

該等法規還要求所有證券交易和相關保證金交易均在全能賬戶的證券賬戶段進行,而商品交易則在商品賬戶段進行。1 雖然法規允許將全額支付的證券持倉以保證金抵押品的形成存放在商品賬戶段進行托管,但IB幷不允許這種操作,從而對抵押權應用了更爲嚴格的SEC限制性規則。鑒于相關法規和政策已對持倉應歸于哪個賬戶段作出了規定,現金是唯一可由客戶自行决定在兩個賬戶段之間來回轉帳的資産。


 1. 不劃轉剩餘資金 – 根據這個選項,如非必要,剩餘現金不會在兩者之間進行轉移:
a. 解决/緩解另一賬戶段保證金不足的問題;
b. 盡可能地降低指定賬戶段的借方現金餘額,從而减少相關的利息費用。 請注意,對于只擁有證券或商品交易許可中一項許可的賬戶持有人來說,這是默認選項,也是唯一的選項。
2. 將剩餘資金劃轉至我的IB證券賬戶 – 只在商品賬戶段中留下能滿足當前商品保證金要求的現金餘額。 任何由于現金增加(例如,有利的變化和/或與交易相關)或保證金要求降低(例如,SPAN風險陣列和/或與交易相關的變化)而産生的超出保證金要求的現金,都將自動從商品賬戶段轉移到證券賬戶段。請注意,賬戶持有人必須具備證券交易許可才能選擇此選項。
3. 將剩餘資金劃轉至我的IB商品賬戶 – 只在證券賬戶段中留下能滿足當前證券保證金要求的現金餘額(加上含有貸款價值的其它證券倉位)。請注意,賬戶持有人必須具備商品交易許可才能選擇此選項。 
-  由于全能賬戶允許以不同幣種持有現金餘額,因此存在一個層次結構,以决定當多種貨幣出現多頭餘額時,首先轉移哪種貨幣。在這類情况下,首先會轉移以基礎貨幣計價的餘額,然後是美元,然後剩下的多頭餘額再按金額從高到低的順序轉移。
- 爲了盡可能地降低一個賬戶段在把剩餘現金劃轉至另一個賬戶段後出現保證金不足的可能性,剩餘資金不會全部轉移,而是會留下相當于維持保證金要求5%的資金作爲緩衝。 同樣,爲了盡可能地降低轉移名義餘額的運營開銷,只有在扣除5%的保證金緩衝後,剩餘金額(如有)仍不低于賬戶淨資産的1%或200美元時,才會轉移餘額。
- 在執行交易前信用核查以確定賬戶是否擁有足够的淨資産來支持新的委托單時,一個賬戶段內進行的交易也會將另一個賬戶段內的剩餘現金納入考慮(但在交易執行之前不會進行劃轉,幷且也只有在爲了滿足保證金要求而有必要時才會進行劃轉)。 被標記爲典型日內交易者以及需要進行交易前信用核查(會考慮前一日和當日淨資産)的賬戶應特別留意下方選擇注意事項
如果您的賬戶管理版本在左側有一系列菜單選項,請選擇賬戶行政,然後選擇 剩餘資金劃轉菜單選項。 如果您的版本是頂部有菜單選項,請選擇管理賬戶/設置,然後選擇 配置賬戶/剩餘資金劃轉菜單選項。無論您的版本如何,您都將看到以下界面:



1. 典型日內交易淨資産 - 根據相關法規被標記爲典型日內交易者的賬戶(即在5個工作日內進行4次或以上日內交易,其證券購買力將被限制爲證券賬戶段當日或前一日收盤淨資産中的較低者。根據這個計算方式,如選擇將剩餘資金劃轉至商品賬戶段,則該筆資金將無法納入計算,從而可能對下達新委托單的造成一定限制。要最大程度地利用淨資産來擴大購買力下達證券委托單,客戶需選擇將剩餘資金劃轉至證券賬戶段。 請注意,選擇證券賬戶段幷不會限制下達商品委托單的能力,因爲典型日內交易規則不適用于此類賬戶。
2. 保險 – 美國證券投資者保護公司(SIPC)的保障範圍覆蓋證券賬戶段的資産,而商品賬戶段則沒有相應的保障計劃。不過,超過SIPC的$250,000現金分項給付限額(勞合社現金分項給付限額爲$900,000,如適用)的餘額不在承保範圍內。 IB加拿大和IB英國的客戶也分別受加拿大投資者保護基金(CIPF)和英國金融服務補償計劃(FSCS)規定的承保規則約束。
3.利息收入 – 在所有其它條件相同的情况下,從未將多頭現金餘額在證券和商品賬戶段中分開存放的客戶,可望獲得最高的利息收入,這是因爲兩者不會匯總以計算貸方利息(它們受不同的隔離池和再投資規則的約束)。 在選擇現金劃轉時,除了上述的因素外,也應該要考慮到貸款需要維持最低現金餘額,幷且餘額高一些,利率也會優惠一些。2
2例如,某賬戶在證券和商品賬戶段各持有$9,000的多頭美元餘額。根據基準聯邦基金有效利率,如果兩個餘額存放在同一賬戶段,該賬戶有$8,000 ($18,000 - $10,000)可以獲得利息。但由于分別放在兩個賬戶段中的現金餘額均低于$10,000,都無法獲得利息,如不選擇現金劃轉,將無法賺取任何利息。同樣,如進行現金劃轉後,某賬戶段的多頭美元現金餘額超過$100,000,則賬戶持有人將能够賺取更高一檔的利息。有關利息計算的其它信息,包括當前基準利率的鏈接,請參閱KB39




  • 把您的IBKR賬戶與WISE賬戶關聯進行注資
  • 把IBKR不直接支持的貨幣(例如羅馬尼亞列伊(RON)、保加利亞列弗(BGN)、馬來西亞令吉(MYR)、印度尼西亞盧比(IDR))從您的本地銀行轉帳至Wise,然後在Wise將其兌換成IBKR支持的貨幣(例如歐元(EUR)、美元(USD)等)存入您的IBKR賬戶。
  • 從現有的Wise餘額向您的IBKR賬戶轉帳以及從IBKR賬戶轉回Wise



通過Wise進行銀行轉帳:爲所存入的本地貨幣(例如羅馬尼亞列伊(RON)、保加利亞列弗(BGN)、馬來西亞令吉(MYR)、印度尼西亞盧比(IDR))提供直接整合。 您將把本地貨幣轉帳至Wise銀行賬戶,而Wise將進行兌換,然後把IBKR支持的幣種存入到您的IBKR賬戶。本地貨幣的列表將取决于您IBKR賬戶所在的IBKR實體。


要通過Wise賬戶提取資金,請登錄客戶端選擇轉帳與支付,然後選擇 轉帳資金


How To Transfer an Existing IRA from Interactive Brokers

If the other broker participates in the Automated Customer Account Transfer Service (ACATS) program, then contact your other broker to submit the transfer out electronically.

If the other broker is not ACAT eligible, they must provide outgoing trustee to trustee transfer paperwork or outgoing Direct Rollover paperwork. They can give you the completed documents which can be uploaded online. Please note this is only for cash transfers, and information submitted is only instructions, not the actual withdrawal. After paperwork is reviewed and approved, you’ll be advised when to submit the withdrawal of funds.

To submit a withdrawal request:

  1. Log into Client Portal
  2. Select Transfer & Pay followed by Transfer Funds
  3. Click Make a Withdrawal
  4. Select Use a new withdrawal method and next to Bank Wire, click Use this Method
  5. Select Financial Institution when asked “Where will funds be deposited?”
  6. Answer the prompts that follow, then click in the box when asked if you’ll be sending a trustee-to-trustee transfer or Direct Rollover to this destination
  7. Confirm in the pop up box you have the signed custodian transfer paperwork
  8. Complete remaining banking prompts and click Save Bank Information
  9. Confirm the instructions on the next page and click Continue
  10. Click on Upload your form
  11. Click Reply to upload the document and add a comment.
  12. Click Submit and close the window

You will be provided updates of your transfer request through the Message Center.

If a wire transfer is not accepted by your new custodian, you may submit a check withdrawal request. Please note check requests require review by Compliance and will take longer to process if approved.

  1. Log into Client Portal
  2. Select Transfer & Pay followed by Transfer Funds
  3. Click Make a Withdrawal
  4. Select Use a new withdrawal method and next to Check, click Use this Method
  5. Select “Send to another person/entity” from the first drop down box
  6. Answer the prompts that follow and click Save Destination
  7. Complete remaining banking prompts and click Save Bank Information
  8. Confirm the information and click Continue
  9. Read the instructions and click Finish
  10. Finally, click on Help on the top right and select Secure Message Center to create a new ticket
  11. Click Compose and then New Ticket>Funds & Banking>Cash Withdrawals
  12. Complete the prompts and upload the completed paperwork from your broker/custodian

You will be provided updates via this ticket.

Contra firms and Custodians (only) may forward paperwork to the following:

Interactive Brokers LLC
Attn: IRA Services, Transfers
209 South LaSalle Street, 10th Floor
Chicago, IL 60604

Additional Information








  • 關戶時選擇通過支票提取賬戶餘額,而客戶未在90天內兌現該支票,進而導致支票交易被IBKR取消;或者,由于支票遺失、被盜或未送達,客戶要求止付。
  • 關戶時選擇通過電子渠道(如電匯、ACH、EFT)提取賬戶餘額,但資産後被接收銀行退回了IBKR。這可能是由于客戶在接收銀行處的賬戶已關閉或IBKR的賬戶名稱和銀行的賬戶名稱不一致(如第三方轉帳的情况),導致接收銀行拒收幷退回資金。
  • 賬戶被關後收到了之前多扣的股息稅退還的稅款。
  • 開戶人在賬戶未成功開立前向賬戶存入了資金,而該賬戶一直未被IBKR批准或被開戶人遺弃。
  • 關戶時選擇將資産轉至其它經紀商,但資産在關戶後被經紀商退回。






























1. 傭金——取決於產品類型和掛牌交易所,以及您選擇的是打包式(一價全含)還是非打包式收費。例如,美國股票傭金為每股0.005美元,每筆交易最低傭金為1.00美元。

2. 利息——保證金貸款需繳納利息,IBKR採用國際公認的隔夜存款基準利率作為基礎來確定自己的利率。然後我們將分等級在基準利率基礎上應用一個浮動值(這樣餘額越大對應的利率就越有利)來確定實際利率。例如,對於美元計價的貸款,基準利率是聯邦基金利率,而10萬美元以內的餘額利率會在基準利率的基礎上加1.5%。此外,賣空股票的個人應注意,借用“難以借到”的股票還會有一筆特殊費用,以日息表示。 

3. 交易所費用——取決於產品類型和交易所。例如,對於美國證券期權,某些交易所會對消耗流動性的委託單(市價委託單或適銷的限價委託單)收取費用、對添加流動性的委託單(限價委託單)給與補貼。此外,許多交易所還會對取消或修改的委託單收取費用。

4. 市場數據——您並非一定要訂閱市場數據,但是如果不訂閱市場數據,您可以會產生月費用,具體取決於供應交易所及其訂閱服務。我們提供市場數據助手工具,可根據您想交易的產品幫助您選擇適當的市場數據訂閱服務。要訪問該工具,請登錄客戶端,點擊支持然後打開市場數據助手鏈接。

5. 最低月活動費用——為迎合活躍客戶的需求,我們規定如果賬戶產生的月傭金能達到最低月傭金要求,則可免交月活動費用;而如果產生的月傭金未能達到最低月傭金要求,則需繳納差額作為活動費用。最低月傭金要求為10美元。

6. 雜費 - IBKR允許每月一次免費取款,後續取款將收取費用。此外,還會代收交易取消請求費用、期權和期貨行權&被行權費用以及ADR保管費用。







  • 在被認定爲具有較高反洗錢風險之國家居住或擁有聯繫地址的客戶不得將資金取到位于另一具有較高反洗錢風險之國家的賬戶,除非其在該國也有聯繫地址。
  • 在被認定爲具有較高反洗錢風險之國家居住或擁有聯繫地址的客戶不得從位于另一具有較高反洗錢風險之國家的賬戶發起存款,除非其在該國也有聯繫地址。
  • 在被認定爲具有較高反洗錢風險之國家居住或擁有聯繫地址的客戶只能將資金取到其曾從中收到過存款的自己名下的賬戶。
  • 客戶只能以基礎貨幣、其本國貨幣或通用貨幣(如USD、EUR、HKD、AUD、GBP、CHF、CAD、JPY和SGD)取款。
  • IBKR會對客戶取款的目標銀行數目進行限制,不論客戶或銀行的所在國家或地區。




Notification Regarding Third-Party Wire Withdrawals

Certain Interactive Brokers (“IBKR”) accounts are eligible to request withdrawal of funds to third parties by bank wire. These requests are subject to review and approval at IBKR’s sole discretion. This program is described on the IBKR website here.

After a due diligence review, IBKR may allow withdrawals to a third party for purposes like:
• Withdrawal for purchase of a home or mortgage payoff
• Withdrawal to a spouse, parent, sibling, or child of source account holder
• Withdrawal to an account held by one of the accountholders of a joint account or vice versa.
• Withdrawal from trust account to a beneficiary
• Payment of certain account expenses
• Tax payments
• IRA qualified charitable distributions


IBKR will generally not approve the following types of third-party withdrawals:
• Private investments
• Repayment of loans
• Withdrawals to companies owned by the accountholder
• Payment for purchase of goods or services
• Withdrawals to individuals other than spouse, parent, sibling or child of account holder


Withdrawing Funds from a Closed Account


Clients who elect to close their account must first ensure that all balances (e.g., cash and positions) have been withdrawn or transferred before the account can be closed. Once closed, the account is then restricted from further transactions, however, there are situations where assets may be credited to the account despite it being closed. As disclosed at the point of account closing, cash balances credited to an account after it has been closed are automatically converted to the base currency, regardless of amount, since the trading platform is no longer available to facilitate conversions.

The following article provides background as to how such situations may occur and the steps clients can take to withdraw the assets.


Post-Closure Balances

While it is uncommon for credits to be applied to an account once closed, the events which cause this to happen generally arise from the following:

  • The account was closed via disbursement issued in in the form of a check which the client does not present for payment for 90 days and is therefore cancelled by IBKR; or, where the client requests a stop payment due to loss, theft or non-delivery of the check.
  • The account was closed via an electronic disbursement (e.g., wire, ACH, EFT) later returned to IBKR by the receiving bank. This can occur if the receiving bank decides to reject and return the funds because the client’s bank account is closed or if the title of the account at IBKR differs from the bank account to which it is being deposited (i.e., a 3rd party transfer).
  • A credit adjustment is applied to the account after it has closed to correct an over-withholding of taxes on a prior period dividend.
  • An applicant deposited funds prior to the account being opened and the application was never approved by IBKR or was abandoned by the applicant.
  • The account was closed via transfer to another broker who later returns the assets after the account has closed.


Withdrawing Assets

To withdraw cash, log into the Client Portal, select the Transfer & Pay and then Transfer Funds menu options and you will be presented with the option to make a withdrawal and a list of available banking instructions which you created while the account was open.  Select an instruction that is active and applicable to the denomination of the currency to be withdrawn.

If your account has positions, please contact the broker who returned the positions to request that they be transferred back. Note that you will not be able to submit orders to close positions in a closed account.



Q. What do I do if I don't recall my login credentials and am unable to log into the Client Portal?

A. If you require assistance logging into your account, you will need to contact your local Client Service Center via telephone. Such requests require verbal verification of your identity as a protection from unauthorized users. Contact information is available on our website.


Q. How do I determine the credit balance in my account?

A. The account balance and its composition can be found in your activity statement. Daily, monthly and annual statements are available online via the Client Portal through the Reports/Tax Reports menu option.


Q. Am I able to reopen an account that has been closed?

A. Accounts that have been closed for an extended period or are attempting to reopen solely for the purpose of withdrawing assets are generally not eligible to be reopened. If you intend to reopen the account to establish an ongoing brokerage relationship, please contact your local Client Service Center for assistance.


Q. What happens if I want to withdraw the funds via check and my address has changed?

A. If your account is eligible to withdraw funds via check (only available for US currency withdrawals by customers with a US mailing address) and your mailing address on record is no longer accurate, you will not be able to change your address online. In this instance, please contact Client Services to inform us of your new address and receive instructions on how to upload a copy of a driver's license or other acceptable document.


Q. What happens if I want to withdraw the funds electronically and my account does not already have a valid banking instruction on file?

A. If you currently do not have an active banking instruction on file, please log into the Client Portal and add a new instruction using the Transfer & Pay menu option. Note that IBKR reserves the right to verify new instructions via verbal confirmation and/or submission of qualifying documentation. This verification step is intended to protect against unauthorized transfers to a 3rd party.


Q. The entity which owned the account no longer has a bank account or is no longer in existence. How can the funds be withdrawn?

A. In the event the funds are unable to be withdrawn and distributed in the name of account holder at the point of account closure, IBKR will seek to distribute the funds to the entity owners based on their pro rata share of ownership. Note that this will generally require submission of documentation evidencing the owners and their ownership interests as well as a warranty and indemnification letter executed by the owners that the information they provide is accurate and there aren’t any other owners or creditors to whom the funds are owned. IBKR also reserves the right to request an independent opinion of counsel verifying the accuracy of the information provided.


Q. What happens if I do not act to withdraw assets in a closed account?

A. IBKR will attempt to notify closed accounts of a credit balance using the email address of record. Account holders who do not act to withdraw balances within 30 days after notice has been sent are subject to a monthly closed account fee of $20.  Also note that IBKR is subject to statutes which require that assets in accounts deemed "abandoned" be turned over to the state in which the client resides (or Connecticut if the client resides outside the U.S.). The period of inactivity by which an account is considered "inactive" varies by state, but can be as low as 3 years. See Knowledge Base Article 2599 for details regarding retrieving unclaimed property from the state.

IB LLC大宗商品賬戶保證金要求









天數 時間(美東) 事件


結束頭寸 IB保證金 監管保證金
含貸款的淨資產 維持 初始 隔夜 追加保證金
1 22:00 買1份 HHI.HK 1份HHI.HK多頭 $10,000 $3,594 $4,493 不適用 不適用
2 04:30 香港交易所正式休市 1份HHI.HK多頭 1份HHI.HK多頭 $10,000 $7,942 $9,927 $4,493 不適用
2 08:00 賣1份HHI.HK 1份HHI.HK多頭 $9,000 $0 $0 $0 不適用
2 10:00 買1份ES 1份ES多頭 $9,000 $2,942 $3,677 不適用 不適用
2 17:00 美國交易所正式休市 1份ES多頭 1份ES多頭 $9,000 $5,884 $7,355 $9,993
3 17:00 美國交易所正式休市 1份ES多頭 1份ES多頭 $9,000 $5,884 $7,355 $5,500


Funds Transfer Restrictions


As part of its anti-money laundering efforts, IBKR implements restrictions on certain client deposits and withdrawals. These restrictions apply to transfers associated with countries considered to have elevated AML risk and consider factors such as the client’s residency, the withdrawal destination and the denomination of the currency being transferred.1 An outline of these restrictions is provided below.



  • Clients residing or maintaining an address in a country designated as having elevated AML risk may not withdraw funds to an account located in another country that has elevated AML risk unless they also maintain an address in that country.
  • Clients residing or maintaining an address in a country designated as having elevated AML risk may not deposit funds from an account located in another country having elevated AML risk unless they also maintain an address in that country.
  • Clients residing or maintaining an address in a country designated as having elevated AML risk may only withdraw funds to an account from which that client received a first-party deposit.
  • Clients may only withdraw funds in their base currency, their home country’s currency or common currencies (e.g. USD, EUR, HKD, AUD, GBP, CHF, CAD, JPY and SGD).
  • IBSG clients may only withdraw in SGD, USD, CNH, EUR, GBP and HKD.
  • IBKR may restrict the number of banks that a client may send money to, regardless of the domicile of the client or the bank.
  • A change to your base currency requires a minimum of 5 days before withdrawal instructions can be entered and a withdrawal request can be processed.

Note that clients who attempt to create an online banking instruction or initiate a deposit or withdrawal which is restricted will be blocked from creating that instruction or initiating that transaction and will be presented with an online error message.


1In determining whether a country is associated with elevated AML risk, consideration is given to information provided by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), an intergovernmental organization which promotes measures for combating money laundering, terrorist financing and other related threats to the integrity of the international financial system and other public AML indices.


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