Ex-Ante Costs and Charges Disclosures


 What is this Disclosure?

MIFID II rules require that Interactive Brokers in Europe and the UK provide its retail clients with a reasonable estimate of the costs and charges related to products and services offered.

Retail clients of Interactive Brokers in Europe can view a per-transaction costs and charges disclosure at the time of the order entry (‘ex-ante’). The disclosure is personalized and corresponds to the conditions applicable to the client account.
While clients have the option to view the disclosure, it is not a mandatory step before the order submission.

The disclosure content and format are largely prescribed by the rules to enable retail clients to compare costs and charges across providers. This article aims to clarify the meaning of these standardized terms.

In addition to Interactive Brokers costs and charges, the disclosure must show implicit costs and costs embedded in the product price itself (and not charged by Interactive Brokers separately).
A per transaction costs and charges disclosure is required for:

  • All futures and options globally, including futures options
  • ETFs of all types
  • Funds, including closed-end funds
  • CFDs
  • Warrants and structured products

A disclosure is not required for other products such as vanilla stocks and bonds.



 Where to Find the Per-transaction Costs and Charges Disclosure?

Access to the disclosure is via a link embedded in the primary order-entry dialog.

TWS Classic:

The presence of the link does not interrupt the standard order entry workflow if a client chooses not to click it. A client can click the transmit button in the usual way and skip viewing the disclosure.

Clicking the “Cost Impact” link brings up a pop-up with the ex-ante per transaction costs and charges disclosure, with the option to download it as a PDF:

Other Trading Applications:

The other order entry interfaces such as Mosaic, Client Portal and Mobile likewise include a link to the costs and charges disclosure, again without interrupting the standard workflow unless a client expressly wants to see the disclosure.

Below is an example of the order ticket in the Client Portal. Order tickets in TWS Mosaic and Mobile are similar.

The Disclosure Content and Structure

The per transaction costs and charges disclosure includes a summary-section followed by an itemized costs and charges breakdown. The various cost items are presented using headings and terms that are mandated by the regulation to make the disclosures comparable across investment service providers. The example below illustrates the statement structure and contains explanatory notes.

Ex-ante Costs and Charges Disclosure - Illustrative Example

(1) Account detail

 (2) Costs and Charges Summary

Please note that the “Financial Instrument Cost” is embedded in the product, and not a cost charged by Interactive Brokers. We are required to source or estimate such costs so you could better understand all of the costs that are associated with some of your securities.

(3) Itemized Breakdown of Costs and Charges











“可供賣空股票”工具和TWS中關于可供借用股票和指示性利率的信息,是在盡最大努力的基礎上提供,不保證其準確性或有效性。 “可供賣空股票”包括來自第三方的信息,不會實時更新。利率信息僅爲指示性質。在當前交易時段執行的交易通常在2個工作日內結算,實際供應和借入成本在結算日確定。交易者應注意,在交易和結算日之間,利率和供應可能會發生重大變化,尤其是交易稀少的股票、小盤股和即將發生公司行動(包括股息)的股票。詳情請參閱賣空的操作風險(Operational Risks of Short Selling)



1. 該賬戶持有特定幣種的空頭或借方餘額。

例如,某賬戶有相當于5,000美元的淨現金貸方餘額,這其中包括8,000美元的多頭餘額和相當于3,000美元的歐元空頭餘額,需要對歐元空頭餘額支付利息。 由于賬戶所持有的多頭美元餘額低于10,000美元的第一階梯水平,不會獲得利息,因此無法沖抵要支付的利息。  

賬戶持有人應注意,如其買入的證券是以賬戶未持有的貨幣計價,則IBKR會創建相應幣種的貸款,以便與清算所結算交易。如希望避免此類貸款和相關利息費用,客戶需在進行交易前存入以該特定貨幣計價的資金,或通過Ideal Pro(餘額25,000美元或以上)或散股(餘額低于25,000美元)交易場所兌換現有的現金餘額。 

2. 貸方餘額主要來自于賣空證券所得。 


3. 貸方餘額包含未結算的資金。



Alternative Streaming Quotes for European Equities


Alternative Streaming Quotes for EU Equities

On August 1st, 2022, clients with non-professional or non-commercial market data subscriber status will receive complimentary real-time streaming Best Bid and Offer and last sale quotes on European Equities. These quotes will be aggregated from exchanges such as Cboe Europe, Gettex, Tradegate and Turquoise. The data will display in the SMART quote line and can be used to generate a chart as well.

Eligible users will see a no charge service called 'Alternative European Equities (L1)' added to their account on or before August 1, 2022. Please note this will be a default Market Data service that cannot be removed.

Users who would like to receive the full EBBO (European Best Bid and Offer) will need to subscribe to the individual exchange subscriptions.


FAQs for February 23, 2022 messages regarding CME exchange fee credits

Why did I receive this message?

You received a message from IBKR on February 23, 2022 because your account traded spread trades on CME in (1) one or more of the following products between January 1, 2015 and late September 2021: E-Mini Equity index Futures (including Housing Index Futures); Micro E-Mini Index Futures; Micro E-Mini Index Options; and Nikkei Equity Futures, and/or (2) certain FX futures products between February 1, 2018 and mid-December 2021.

Why did I receive a credit?

As set forth in the message, certain spread trades in those products (see response #1) are subject to discounted CME exchange fees (as compared to outright trades in those products).  Your account traded spread trades in one or more of those products between January 1, 2015 and late September 2021 (or FX futures between February 1, 2018 and mid-December 2021) and, as a result of an inadvertent error, overpaid associated CME exchange fees.  IBKR has credited your account for the overpaid CME exchange fees. 

What do I need to do?

You will need to log into your account and withdrawal the funds.

Am I owed money for other trades?

Not that we have identified.  

How long do I have to withdraw the funds?

Please withdraw the funds within 30 days of the date of the message you received (by March 25, 2022).

The message I received says something about owing an outstanding debt to IBKR. What does that mean?

This means that your account owed an outstanding debt to IBKR, and the amount you received in reimbursement was credited against the outstanding debt amount. If the reimbursement amount exceeded the outstanding debt about, you received a credit and may withdraw the difference.





  1. 登錄客戶端
  2. 點擊“幫助”菜單(右上角的問號圖標),然後點擊“支持中心”
  3. 向下滾動,選擇“市場數據助手”
  4. 輸入代碼或ISIN以及交易所
  5. 選擇篩選條件:專業/非專業訂戶狀態、幣種和資産
  6. 點擊“搜索”
  7. 查看搜索結果幷决定哪些訂閱最符合自己的需求。


Glossary terms: 




Sending Funds to IBKR Post Migration

If your account has recently migrated to IBKR Ireland (IBIE) or IBKR Central Europe (IBCE), it is likely that you have outdated bank instructions saved in your Client Portal or with your bank. When transferring funds to IBKR after migration, you will want to enter a new deposit notification/bank instruction within Client Portal and update any saved IBKR bank information that you have with your bank. 

Should you inadvertently use outdated bank instructions to send funds to IBKR and they arrive at the incorrect IBKR entity, as a courtesy we will attempt to forward the funds to the correct IBKR entity. Please note that this transfer will be done free of charge for the first instance. For subsequent transfers, IBKR will charge your account a processing fee of EUR 50 (or equivalent). You will also receive a message notifying you of the transfer and advising you to update your bank information. 


期權監管費用是期權清算公司(OCC)向其清算會員(包括IBKR)收取的一種交易所費用。 其目的在於抵消因期權市場的監督管理(如日常監控、調查以及政策和規則的制定、解釋和執行活動)而産生的交易所開銷。該費用CBOE於2009年年中開始收取,BOX、ISE和PHLX於2010年1月開始收取,AMEX和ARCA於2011年5月開始收取,Nasdaq於2012年1月開始收取,C2於2012年8月開始收取,Miami於2013年1月開始收取,ISE GEMINI於2013年8月開始收取,BATS於2015年2月開始收取,Nasdaq BX於2016年2月開始收取,BATS EDGX於2017年2月開始收取,PEARL於2017年2月開始收取,MERCURY和EMERALD於2019年2月開始收取。截至2023年2月1日,客戶委托單每張 美國交易所掛牌期權合約收取$0.02905美元,每家交易所收費如下:  

交易所 期權監管費用
AMEX 0.0055
ARCA 0.0055
BATS 0.0001
BOX 0.00295
CBOE 0.0017
C2 0.0003
EDGX 0.0001
EMERALD 0.0006
ISE 0.0014
GEMINI 0.0013
MERCURY 0.0004
MIAX 0.0019
NOM 0.0016
PEARL 0.0018
PHLX 0.0034
總計 0.02905

注意,期權監管費用 針對所有交易(買單和賣單)收取,獨立於IBKR佣金和現有的交易所費用(如消耗流動性)之外,在活動報表中顯示爲監管費用。




  • 相當於交易金額0.5%的印花稅。
  • 對於在英國、馬恩島和海峽群島註冊之公司的股票,英國並購委員會(Panel of Takeovers and Mergers)會對所有交易金額超過1萬英鎊的委託單徵收1英鎊的稅。


  • 相當於交易金額1%的印花稅。


  • 瑞士交易稅並不是由盈透證券向個人賬戶自動收取的。需要繳稅的客戶應諮詢當地稅務顧問以履行其納稅義務。


  • 法國金融交易稅:針對總部位於法國並且市值超過十億歐元之公司的股票,按交易金額的0.30%收取。


  • 意大利金融交易稅:受監管市場和多邊交易設施中交易的股票按0.10%收取;這些市場以外其它市場上交易的股票按0.20%收取。


  • 西班牙金融交易稅:針對截至收購之日前一年12月1日市值超過十億歐元之西班牙公司的股票,按交易金額的0.20%收取。


  • 證券交易所內進行之交易(TST)的比利時稅費並不是由盈透證券向個人賬戶自動收取的。需要繳稅的客戶應諮詢當地稅務顧問以履行其納稅義務。


  • 對於在香港聯交所(SEHK)交易的股票、權證和結構性產品:
    • 政府印花稅:0.13%,對於聯交所股票向上取整到最近的整數1.00,通常只適用於股票。
    • 香港證監會(SFC)的交易稅費:0.0027%,通常適用于股票,權證和牛熊證。
    • 財務匯報局(FRC)的交易徵費:0.00015%,通常適用于股票,權證和牛熊證。
  • 對於通過滬港通北向通和深港通交易的產品:
    • 相當於賣出所得0.1%的印花稅


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