IBSJ Multi Currency

Can I trade foreign products in supported currencies at Interactive Brokers Securities Japan (IBSJ)?

Yes, clients can trade in any currency that has a product listed in.

For example: Client with a cash account wants to buy a US stock. Our system will check if the client has sufficient available funds in USD or other supported currencies to cover 100% of the trade and, if so, the order will be sent to the exchange.

  • If client has enough balance in USD, it will be used for execution of the order.
  • If not, IBSJ will automatically convert an equivalent amount of USD from other supported currencies with a positive balance.
  • If the same client wishes to sell his USD denominated security at a later date, IBSJ will NOT convert the proceeds back to one of the supported currencies.
  • Client can use proceeds in USD for purchasing US stocks or withdraw them.
  • Conversion to other currencies not connected to withdrawing funds is not allowed.
  • Client can withdraw funds in supported cashiering currencies (JPY, USD, EUR, GBP). If the client wants to withdraw funds, the system checks first if there is sufficient available funds in the requested or other supported currencies to cover 100% of the withdrawal amount. If there is no sufficient funds in the requested currency, IBSJ will automatically convert positive balances in the supported currencies to the requested one.

Please Note

  • IBSJ does NOT charge a commission to clients for automatic currency conversion.
  • Commissions for currency conversion used for closing a non-JPY cash balance are presented on our website.
  • Supported cashiering currency is a currency in which client can make deposits and withdrawals.

Can I trade Forex and convert currencies at Interactive Brokers Securities Japan (IBSJ)?

Currency conversion at IBSJ must be connected to an investment service transaction (purchasing a stock, for instance) and its resulting cash flows. To comply with this regulation, clients can make a currency conversion in a trading platform only to close the negative balance from borrowing. In other cases, IBSJ makes a conversion automatically.

  • The client CANNOT open long positions that create cash debits (loans). Nevertheless, client can open long positions in any foreign product regardless of the currency in which it is denominated. IBSJ will auto convert the value of the transaction from the positive balance in supported currencies held in the account.
  • Any positive cash that is generated as the result of a trade or cash flows from a position you hold (e.g. dividends, coupon, interest) will NOT be auto-converted.
  • The client can withdraw funds in JPY, EUR, USD, GBP. If the client wants to withdraw funds, the system checks first if there is sufficient available funds in the requested or other supported currencies to cover 100% of the withdrawal amount. If there is no sufficient funds in the requested currency, IBSJ will automatically convert positive balances in the supported currencies to the requested one.
  • The client can use the option “Withdraw All Available Cash”, which allows to withdraw all available funds in one currency: supported currencies or base currency. IBSJ will automatically convert positive balances to the requested one without leaving residuals.

For further information please see the IBSJ Multi-Currency Account Foreign Exchange Restrictions Disclosure.

Please Note

  • IBSJ does NOT charge clients commissions for automatic currency conversion.
  • Commissions for currency conversion used for closing a non-JPY cash balance are presented on our website.
  • Supported cashiering currency is a currency in which client can make deposits and withdrawals.
  • Base currency: JPY.
  • System shows the projected Cash Available for Withdrawal. The final withdrawal amount may differ from the requested due to fluctuation in currency exchange rates. 

What currencies are available for deposits and withdrawals at Interactive Brokers Securities Japan (IBSJ)?

IBSJ clients can make deposits in four Supported Cashiering Currencies.

Withdrawals are allowed in base currency and positive balances held in the account. If the client wants to withdraw funds, the system checks first if there is sufficient available funds in the requested or other supported currencies to cover 100% of the withdrawal amount. If there is no sufficient funds in the requested currency, IBSJ will automatically convert positive balances in the supported currencies to the requested one.

Client can use the option “Withdraw All Available Cash”, which allows to withdraw all available funds in one currency: supported currencies or base currency. IBSJ will automatically convert positive balances to the requested one without leaving residuals.

For further information please see the IBSJ Multi-Currency Account Foreign Exchange Restrictions Disclosure.

Please Note

  • IBSJ does NOT charge clients commissions for automatic currency conversion.
  • Commissions for currency conversion used for closing a non-JPY cash balance are presented on our website.
  • Supported cashiering currency is a currency in which client can make deposits and withdrawals.
  • Base currency: JPY.
  • System shows the projected Cash Available for Withdrawal. The final withdrawal amount may differ from the requested due to fluctuation in currency exchange rates. 



1. 背景:2008年金融危机爆发后,G20于2009年承诺推行一系列改革,旨在提高场外衍生品市场的透明度降低对手方风险。该等承诺大多数通过《欧洲市场基础设施监管法规》(“EMIR”)在欧盟得以落实。EMIR是欧盟制定的监管法规,于2012年8月16日生效。
2. 根据EMIR可报告的金融产品和资产类别:以下资产类别的场外和交易所交易衍生品:信贷、利息、股票、商品和外汇衍生品。交易所交易的权证不需要报告。
3. 谁需要进行EMIR报告:正常情况下,所有在欧盟成立的交易对手方均需进行报告,不包括自然人。报告义务适用于:
* 金融交易对手方(“FC”)
* 高于清算门槛的非金融交易对手方(“NFC+”)
* 低于清算门槛的非金融交易对手方(“NFC-”)
* 某些极少数情况下欧盟以外的第三国实体(“TCE”)
4. 金融交易对手方(“FC”):包括银行、投资公司、信贷机构、保险公司、可转让证券集合投资计划(UCITS)和养老金计划以及由另类投资基金经理(AIFM)管理的另类投资基金。另类投资基金(AIF)只有在其基金经理系根据另类投资基金经理指令(AIFMD)获得授权的情况下才会成为金融交易对手方,因此,位于欧盟以外的基金可能会需要遵守EMIR报告要求。
5. 非金融交易对手方(“NFC”):非金融交易对手方是除FC和中央对手方(CCP)(如清算所)以外的在欧盟成立的企业。NFC承担的义务比FC少。但是,如果突破了“清算门槛”,NFC就会成为高于清算门槛的非金融交易对手方(“NFC+”),这时,其承担的义务就与FC的几乎一样了(包括抵押品和估值报告)。低于清算门槛的非金融交易对手方称为NFC-。事实上,除自然个人(即单个个人或操作一个联名账户的多名个人
6. 盈透证券提供哪些服务帮助客户履行报告义务(即盈透证券会提供委托交易报告服务和帮助签发LEI吗):如上文所述,FC和NFC都必须向授权交易报告库(TR)上报其交易(场外和交易所交易衍生品)的详细信息。该等义务可直接通过交易报告库解除,也可以通过将报告操作委托给对手方或第三方(代为提交报告)来达成。
7. EMIR报告可以委托吗:EMIR允许交易的任意一方将报告委托给第三方。交易的任意一方或CCP将报告委托给了第三方后,仍对遵守报告义务负有最终责任。同样,交易的任意一方或CCP必须确保接受其委托的第三方正确地进行报告。经纪商和交易商如果仅仅只是以代理的身份行事则没有报告义务。如果一笔大宗买卖导致出现多笔交易,则每笔交易都需上报。
基金与子基金 - EMIR规定的义务是针对交易对手方而言的,而交易对手方可能是基金或子基金。作为交易主角的基金或子基金须提供有关其分类(FC、NFC+或NFC-)的详细信息,还须提供委托报告和法律实体识别号码(“LEI”)申请相关 的授权。
8. EMIR第1(4)和1(5)条的豁免规定:EMIR第1(4)和1(5)条提到,某些实体根据其分类可免除EMIR规定的部分或全部义务。具体来说,第1(4)条的豁免实体可免除EMIR规定的所有义务,而第1(5)条的豁免实体可免除报告义务以外的所有义务,也就是仍须履行报告义务。
9. 符合EMIR第1(4)条和1(5)条要求的实体:第1(4)条最初只适用于欧盟国家的中央银行、涉及公共债务管理的欧盟公共机构和国际清算银行。后来,
- 多边开发银行;
- 由中央政府所有且提供担保的非商业公营实体;以及
- 欧洲金融稳定基金和欧洲稳定机制。
10. 场外和交易所交易衍生品:从第一层法规、执行技术标准和欧洲证券和市场管理局(ESMA)的监管技术标准来看,交易所交易衍生品和场外交易合约的报告并没有什么不同。
11. 盈透证券使用的交易报告库:盈透证券(英国)有限公司将使用CME ETR(从属于CME集团)的服务。
12. LEI的签发
13. 用于确定一个NFC是NFC+还是NFC-的门槛值:超出下方任意一项清算门槛均意味着将被归类为NFC+。持仓必须按30天滚动平均值计算(名义价值):
• 场外信用衍生品合约为10亿欧元总名义价值;
• 场外股票衍生品合约为10亿欧元总名义价值;
• 场外利率衍生品合约为30亿欧元总名义价值;
• 场外外汇衍生品合约为30亿欧元总名义价值;
• 场外大宗商品衍生品合约和上方未提及的其它场外衍生品合约为30亿欧元总名义价值。
14. 风险敞口报告:FC和NFC必须上报以下信息:
* 各合约的按市值计价或按模型计价价值
* 提供的所有抵押品的详细信息,按交易或者按投资组合(即按一系列合约产生的净持仓计算抵押品,而不是按单笔交易提供的抵押品)报告
15. 向交易报告库进行报告的时间安排:开始报告的日期为2014年2月12日:
* 2月12日或之后达成的新合约,按T+1报告;
* 由2012年8月16日或之后达成之合约产生的、且到2014年2月12日仍未平仓的仓位必须在2014年2月12日之前上报至交易报告库;
* 由8月16日之前达成之合约产生的、且到2014年2月12日仍未平仓的合约必须在2014年5月13日之前上报至交易报告库;
* 估值和抵押品必须在2014年8月12日之前上报至交易报告库;
* 2012年8月16日之前、当天或之后达成的合约,如果到2014年2月12日已平仓,则必须在2017年2月12日之前上报至交易报告库。
16. 需要上报的信息以及上报时间:必须上报每笔交易的交易对手方(交易对手方数据)和合约(通用数据)。
* 达成合约时
* 修改合约时
* 终止合约时
17. 什么产品需要上报以及谁负责上报:场外交易衍生品和交易所交易衍生品都需要上报。交易的对手方无论其分类如何,都有报告义务。请注意:
* 只有FC和NFC+需要进行估值和抵押品报告
* 每笔交易交易双方都需要上报。


Multi-Currency Trading at IBKR Central Europe

For Cash accounts (one without investment loan permissions), client can trade foreign products in all 10 supported currencies.
For example: Client with a cash account wants to buy a US stock. Our system will check if the client has sufficient available funds in USD or other supported currencies to cover 100% of the trade and, if so, the order will be sent to the exchange.
  • If client has enough balance in USD, it will be used for execution of the order.
  • If not, IBCE will automatically convert an equivalent amount of USD from other supported currencies with a positive balance.
  • If the same client wishes to sell his USD denominated security at a later date, IBCE will NOT convert the proceeds back to one of the supported currencies.
  • Client can use proceeds in USD for purchasing US stocks or withdraw them.
  • Conversion to other currencies not connected to withdrawing funds is not allowed.
  • Client can withdraw funds in Major Currencies, Home currency and positive balances held in the account. If the client wants to withdraw funds, the system checks first if there is sufficient available funds in the requested or other supported currencies to cover 100% of the withdrawal amount. If there is no sufficient funds in the requested currency, IBCE will automatically convert positive balances in the supported currencies to the requested one.
For Margin accounts (investment loan accounts), you can trade foreign products in supported currencies and have transactions that result in negative cash balances.
For example: Client with a margin account wants to buy an EU stock. Our system will check if the client has sufficient available funds in EUR or other supported currencies to meet initial margin requirements, and, if so, the order will be sent to the exchange.
  • If client borrows EUR, he can decide what to do with the negative EUR balance. This negative balance can be closed by converting from any other supported currency or remain in the account.
  • If the same client wishes to sell his EUR denominated security at a later date, IBCE will NOT convert the proceeds back to one of the supported currencies.
  • Client can use proceeds in EUR for purchasing EU stocks or withdraw them.
  • Conversion to other currencies not connected to withdrawing funds is not allowed.
  • Client can withdraw funds in Major Currencies, Home currency and positive balances held in the account. If the client wants to withdraw funds, the system checks first if there is sufficient available funds in the requested or other supported currencies to cover 100% of the withdrawal amount. If there is no sufficient funds in the requested currency, IBCE will automatically convert positive balances in the supported currencies to the requested one.
Please Note:
  • IBCE does NOT charge clients for automatic currency conversion.
  • Commissions for currency conversion used for closing a negative balance are presented on our website.
  • Supported currency is a currency in which client can make deposits and hold a positive balance: EUR, USD, CHF, GBP, HUF, CZK, PLN, NOK, DKK and SEK.
  • Major currencies: USD and EUR.
  • Home currency: Currency of client’s country of legal residence.
For Cash accounts (one without investment loan permissions), you can trade foreign products in non-supported currencies. IBCE will auto convert the value of the transaction from the positive balance in supported currencies held in the account.
For example: Client with a cash account wants to buy a CAD stock. Our system will check if the client has sufficient available funds in the supported currencies to cover 100% of the trade and, if so, the order will be sent to the exchange.
On trade date, IBCE will automatically convert an equivalent amount of CAD from the positive balance in supported currencies held in the account, leaving no residual CAD cash balance in the account at the end of the day.
  • If the same client wishes to sell his CAD denominated security at a later date, IBCE will auto convert the proceeds back to the base currency.
  • The same process occurs when cash flows are generated from positions (e.g. dividends, interest). Conversion takes place when the cash is credited to or debited from the account, not when it is accrued.
For Margin accounts (one without investment loan permissions), you can trade foreign products in non-supported currencies and have transactions that result in negative cash balances. Proceeds and all positive balances in non-supported currencies will be automatically converted back to the base currency.
For example: Client with a margin account wants to buy a CAD stock. Our system is checking if the client has sufficient available funds in supported currencies to meet initial margin requirements and, if so, the order will be sent to the exchange.
  • Client can decide what to do with the negative CAD balance. This negative balance can be closed by converting from any other supported currency or remain in the account.
  • If the same client wishes to sell his CAD stock at a later date, IBCE will automatically convert the proceeds to the base currency as CAD is not a supported currency.
Please Note:
  • IBCE does NOT charge clients for automatic currency conversion.
  • Commissions for currency conversion used for closing a negative balance are presented on our website.
  • Supported currency is a currency in which client can make deposits and hold a positive balance: EUR, USD, CHF, GBP, HUF, CZK, PLN, NOK, DKK and SEK.
Currency conversion at IBCE must be connected to an investment service transaction (purchasing a stock, for instance) and its resulting cash flows. To comply with this regulation, clients can make a currency conversion in a trading platform only to close the negative balance from borrowing. In other cases, IBCE makes a conversion automatically.
  • For Margin accounts, the client can open long positions that create cash debits (loans) in any currency. IBCE will not auto-convert your transaction but will create an investment loan in the currency of the trade. It will be the client’s discretion when to initiate a currency conversion to close the negative balance in part or in full.
  • For Cash accounts, the client CANNOT open long positions that create cash debits (loans). Nevertheless, client can open long positions in any foreign product regardless of the currency in which it is denominated. IBCE will auto convert the value of the transaction from the positive balance in supported currencies held in the account.
  • For both Margin and Cash accounts, any positive cash that is generated as the result of a trade or cash flows from a position you hold (e.g. dividends, coupon, interest) will NOT be auto-converted if it is the supported currency (EUR, USD, CHF, GBP, HUF, CZK, PLN, DKK, SEK and NOK).
  • For both Margin and Cash accounts, any positive cash that is generated as the result of a trade or cash flows from a position you hold (e.g. dividends, coupon, interest) will be auto-converted if it is NOT the supported currency.
  • For both Margin and Cash accounts, the client can withdraw funds in Major Currencies, Home currency and positive balances held in the account. If the client wants to withdraw funds, the system checks first if there is sufficient available funds in the requested or other supported currencies to cover 100% of the withdrawal amount. If there is no sufficient funds in the requested currency, IBCE will automatically convert positive balances in the supported currencies to the requested one.
  • For both Margin and Cash accounts, the client can use the option “Withdraw All Available Cash”, which allows to withdraw all available funds in one currency: Major Currencies or Home currency. IBCE will automatically convert positive balances in the supported currencies to the requested one without leaving residuals.
Please Note:
  • IBCE does NOT charge clients for automatic currency conversion.
  • Commissions for currency conversion used for closing a negative balance are presented on our website.
  • Supported currency is a currency in which client can make deposits and hold a positive balance: EUR, USD, CHF, GBP, HUF, CZK, PLN, NOK, DKK and SEK.
  • Major currencies: USD and EUR.
  • Home currency: Currency of client’s country of legal residence.
  • System shows the projected Cash Available for Withdrawal. The final withdrawal amount may differ from the requested due to fluctuation in currency exchange rates. 
  • Interactive Brokers Central Europe accounts are not allowed to withdraw funds on margin due to regulatory reasons.
  • The same currency pairs can be traded as Forex CFD. Contracts For Difference are complex instruments, and we invite you to carefully review the CFDs risk warnings before trading these instruments.
IBCE clients can make deposits in all 10 Supported Currencies.
Withdrawals are allowed in Major currencies, Home currency and positive balances held in the account. If the client wants to withdraw funds, the system checks first if there is sufficient available funds in the requested or other supported currencies to cover 100% of the withdrawal amount. If there is no sufficient funds in the requested currency, IBCE will automatically convert positive balances in the supported currencies to the requested one.
Client can use the option “Withdraw All Available Cash”, which allows to withdraw all available funds in one currency: Major Currencies or Home currency. IBCE will automatically convert positive balances in the supported currencies to the requested one without leaving residuals.
Please Note:
  • IBCE does NOT charge clients for automatic currency conversion.
  • Supported currency is a currency in which client can make deposits and hold a positive balance: EUR, USD, CHF, GBP, HUF, CZK, PLN, NOK, DKK and SEK.
  • Major currencies: USD and EUR.
  • Home currency: Currency of client’s country of legal residence.
  • System shows the projected Cash Available for Withdrawal. The final withdrawal amount may differ from the requested due to fluctuation in currency exchange rates. 
  • Interactive Brokers Central Europe accounts are not allowed to withdraw funds on margin due to regulatory reasons.
  • The changes mentioned above are effective since October 17, 2022.








    • IBKR会根据您的IBKR实体将卢布余额兑换成美元或欧元:














基础货币:目前IBKR不允许客户将卢布作为基础货币。 如果您账户的基础货币是卢布,我们会根据您账户所在的IBKR实体将其更改为美元或欧元(见上表)。






In line with many financial institutions, IBKR has reduced exposure to the Russian Ruble, (“RUB”) and has discontinued all cashiering services for Russian Rubles, including all withdrawals and currency conversions.


Deposits in RUB: IBKR is no longer accepting deposits of RUB.  Any deposit in RUB will be rejected.

IBKR will periodically convert RUB balances to USD or EUR, depending on the IBKR entity with which you have an account.  

    • IBKR will convert RUB to USD or EUR according to your IBKR entity:

IBKR Entity

Target Currency









All Others


Withdrawals in RUB: IBKR is not able to accommodate RUB withdrawals at this time.

Base Currency: IBKR does not currently allow clients to maintain RUB as their base currency.  If you previously used RUB as your base currency, we converted it to USD or EUR depending on which IBKR entity your account is with (see chart above).

IBKR is fully committed to complying with all applicable sanctions laws. We appreciate your cooperation and your business.




买卖给定的产品所需的特定币种是交易所决定的,不是IBKR决定的。例如,当您下单买入某种以您的账户中没有的币种计价的证券,假设您使用的是保证金账户且在满足了保证金要求后有多余的资产,则IBKR会借入该币种的资金。请注意,IBKR有义务以指定的计价币种和清算所结算该交易。如您不希望我们借入资金进而产生利息成本,则您需先向您的账户存入所需的币种及金额的资金,或通过IdealPro或各种零数(odd lot)交易场所将账户中的资金兑换为所需的币种及金额——对于超过25,000美元或等值的金额,通过IdealPro兑换;对于小于25,000美元或等值的金额,通过零数交易场所兑换,这两种渠道都可在TWS中找到。


Glossary terms: 


美股市场偶尔会发生极端波动和价格混乱。 有时这类情况持续时间很长,有时又很短。止损单可能会对价格施加下行压力、加剧市场波动,且可能使委托单在大幅偏离触发价格的位置上成交。 

·         止损价格不一定是执行价格。当“止损价格”被触及,“止损单”就会成为“市价单”,而市价单会以当前的市场价格立即执行全部的交易量。. 因此,止损单最终被执行的价格可能和投资者设置的“止损价格”大相径庭。相应地,在波动的市场环境下,客户的止损单一旦变为市价单,就会立即成交。如果价格快速变动,执行价格可能会大幅偏离止损价格。
·         止损单可能会被短暂、剧烈的价格变动触发。在市场波动巨大的时期,股票价格可能在极端的时间内大幅变动并触发止损单被执行(之后又会恢复到之前的水平)。投资者应理解,如果止损单在这种情况下被触发,则其委托单可能会以不理想的价格成交,且价格可能在同一个交易日内又企稳。
·         在极端波动的市场下,止损卖单可能会加剧价格的下跌。止损卖单的激活会给证券价格施加下行压力。如果止损卖单在价格大幅向下跳空的情况下被触发,则该委托单更有可能以大幅低于止损价格的价格成交。
·         为止损单附加“限价”有助于降低前述风险。当股价触及或超过“止损价格”,带有“限价”的止损单(“止损限价单”)会变为“限价单”。“限价单”是以不差于特定价格(即“限价”)的价格买卖证券的一种委托单。通过使用止损限价单而不是常规的止损单,客户可提高委托单成交价格的确定性。然而,投资者也应注意,由于卖单不能以低于限价的价格成交(或者,买单不能以高于限价的价格成交),委托单最终可能无法成交。当客户更看重以理想的目标价格成交而不是不管价格在什么位置、都希望立即成交,这种情况下可考虑使用限价委托单。
·         在市场缺乏流动性或开盘和收盘等波动较大的时段,止损单的风险更大。. 这对缺乏流动性的股票尤为重要。此类股票在前述时段更难以当时的市价卖出,且在市场极端波动时,价格可能更离谱。客户应考虑限制止损单可被触发的时间段,以防止止损单在缺乏流动性的时段或开盘和收盘等波动率较大的时段被激活,也可考虑在这些时段使用其它委托单类型。
·         考虑到使用止损单的风险,客户应谨慎考虑是否要使用符合其交易需求的其它委托单类型。




要计算非基础货币的现金外汇转换盈亏,首先要计算当前的基础货币汇率和前一个每日报表周期基础货币汇率之间的差额(汇率C – 汇率P,汇率可,参见每份报表的基础货币汇率部分)。然后用这个差额(或正或负)乘以当前报表周期的期初现金余额,所得结果就是现金外汇转换盈利(如果是正数)或亏损(如果是负数)。由于所有其它非基础货币项目(如净卖出和买入、佣金、利息等)均在日末记账,其本质上就没有转换盈亏。

IBKR Metals CFDs – Facts and Q&A


The following article is intended to provide a general introduction to London Gold and Silver Contracts for Differences (CFDs) issued by IBKR.

Please follow these links for information on IBKR Share CFDs, Index CFDs and Forex CFDs.

Risk Warning
CFDs are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage.

61% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with IBKR.

You should consider whether you understand how CFDs work and whether you can afford to take the
high risk of losing your money.


ESMA Rules for CFDs (Retail Clients only)
The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has enacted new CFD rules effective 1st August

The rules include: 1) leverage limits on the opening of a CFD position; 2) a margin close out rule on a per
account basis; and 3) negative balance protection on a per account basis.

The ESMA Decision is only applicable to retail clients. Professional clients are unaffected.
Please refer to the following articles for more detail:

ESMA CFD Rules Implementation at IBKR (UK) and IBKR LLC

ESMA CFD Rules Implementation at IBIE and IBCE

A London Gold CFD enables you to have exposure to price movements of physical Gold without actually owning it. A London Gold CFD is an agreement between you and IBKR to exchange the difference in price of the underlying over a period of time. The difference to be exchanged is determined by the change in the reference price of the underlying. Thus, if the price of physical Gold traded on the London bullion market rises and you are long the CFD, you receive cash from IBKR and vice versa. A London Gold CFD can be bought long or sold short to suit your view of market direction in the future.

Contract Specifications

Contract IBKR Symbol Per Trade Fee Minimum per Order Multiplier
London Gold XAUUSD 0.015% USD 2.00 1
London Silver XAGUSD 0.03% USD 2.00 1

Price Determination
The IBKR London Gold and Silver CFDs reference physical Gold and Silver traded on the London bullion market. The London bullion market is a wholesale over-the-counter market for the trading of precious metals. Trading is conducted among members of the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA). Most of the members are major international banks.

IBKR receives quote streams from approximately 10 such major banks, in much the same way it does for cash forex. IBKR Smart routes between the banks, and the best available price at any given time becomes the reference price for the CFDs. IBKR does not add a spread to the banks’ quotes.

Low Commissions and Financing Rates: Unlike other CFD providers IBKR charges a transparent
commission, rather than widening the spread. Commission rates are only 0.015% for London Gold and 0.03% for London Silver. Overnight financing rates are just benchmark +/- 1.5% (an additional 1% surcharge is added for retail accounts).

Transparent Quotes: Because IBKR does not widen the spread, the Metals CFD quotes accurately
represent the spreads and price movements of the related cash metal, as described above.

Margin Efficiency: IBKR establishes house-margin requirements based on historic volatility of the
underlying and other factors. Retail clients are subject to regulatory minimum initial margins of 5% for
London Gold or 10% for London Silver. 

Trading Permissions: Same as for Share and Index CFDs.

Market Data Permissions: Metals CFD market data is free, but a permission is required for system

Worked Trade Example (Professional Clients):

You purchase 100 XAUUSD CFDs at $1,942.5 for USD 194,250 which you then hold for 5 days.

Closing the Position

CFD Resources
Below are some useful links with more detailed information on IB’s CFD offering:

CFD Product Listings

CFD Commissions

CFD Financing Rates

CFD Margin Requirements

CFD Contract Specifications

Frequently asked Questions

Are short Metals CFDs subject to forced buy-in?

Can I take delivery of the underlying metal?

No, IBKR does not support physical delivery for Metals CFDs.

Are there any market data requirements?
The market data for Metal CFDs is free, and is included the market data for Index CFDs. However, you need to subscribe to the permission for system reasons. To do this, log into Account Management, and click through the following tabs: Settings/User Settings/Trading Platform/Market Data Subscriptions. Alternatively you can set up an Index or Metals CFD in your TWS quote monitor and click the “Market Data Subscription Manager” button that appears on the quote line.

How are my CFD trades and positions reflected in my statements?
If you are a client of IBKR (U.K.) or IBKR LLC, your CFD positions are held in a separate account segment identified by your primary account number with the suffix “F”. You can choose to view Activity Statements for the F-segment either separately or consolidated with your main account. You can make the choice in the statement window in Account Management.

If you are a client of other IBKR entities, there is no separate segment. You can view your positions normally alongside your non-CFD positions.

In what type of IB accounts can I trade CFDs e.g., Individual, Friends and Family,
Institutional, etc.?

All margin and cash accounts are eligible for CFD trading. 

Can I trade CFDs over the phone?
No. In exceptional cases we may agree to process closing orders over the phone, but never opening

Can anyone trade IB CFDs?
All clients can trade IB CFDs, except residents of the USA, Canada, Hong Kong, New Zealand and
Israel. There are no exemptions based on investor type to the residency-based exclusions.













  • EUR为基础货币
  • USD为报价货币

上方货币对的价格表示需要多少单位的USD(报价货币)能交易一个单位的EUR(基础货币)。也就是说,1 EUR是在按USD报价。




1.  输入交易货币(如EUR),然后按回车键(enter)。
2.  选择产品类型——外汇   

3.  选择结算货币(如USD),然后选择外汇交易场所。













1.  要输入定单,左键点击买价(下卖单)或卖价(下买单).

2.  指定想要买入或卖出的交易货币的数量。定单的数量基础货币(即货币对中的前一种货币)显示。



3.  指定想使用的定单类型、汇率(价格),然后传递定单。


常见问题:如何使用外汇交易者(FX Trader)下单?







(名义金额) x (1个点)


  • 代码 = EUR.USD
  • 金额 = 100,000 EUR
  • 1个点 = 0.0001

1个点点值 = 100’000 x 0.0001= 10 USD

  • 代码 = USD.JPY
  • 金额 = 100’000 USD
  • 1个点 = 0.01

1个点点值 = 100’000 x (0.01)= JPY 1000


(名义金额) x (1个点/汇率)


  • 代码 = EUR.USD
  • 金额 = 100’000 EUR
  • 1个点 = 0.0001
  • 汇率 = 1.3884

1个点点值 = 100’000 x (0.0001/1.3884)= 7.20 EUR

  • 代码 = USD.JPY
  • 金额 = 100’000 USD
  • 1个点 = 0.01
  • 汇率 = 101.63

1个点点值 = 100’000 x (0.01/101.63)= 9.84 USD






1. 市场价值








 2. 外汇投资组合




a. 收起外汇投资组合部分

点击外汇投资组合(FX Portfolio)文字左边的箭头可收起外汇投资组合部分。收起该部分后,虚拟头寸信息便不再在各交易页面显示。(注:这并不会让市场价值信息显示出来,其只会阻止外汇投资组合信息显示。)



b. 调整头寸或平均价格













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