from allocation for the following reasons, no trading permission, employee restriction, broker restriction, RejectIfOpening, prop account restrictions, dynamic size violation, MoneyMarketRules restriction for mutual fund. We do not allocate to excluded accountsand we cancel the order after other accounts are filled. In case of partial restriction (e.g. account is permitted to close but not to open, or account has enough excess liquidity only for a portion of the desired position).