The following article is intended to provide an overview of U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) Sections 13(d) and 13(g) Filing Requirements. The overview is general in nature, and readers are encouraged to review the specific regulations and/or consult with a compliance professional to determine the applicability to their particular situation.
Background on Schedules 13D and 13G
These rules apply to anyone who “beneficially owns” Section 12 securities as defined in the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Act"). This generally includes shares you own or manage. Specifically, you are deemed to “beneficially own” for purposes of Section 13(d) a security if you have, either directly or indirectly:
• The power to vote or direct the voting of a security;
• The power to dispose or direct the disposition of a security; or
• The right to acquire “beneficial ownership” of such security within 60 days through the exercise of an option or warrant or the exercise of a conversion right in a convertible security.
To determine whether you “beneficially own” more than 5% of a class of equity security, measure the amount you are deemed to “beneficially own” against the total amount of outstanding securities of that class. You may rely upon the issuer’s most recent quarterly or annual report (10-Q or 10-K) filed with the SEC and any current report (Form 8-K) filed later in identifying the amount of outstanding shares. You must include any equity securities you may obtain within 60 days through the conversion or exercise of options, warrants or other as outstanding shares in this calculation. But you do not need to include similar non-exercised or converted shares held by anyone else.
What filings you must make
Your initial Schedule 13D filing must be made within 10 days of the trade date on which you first exceeded the 5% threshold. Disclosures in Schedule 13D must be current through the date of filing.
Schedule 13D filings must also be promptly amended, within two business days, to reflect any material changes. This includes the acquisition or disposition of 1% or more of the reported securities or significant changes in any intent you may have to control the issuer.
Some traders may be able to file an abbreviated filing—called a 13G—instead of a 13D. This option is available to passive investors owning less than 20% of the security or exempt investors owning more than 5% of an issuer’s shares before the issuer’s registration of the class of securities. In addition, SEC or state-registered advisors can only file a Schedule 13G if they have acquired the relevant securities in the ordinary course of the firm’s advisory business and not for the purpose of or with the effect of influencing control of the issuer. Also, the advisor must have notified any discretionary account owner on whose behalf the advisor holds more than 5% of relevant equity securities of his potential reporting obligation. Very specific filing thresholds and deadlines apply to initial and amended Schedule 13G filings.
Important Notes
• Please keep in mind that your clients and your firm’s direct and indirect control persons (which may include partners, shareholders and parent companies) may have their own independent reporting obligations.
• You should independently review your Schedule 13D and 13G filing obligations. There are many factual determinations that may impact whether you must make a filing or amend a prior filing, which Schedule you must file (or amend), and when you must make your filing.
• Interactive Brokers will provide you, on a best efforts basis, with notices only when you cross certain thresholds (5%, 10%, 20%) or a significant change in the percentage of shares you manage occurs. There may be other situations that give rise to the need to file a Schedule 13D or 13G for which you will not receive an alert from Interactive Brokers.
• Interactive Brokers will only send you one initial filing alert for each threshold you cross. We will only resend you an initial filing alert if you cross one of the three thresholds (5%, 10% or 20%) that is higher than the threshold you have crossed before. (i.e., we will not tell you if you crossed the 5% threshold if you have already crossed the 10% threshold.) Therefore, please continually monitor your positions and make the appropriate filing(s) after you receive an initial filing or amendment notice.
• You should monitor holdings of specific classes of issuer equity securities in the accounts you manage to ensure compliance with your Schedule 13D or 13G filing and amendment obligations.
• Notices do not cover (nor will they take into account) certain securities not commonly traded through Interactive Brokers, namely equities in:
a. an insurance company that would have to be registered except for the exemption from registration in Section 12(g)(2)(G) of the Act;
b. a closed-end investment company registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940; or
c. a Native Corporation pursuant to Section 1639c(d)(6) of title 43.
You should therefore separately account for and analyze any holdings of such equity securities you may have to comply with Section 13(d) of the Act.
• Alerts sent are based exclusively on the beneficial ownership of relevant securities of the specific advisor identified. The alerts will not account for any group aggregation rules that may apply when two or more persons agree to act together for the purpose of acquiring, holding, voting or disposing of the equity securities of an issuer.
• Alerts sent relate solely to holdings in accounts maintained at Interactive Brokers and not any accounts maintained elsewhere. But you should take any accounts you maintain elsewhere into consideration when determining whether you must file or amend a Schedule 13D or 13G and what information to include in those schedules.
• Alerts sent will not take into consideration your Schedule 13D or 13G filing obligations arising prior to the date of Interactive Broker's implementation of this alert program.
• The data we receive about US Micro-Cap securities—generally OTC listed stocks, as well as Nasdaq or NYSE American stocks with a market cap of less than $300MM that trade under $5 per share--from our data provider is not consistently reliable so we have removed those securities from this program. As a result, you will not receive Schedule 13D/13G alerts when you come close to crossing or cross thresholds triggering filing obligations regarding U.S. Micro-Cap securities. You should separately review your holdings in US Micro-Cap stocks to determine your related filing obligations for those holdings.
For Additional Information
For more information on Schedules 13D and 13G, please visit the SEC website at: and
The following are important things that advisors trading through Interactive Brokers (“IBKR”) should keep in mind when reviewing any Schedule 13D and/or Schedule 13G filing alerts they receive from IBKR:
The following are important things that advisors trading through Interactive Brokers (“IB”) should keep in mind when reviewing any Form 13 F-related alerts and reports they receive from IB:
European regulators, as part of EMIR, issued technical rules concerning Risk Mitigation Techniques for derivatives not cleared by a Central Counterparty (“CCP”), which detail how the regulators expect these products to be margined from 1st March 2017. In general customers trading products subject to these rules are required to exchange variation margin.
Interactive Brokers (U.K.) Ltd. (“IBUK”) provides Contracts for Difference (‘CFDs’) that fall under these rules, and is your counter party to these trades. IBUK wishes to inform you how IBUK provides information regarding variation margin and reconciliation arrangements. This does not represent a material change from our current practice.
Variation Margin – Applicable where you are classified as FC or NFC+
All financial counterparties (‘FC’) and larger non financial counterparties (‘NFC+’) are subject to the EMIR variation margin rules for OTC derivatives. Whether larger non financial counterparties are subject to the rules is determined by reference to whether their 30-day rolling average of the gross notional OTC derivative positions entered into for non-hedging purposes are above specified clearing thresholds (eg EUR1bn for equity derivatives). IBUK ensures variation margin is exchanged with its counterparties with respect to OTC derivative transactions not centrally cleared by CCP.
IBUK provides customers with timely confirmations of trades each day via two secure platforms: by displaying them on our Trader Work Station (“TWS”) and via the Trade Confirmations and Daily Activity Statements in Account Management. The marked-to-market value of your OTC derivative contracts are shown in your Daily Activity statement.
The variation margin rule requires that variation margin is calculated on a daily basis based on the values of all the outstanding derivatives contracts under the IBUK Client Agreement for Products Carried by IBUK (the “Agreement”) on the previous business day.
Where this marked-to-market value of your transactions reflects a credit exposure for IBUK, IBUK collects variation margin equal to the positive mark-to-market value of its OTC derivatives. The variation margin collection is achieved through reduction in the net equity value available, an offset and/or liquidation of positions in the posting account. You may refer to the supplemental information about margin and the Agreement on the IB UK website for further details. Where the marked-to-market value reflects a credit to you, IBUK will reflect this via an increase in your net
Whilst the variation margin rule requires that variation margin is calculated on a daily basis, IBUK further expects that clients monitor their accounts continuously, including intraday, so that at all times the account contains sufficient equity to meet margin requirement as calculated by IBUK.
Activity Statements are provided on a daily, monthly and annual basis. Customers can download this information using a "flex query" tool (which is available in our "account management system) in CSV type format.
You may reconcile the OTC positions detailed on these Trade Confirmations and Activity Statements account against your own records. The regulations state that you should reconcile your positions, contract information, valuation(s) and profits and losses and any related information.
If you note any discrepancies, you can contact IBUK customer service. Contact information for Interactive Brokers customer service is available on the IB website at:
The process for resolving any dispute is discussed in your client agreement with us.
Please note that the rules also require customers of firms that carry portfolios on a gross basis to carry out portfolio compression with the firm but this is not relevant as IBUK maintains your OTC positions on a net basis.
The rules also detail how often particular types of customers need to conduct these
If you are an FC or a an NFC+ the rules require you to conduct portfolio reconciliations at the following frequencies:
• Daily, whenever you have 500 or more open OTC contracts;
• Weekly, if you have between 51 and 499 OTC contracts open at any time during the week;
• Quarterly, if you have 50 or fewer contracts open at any time during the quarter.
If you are a non-financial counter party not meeting the criteria to be an NFC+ (ie “NFC-“) you are required under the rules to carry out portfolio reconciliations at least:
• Quarterly, if you have more than 100 open OTC contracts open at any time in the quarter;
• Annually, if you have 100 or fewer open contracts at any time in the year.
Please note that this communication is not intended to serve as legal advice.
Interactive Brokers (U.K.) Limited
This document will outline, in general terms, position and trade reporting requirements which fall under the European and Markets Infrastructure Regulation (“EMIR”). The new reporting requirement originates from the ESMA (European Securities and Markets Regulatory Authority), the European regulator’s need to create transparency in markets following the 2008 financial crisis.
What will need to be reported?
Who will be impacted?
What customers will not be eligible to report through Interactive Brokers?
If my fund is registered outside of the European Union, will IB report on my behalf?
In general, a fund which is registered or established outside of the European Union will not be required to report under EMIR. If however the fund manager is authorised under the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive ("AIFMD"), the fund may become subject to the requirements under EMIR.
Which repository will Interactive Brokers report through?
Interactive Brokers UK Limited will report trades and positions to the CME ETR, which is part of the CME Group.
It is important to note that while IB will report activity through CME ETR, the regulation places the responsibility of reporting on the customer, not the repository or IB.
What steps must I take to ensure my trades and positions are reported to CME ETR?
In order for IB to report on your behalf, you must obtain a Legal Entity Identifier (“LEI”). This is a unique identifier which will allow the regulator to identify a customer.
You may request that IB apply for an LEI on your behalf. In order to do so, you must log into Account Management and complete the steps to obtain an LEI and confirm that you wish for IB to carry out reporting on your behalf.
If you currently have an LEI, you may submit the LEI to IB through Account Management and confirm that you wish for IB to carry out reporting on your behalf.
Is more information available on EMIR reporting?
Yes, you may click here for additional information on EMIR reporting.
As a U.S. broker-dealer registered with the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) for the purpose of facilitating customer securities transactions, IB LLC is subject to various regulations relating to the extension of credit and margining of those transactions. In the case of foreign equity securities (i.e., non-U.S. issuer), Reg T. allows a U.S. broker to extend margin credit to those which either appear on the Federal Reserve Board's periodically published List of Foreign Margin Stocks, or are deemed to have a have a "ready market" under SEC Rule 15c3-1 or SEC no-action letter.
Prior to November 2012, "ready market" was deemed to include equity securities of a foreign issuer that are listed on what is now known as the FTSE World Index. This definition was based upon a 1993 SEC no-action letter and was premised upon the fact that, while there may not have been a ready market for such securities within the U.S., the securities could be readily resold in the applicable foreign market. In November of 2012, the SEC issued a follow-up no-action letter ( which expanded the population of foreign equity securities deemed to have a ready market to also include those not listed on the FTSE World Index provided that the following four conditions are met:
1. The security is listed on a foreign exchange located within a FTSE World Index recognized country, where the security has been trading on the exchange for at least 90 days;
2. Daily bid, ask and last quotations for the security as provided by the foreign listing exchange are made continuously available to the U.S. broker through an electronic quote system;
3. The median daily trading volume calculated over the preceding 20 business day period of the security on its listing exchange is either at least 100,000 shares or $500,000 (excluding shares purchased by the computing broker);
4. The aggregate unrestricted market capitalization in shares of the security exceed $500 million over each of the preceding 10 business days.
Note: if a security previously meeting the above conditions no longer does so, the broker is provided with a 5 business day window after which time the security will no longer be deemed readily marketable and must be treated as non-marginable.
Foreign equity securities which do not meet the above conditions, will be treated as non-marginable and will therefore have no loan value. Note that for purposes of this no-action letter foreign equity securities do not include options.
The term "excess margin securities" refers to margin securities carried for the account of a customer having a market value in excess of 140 percent of the total debit balance in the customer's account. These securities are in excess of the securities held in a customer's margin account that are pledged by the customer as collateral for the margin loan and can be used to support the purchase of additional securities on margin
A customer whose account equity consists solely of a cash balance of USD 10,000 on Day 1 purchases 400 shares of stock ABC at USD 50 per share on Day 2.
Account Balance | Day 1 | Day 2 |
Cash | $10,000 | ($10,000) |
Stock | $0 | $20,000 |
Total | $10,000 | $10,000 |
On Day 2, the customer's excess margin securities total USD 6,000. This is calculated by subtracting 140% of the margin debit or loan balance from the market value of the stock position ($6,000 = $20,000 - {1.4 * $10,000}).
The term is relevant from a regulatory perspective as the SEC requires that U.S. broker dealers segregate and maintain in a good control location (e.g., DTC or bank) all customer securities which are deemed excess margin securities. Such securities cannot be pledged or loaned to finance the activities of the firm or other customers without specific written permission from the customer. The portion of the securities classified as margin securities ($20,000 - $6,000 or $14,000 in this example) are subject to a lien and may be pledged or loaned by the broker to others to assist in financing the loan made to the customer.
Note that securities which were excess margin at the date of acquisition may later be reclassified as margin securities based upon the customer's subsequent trade and/or margin borrowing activity. For example, if the loan value of excess margin securities is subsequently used to acquire additional securities on margin, a portion of securities will then be reclassified as margin securities and subject to a lien. If the customer subsequently deposits cash or sells securities to reduce or eliminate the margin loan, the securities will be reclassified as excess margin or fully paid and are required to be segregated.
See also "fully paid securities".
The term "fully paid securities" refers to securities held in a customer's margin or cash account that have been completely paid for and are not being pledged as collateral to support the purchase of other securities on margin. The term is relevant from a regulatory perspective as the SEC requires that U.S. broker dealers segregate and maintain in a good control location (e.g., DTC or bank) all customer securities which are fully paid. Such securities cannot be pledged or loaned to finance the activities of the firm or other customers.
Note that securities which were fully paid at the date of acquisition may later be reclassified as margin or excess margin securities based upon the customer's subsequent trade and/or borrowing activity. For example, if the loan value of fully paid securities is subsequently used to acquire additional securities on credit, a portion of securities will then be classified as margin securities and subject to a lien and potential pledge or hypothecation by the broker.
See also "excess margin securities".