搭便車(“Free Riding”)交易相關規定

在現金帳戶中,投資者必須先付清買入證券所需資金(也就是說交易必須先完成結算)才能將證券賣出。如果投資者買入一隻證券,然後在結算日前尚未全額支付款項的情况下便將其賣出,則會構成搭便車(“free riding”)違規交易。IBKR會在日末進行檢查確定持倉是否在交易結算日之前平倉。這種日末監控程序會將結算日之前平倉視爲搭便車違規,幷會自動對違規賬戶應用爲期90天的限制,限制期內,賬戶將只能用已結算資金交易。



1) T日,賬戶有已結算現金$10,000美元

2) T日,賬戶買入$10,000美元的ABC

3) T+1日,賬戶賣出ABC幷買入$10,000美元的XYZ

4) 客戶在沒有存入足够全額支付買入XYZ所需資金的情况下賣出XYZ



1) T日,賬戶有全額支付的ABC頭寸,沒有多餘現金

2) T日,賬戶賣出$10,000美元的ABC

3) T日,賬戶買入$10,000美元的XYZ

4) T+1日,賬戶在沒有存入足够全額支付買入XYZ所需資金的情况下賣出XYZ




  1. 登錄客戶端
  2. 點擊“使用者”菜單(右上角的小人圖標),然後點擊“管理賬戶”
  3. 在“配置”部分,點擊“賬戶類型”對應的配置(齒輪)圖標申請從現金帳戶升級爲保證金賬戶。


  • 申請需經過IBKR風險與合規部門審批。審批通常需要24到48小時
  • 如果您近期剛將賬戶從保證金賬戶降級爲現金帳戶,那麽根據市場法規,您的賬戶30天后才能再升級爲保證金賬戶。


IBKR Australia Account Types and Products Offerings

Interactive Brokers Australia Pty Ltd (“IBKR Australia”), which holds an Australian Financial Services License (“AFSL” No. 453554), has been established. IBKR Australia is headquartered in Sydney and has been set up to provide services to our Australian clients. IBKR Australia clients, products and services have some unique characteristics when compared to the Interactive Brokers (“IBKR”) global account and product suite. The purpose of this document is to outline these characteristics of the IBKR Australia offering.

Account Types

IBKR Australia offers both cash accounts and margin accounts to all types of clients, including Individual / Joint account holders as well as trust account holders and corporate clients.

For Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (“SMSF”) account holders, IBKR Australia only offers cash accounts.

Natural Person v Non-Natural Person

Under IBKR Australia clients will be categorised as either natural persons or non-natural persons.

A natural person client would include individuals / joint account holders, as well as trusts with at least one natural person trustee. A non-natural person client would include corporate entities as well as trusts with only non-natural person trustees.

Australian Regulatory Status

Under IBKR Australia clients will be classified as either a retail, wholesale or professional investor. All new clients of IBKR Australia default to being classified as a retail investor unless they produce the required documentary evidence to enable IBKR Australia to treat them as a wholesale or professional investor.

Refer to this link for information regarding Australian regulatory status under IBKR Australia.

Please click [Here] to download the wholesale investor booklet, and click [Here] to download the professional investor booklet.

Cash Accounts

IBKR Australia offer three different types of cash accounts:

  • Investment account
  • Trading account
  • SMSF account (only available to Self-Managed Superannuation Fund)

Investment Account: Similar to the IBLLC Cash account model, the IBKR Australia Investment account does not allow you to short securities or to borrow funds, i.e. your account cannot have a debit balance. Moreover, only a limited number of options strategies will be available. This account is not eligible for reduced intraday Futures margin.

This account is available for all clients except SMSF clients.

Trading Account: While this is also a cash account that does not permit you to have a debit balance, you will be permitted to short stock and trade any of the available option strategies in the Trading Account, provided that you have the requisite trading experience and expertise, which is outlined [Here]. Further, Trading Accounts enable you to trade with unsettled funds.

If you currently have an Investment Account, you can submit a change of account type to change to a Trading Account by logging into the Client Portal and clicking the User menu (head and shoulders icon in the top right corner) followed by Manage Account. Under Configuration, click the Configure tool next to Account Type. This may take 2-3 business days to review.

This account is available for all clients except SMSF clients.

SMSF: This is only available to SMSF clients. This is a cash account that does not permit you to short securities or to borrow funds, i.e. your account cannot have a debit balance. Moreover, only a limited number of options strategies will be available. This account is not eligible for reduced intraday Futures margin.

The options strategies that are available in the Investment Account and the SMSF account are as follows:

  • Long Call or Put
  • Covered Calls
  • Short Put
  • Call Spread; exdate(long) >= exdate(short)
  • Put Spread; exdate(long) >= exdate(short)
  • Long / Short Butterfly
  • Iron Condor

Margin Accounts

IBKR Australia offers margin accounts that will provide all clients excluding SMSF clients with the ability to create portfolios to the maximum degree of risk taking/leverage allowed by IBKR Australia. Please note that margin accounts offered by IBKR Australia may be different from client to client depending on various factors. Please refer to this link for more information regarding margin accounts offered by IBKR Australia.

CFD Product Offering

As a client of IBKR Australia, provided that you have the requisite trading experience and expertise, which is outlined [Here], you will be able to trade all of exchange traded products available (including local and global stocks, options, futures, bonds, ETFs etc.) through IBKR’s award winning trading platform and software.

In addition, IBKR Australia issue Contracts for Difference (“CFDs”) over global shares, indices, metals and FX. These are only available to IBKR Australia clients. For further information on IBKR Australia's products and services, please see our website.

Refer to this link for information on IBAU’s share CFDs.

Refer to this link for information on IBAU’s index CFDs.

Refer to this link for information on IBAU's metal CFDs.

Refer to this link for information on IBAU’s FX CFDs.

Please note that the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) enacted new rules applicable to retail clients trading CFDs, effective 29 March 2021. Wholesale or Professional Investor clients are unaffected.  Refer to this link for more information.  


FX Offering

IBKR Australia can only support currencies in AUD, USD, HKD, EUR and GBP and you can convert between these currencies. If you have cash balances in currencies other than IBA supported currencies (AUD, USD, HKD, EUR or GBP) these will to be converted into your nominated base currency.

IBAU clients, when permissioned, can trade in any market available across the IBKR network, even those outside the 5 supported currencies above. However, upon your instruction for any market outside the 5 supported currencies, IBKR Australia will automatically execute Forex conversions to ensure non-supported cash balances be cleared.

For example, if an IBKR Australia client using a Cash account wishes to buy JPY denominated securities, as long as the client has sufficient available funds (for a cash account) or sufficient equity (for a margin account), the trade is permitted. To settle the trade, IBKR Australia will convert the existing cash balances into JPY. Similarly at a later date, if the same client wishes to sell their JPY denominated securities, IBKR Australia would automatically convert the JPY proceeds to the base currency by day end, once again leaving no residual JPY cash balances.

If an IBKR Australia client using a margin account has any positive or negative cash balances (if permitted) outside of the 5 supported currencies, it will be automatically converted to base currency by day end.


In order to ensure continued compliance with our regulatory obligations, IBKR Australia will NOT accept any other form of collateral except cash for the purposes of determining whether you can trade or hold ASX24 products. If the margin requirements of ASX24 products cannot be met using cash, your account will be subject to automated liquidation.




盈透證券(英國)有限公司 – MiFID分類


歐盟《金融工具市場法規(MiFID)》及其后修訂版MiFID II要求盈透證券英國有限公司【Interactive Brokers (U.K.) Limited (IBUK)】根據客戶的知識水平、經驗和專長將客戶分為“零售客戶”、“專業客戶”或“合格對手方”這几類。 



1. 組合投資的性質與風險說明:以其它服務或產品作為協議條件向零售客戶提供投資服務的公司必須:(i) 告知零售投資者組合協議的風險是否與各組成部分單獨對應的風險有所不同;并(ii) 向零售客戶提供協議不同組成部分的充分說明以及各部分相互作用改變風險的方式。上述要求不適用於專業客戶。但是,除了下方第3點的情況外,IBUK的處理方法并不會有太多不同。

2. 差價合約(”CFD“)的投資者保護措施:歐洲證券與市場管理局(”ESMA“)針對向零售客戶提供差價合約推出了干預措施。措施包括:(i) 對開倉頭寸實施新的杠杆限制,根據底層證券的波動率而定;(ii) 以單個賬戶為單位的保證金平倉規則,標准化了供應商必須平倉一個或多個未結差價合約的保證金百分比水平;(iii) 以單個賬戶為單位的負余額保護規則;
(iv) 限制交易差價合約的獎勵;以及(v) 標准化風險警示,包括披露差價合約供應商出現虧損的零售投資者賬戶的百分比。上述要求不適用於專業客戶。

3. 與客戶的溝通:公司必須確保其與所有客戶的溝通均清楚、公證、不具誤導性。但是,公司與專業客戶溝通(有關其自身、其服務與產品以及其報酬)的方式則可能會和與零售客戶溝通的方式不同。公司在信息提供的詳細程度、使用的工具以及時間選擇方面的責任都會根據客戶是零售客戶還是專業客戶而會有所不同。發送某些產品特定文件(如零售及保險投資產品組合(“PRIIP”)關鍵信息文件(“KID”)的要求不適用於專業客戶。

4. 價值減損報告:若零售客戶賬戶持有杠杆金融產品頭寸或涉及或有負債交易,則如果各產品的初始價值下降10%且之后以10%的倍數下跌,則公司必須通知零售客戶。上述要求不適用於專業客戶。

5. 合適性:在評估非咨詢(non-advised)服務的合適性時,公司須確定客戶是否具備必要的經驗和知識,能夠了解所提供或需求之產品或服務相關的風險。該等合適性評估要求應用到客戶時,公司會認為專業客戶具備必要的經驗和知識了解其被分類為專業客戶的該等特定投資服務或交易、或該等類型交易或產品相關的風險。但公司不會對零售客戶作此假設,而是必須確定零售客戶確實具備必要的經驗和知識水平。


6. 責任免除:在FCA法規下,公司針對零售客戶免除或限制其自身責任或義務的能力比針對專業客戶時要弱。

7. 金融服務申訴機搆:英國金融申訴服務機搆對專業客戶不可用,除非其是,例如,在其自身行業、業務、技能或專業之外行動的消費者、小型企業或個人。

8. 補償:IBUK是英國金融服務補償計划的參與成員。如果IBUK不能履行對您的義務,您有權從該計划索取賠償。這取決於業務的類型以及索賠的情況;補償僅對某些類型的索賠人和某些類型的業務可用。從補償計划獲取補償的資格將根據計划適用的規則確定。




1. 固有專業客戶可以通知IBUK,因至少滿足以下一項條件,其認為其自身根據FCA規則應該被分類為固有專業客戶:

(i) 被授權或受監管在金融市場運作;或

(ii) 公司層面滿足下方規模要求中任意兩項的大型事業:

(a) 資產負債表總額達20,000,000歐元;
(b) 淨營業額達40,000,000歐元;
(c) 自有資金達2,000,000歐元;

(iii) 主要活動為投資金融產品的機搆投資者。這包括致力於資產證券化或其它融資交易的實體。

2. 如果基於對客戶技能、經驗和知識的評估,IBUK有理由相信,考慮所設想之交易或服務的性質,客戶能夠自行做出投資決定并了解其中風險,則IBUK會將客戶作為選擇性專業客戶。不滿足固有專業客戶要求的客戶仍然可以申請被分類為選擇性專業客戶。


1. 在過去4個季度,客戶進行大額金融產品交易的平均頻率達每季度10次。


a. 過去4個季度內,進行了至少40筆交易;
b. 過去4個季度內每個季度至少進行了1筆交易;
c. 過去4個季度內進行的最大的40筆交易總名義價值大於200,000歐元;
d. 賬戶淨資產價值大於50,000歐元。


2. 客戶持有的金融產品(包括現金)投資組合超過500,000歐元(或等值);

3. 客戶是個人賬戶持有人或機搆賬戶交易者,且其至少有一年在金融行業要求具備產品知識的專業崗位工作的經驗。








Interactive Brokers (U.K.) Limited – MiFID Categorisation


The European Union legislative act known as the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive, or MiFID, as amended by MiFID II, requires Interactive Brokers (U.K.) Limited (IBUK) to classify each Client according to their knowledge, experience and expertise: "Retail", "Professional" or "Eligible Counterparty".

In accordance with the Financial Conduct Authority rules, IBUK categorises most clients as Retail clients, providing them with a higher degree of protection.

Only those clients that are either regulated entities or funds managed by regulated fund managers, are categorised as Per Se Professional Clients.

Professional Clients are entitled to a lower degree of protection under the UK regulatory regimes than Retail Clients. This notice contains, for information purposes only, a summary of the protections that a Retail Client might lose if they are to be treated as a Professional Client.

1. Description of the nature and risks of packaged investments: A firm that offers an investment service with another service or product or as a condition of the same agreement with a Retail Client must: (i) inform Retail Clients if the risks resulting from the agreement are likely to be different from the risks associated with the components when taken separately; and (ii) provide Retail Clients with an adequate description of the different components of the agreement and the way in which its interaction modifies the risks. The above requirements do not apply in respect of Professional Clients. However, IBUK will not make such differentiation apart from the case specified under point 3 below.

2. Retail investor protection measures on the provision of Contracts for Differences (“CFDs”): The regulatory measures include: (i) Leverage limits on the opening of a position, which vary according to the volatility of the underlying; (ii) A margin close out rule on a per account basis that standardises the percentage of margin (at 50%of the minimum required margin) at which providers are required to close out one or more open CFDs; (iii) Negative balance protection on a per account basis;(iv) A restriction on the incentives offered to trade CFDs; and (v) A standardised risk warning, including the percentage of losses on a CFD provider’s Retail investor accounts. These measures do not apply in respect of Professional Clients.

3. Communication with clients, including financial promotions: A firm must ensure that its communications with all clients are, and remain, fair, clear and not misleading. However, the simplicity and frequency in which a firm may communicate with Professional Clients (about itself, its services and products, and its remuneration) may be different to the way in which the firm communicates with Retail Clients. Regulations relating to restrictions on, and the required contents of, direct offer financial promotions do not apply to promotions to Professional Clients and such promotions need not contain sufficient information for Professional Clients to make an informed assessment of the investment to which they relate. A firm’s obligations in respect of the level of details, medium and timing of the provision of information are different depending on whether the client is a Retailor Professional Client. The requirements to deliver certain product-specific documents, such as Key Information Documents (“KIDs”) for Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products (“PRIIPs”), are not applied to Professional Clients.

4. Depreciation in value reporting to clients: A firm that holds a Retail Client account that includes positions in leveraged financial instruments or contingent liability transactions must inform the Retail Client, where the initial value of each instrument depreciates by 10 per cent and thereafter at multiples of 10 per cent. The above reporting requirements do not apply in respect of Professional Clients (i.e., these reports do not have to be produced for Professional Clients).

5. Appropriateness: For transactions where a firm does not provide the client with investment advice or discretionary management services (such as an execution-only trade), it may be required to assess whether the transaction is appropriate. When assessing appropriateness for non-advised services, a firm may be required to determine whether the client has the necessary experience and knowledge in order to understand the risks involved in relation to the product or service offered or demanded. Where such an appropriateness assessment requirement applies in respect of a Retail Client, there is a specified test for ascertaining whether the client has the requisite investment knowledge and experience to understand the risks associated with the relevant transaction. However, in respect of a Professional Client the firm is entitled to assume that a Professional Client has the necessary level of experience, knowledge and expertise in order to understand the risks involved in relation to those particular investment services or transactions, or types of transaction or product, for which the client is classified as a Professional Client. IBUK provides non-advised services and is not required to request information or adhere to the assessment procedures for a Professional Client when assessing the appropriateness of a given service or product as with a Retail Client, and IBUK may not be required to give warnings to the Professional Client if it cannot determine appropriateness with respect to a given service or product.

6. Information about costs and associated charges: A firm must provide clients with information on costs and associated charges for its services and/or products. The information provided may not be as comprehensive for Professional Clients as it must be for Retail Clients.

7. Dealing: When undertaking transactions for Retail Clients, the total consideration, representing the price of the financial instrument and the costs relating to execution, should be the overriding factor in any execution. For Professional Clients a range of factors may be considered in order to achieve best execution –price is an important factor, but the relative importance of other different factors, such as speed, costs and fees may vary. However, IBUK will not make such differentiation.

8. Difficulty in carrying out orders: In relation to order execution, firms must inform Retail Clients about any material difficulty relevant to the proper carrying out of orders promptly on becoming aware of the difficulty. This is not required in respect of Professional Clients. The timeframe for providing confirmation that an order has been carried out is more rigorous for Retail Clients’ orders than Professional Clients’ orders.

9. Share trading obligation: In respect of shares admitted to trading on a regulated market or traded on a trading venue, the firm may, in relation to the investments of Retail Clients, only arrange for such trades to be carried out on a regulated market, a multilateral trading facility, a systematic internaliser or a third-country trading venue. This is a restriction which may not apply in respect of trading carried out for Professional Clients (i.e., this restriction can be disapplied where trades in such shares are carried out for Professional Clients in certain circumstances).

10. Exclusion of liability: Firms’ ability to exclude or restrict any duty or liability owed to clients is narrower under the FCA rules in the case of Retail Clients than in respect of Professional Clients.

11. The Financial Services Ombudsman: The services of the Financial Ombudsman Service in the UK may not be avail-able to Professional Clients, unless they are, for example, consumers, small businesses or individuals acting outside of their trade, business, craft or profession.

12. Compensation: IBUK is a member of the UK Financial Services Compensation Scheme. You may be entitled to claim compensation from that scheme if IBUK cannot meet its obligations to you. This will depend on the type of business and the circumstances of the claim; compensation is only available for certain types of claimants and claims in respect of certain types of business. Eligibility for compensation from the Financial Services Compensation Scheme is not contingent on your categorisation but on how the firm is constituted. Eligibility for compensation from the scheme is determined under the rules applicable to the scheme (more information is available at https://www.fscs.org.uk/).

13. Transfer of financial collateral arrangements: As a Professional Client, the firm may conclude title transfer financial collateral arrangements with you for the purpose of securing or covering your present or future, actual or contingent or prospective obligations, which would not be possible for Retail Clients.

14. Client money: The requirements under the client money rules in the FCA Handbook (CASS) are more prescriptive and provide more protection in respect of Retail Clients than in respect of Professional Clients.

Re-categorisation as Professional Client

IBUK allows its Retail Clients to request to be re-categorised as Professional Clients. Clients are notified of their Client Category and can check it at any time from Account Management, under Settings> Account Settings> MiFID Client Category. From this same screen, Clients can also request to change their MiFID Category.

IBUK will consider re-categorising Retail Clients to Professional Clients in two instances:

1. Per Se Professional Clients can notify IBUK that they consider that they should have been categorised as Per Se Professionals under the FCA rules, because at least one of the following conditions applies:

(i) authorised or regulated to operate in the financial markets; or

(ii) a large undertaking meeting two of the following size requirements on a company basis:

(a) balance sheet total of EUR 20,000,000;
(b) net turnover of EUR 40,000,000;
(c) own funds of EUR 2,000,000;

(iii) an institutional investor whose main activity is to invest in financial instruments. This includes entities dedicated to the securitisation of assets or other financing transactions.

2. IBUK may treat Clients as Elective Professional Clients if, based on an assessment of the Client’s expertise, experience, and knowledge, IBUK is reasonably assured that, in light of the nature of the transactions or services envisaged, the Client is capable of making its own investment decisions and understand the risks involved. Clients who do not meet the requirements to be categorised as Per Se Professional Clients can still request to be categorised as Elective Professional Clients.

To obtain such re-categorisation, Retail Clients must provide evidence that they satisfy at least two (2) of the following criteria:

1. Over the last four (4) quarters, the Client conducted trades in financial instruments in significant size at an average frequency of ten (10) per quarter.

To determine the significant size IBUK considers the following:
   a. During the last four quarters, there were at least forty (40) trades; and
   b. During each of the last four (4) quarters, there was at least one (1) trade; and
   c. The total notional value of the top forty (40) trades of the last four (4) quarters is greater than EUR 200,000; and
   d. The account has a net asset value greater than EUR 50,000.

Trades in Spot FX and Unallocated OTC Metals are not considered for the purpose of this calculation.

2. The Client holds a portfolio of financial instruments (including cash) that exceeds EUR 500,000 (or equivalent);

3. The Client is an individual account holder or a trader of an organisation account who works or has worked in the financial sector for at least one year in a professional position which requires knowledge of products it trades in.

Upon review and verification of the information and supporting evidence provided, IBUK will re-categorise clients if all relevant conditions are met to satisfaction.

Retail Clients requesting to be re-categorised as Professional Accounts must read and understand the warning provided by IBUK before the relevant request is submitted.

Re-categorisation as Retail Client

Professional Clients can request IBUK to be re-categorised as Retail Clients, from the same Account Management page described above (under Settings> Account Settings> MiFID Client Category).

With the sole exception of regulated entities or funds managed by regulated fund managers, which are categorised as Per Se Professional Clients, IBUK accepts all such requests.



Converting From an Individual to Trust Account

The process of converting from an individual account to a trust account is outlined below: 

1. As the trust account structure differs from that of the individual in terms of account holder information required, legal agreements and, in certain cases, taxpayer status, direct conversion is not supported and a new trust account application must be completed online.

The online trust application may be initiated by visiting www.ibkr.com and clicking the "Open Account" button. Be sure to request trading permissions and, if necessary, margin status, sufficient to maintain the positions currently carried in your individual account. Note that if your account is managed by a financial advisor or you are a client of an introducing broker, please contact your advisor or broker to initiate the new application (you may need to make arrangements with your advisor or broker for fees that have accrued but not yet paid when the individual account closes).

2. The trust account application requires Compliance review and approval and documentation evidencing the creation of the trust and proof of identity and address of trustees may also be required. If this is the case, notice as to the required documents and how to submit will be provided at the conclusion of the online application.

3. Once you have received an email confirming approval of the trust account application, send a request from your Message Center authorizing IB to manually transfer positions from your Individual to trust account. Prior to submitting the request you should make sure to close all open orders in the individual account to ensure that no executions take place following the transfer.

Due to the manual steps and scheduling required, you should allow a minimum of one week after trust account approval and submitting your request for the transfer to take effect.


1. Note that exchange regulations preclude ownership transfer of derivative contracts such as futures and options. If you are holding such positions you would either need to close them prior to the transfer taking place or request that they remain in your individual account.

2. Prior to processing the transfer, you should make sure to close all open orders in the individual account to ensure that no executions take place following the transfer.

3. The SMA (Special Memorandum Account) balance in your individual account will not transfer to the trust account. In certain cases this may impact your ability to open new positions in the trust account on the first day after the transfer is completed.

4. Elective options such as market data subscriptions and participation in IB's Yield Enhancement Program will not be carried over to the trust account and must be re-initiated to continue. Note that trusts are often classified as Professionals for market data subscription purposes which generally implies higher subscription rates than that for Non-Professionals.

5. The cost basis of transferred positions as reported in the activity statements will remain unchanged for tax purposes. The cost basis as reported in your trading platform (which is not used for tax reporting purposes) will not transfer over to the trust account but may be manually adjusted.

6. Once the transfer has been completed and assuming all positions have been transferred your individual account will be designated for automatic closure. Note that certain balances such as dividend accruals can’t be transferred until paid, after which they will then be transferred and your individual account closed.

7. You'll receive any applicable tax forms for the reportable activity transacted in each of your individual and trust accounts at year end. Access to Account Management for you individual account will remain after it has been closed for the purpose of reviewing and printing activity statements and tax forms.

8. IBKR does not provide tax advice or investment guidance and recommends that account holder consult with qualified professionals to determine any legal, tax or estate planning consequences associated with individual to trust transfer requests.

Free Riding Rule

In a cash account, an investor must pay for the purchase of a security (meaning, the trade must settle) prior to selling that security. If an investor buys a security and then sells that same security without paying for the security in full by settlement date, the investor is considered to be “free riding.” IBKR's implementation of the free riding rule uses an end of day check to see if a position was closed prior to its trade settlement date. This IBKR end of day surveillance would still consider closing a position before settlement a Free Riding violation and automatically puts the account into "Cash Up Front" restriction for the next 90 days.

Free riding examples that would be considered a violation at Interactive Brokers

Example A:

1) On T, the account has settled cash of $10,000

2) On T, the account buys ABC for $10,000

3) On T+1, the account sells ABC and buys $10,000 of XYZ

4) The customer sells the XYZ shares without depositing sufficient funds to pay for the purchase of XYZ in full


Example B:

1) On T, the account has fully paid for stock in ABC and no excess cash

2) On T, the account sells $10,000 of ABC

3) On T, the account buys $10,000 of XYZ

4) On T+1, the account sells the XYZ shares without depositing sufficient funds to pay for the purchase of XYZ in full


The end of day surveillance process would consider both of these scenarios to be free riding violations, which would restrict the account to only purchase using settled funds for 90 days. IBKR has put certain controls in place to help prevent free riding violations. Your Total Cash Value includes your settled and unsettled funds, and you will be able to place a new order when your Available Funds (ELV - Initial Margin) is positive (as that represents your fully settled cash after a closing trade). The real time check for fully settled cash is done at the Credit Check when entering a new order.

Account holders who wish to have access to unsettled funds prior to the settlement day may do so by requesting a margin type account. Under a margin type account, unsettled funds may be used for trading purposes but may not be withdrawn until settlement. Account holders maintaining a Cash type account may request an upgrade to a Margin type account by:

  1. Logging in to Client Portal
  2. Clicking the User menu (head and shoulders icon in the top right corner) followed by Manage Account
  3. In the Configuration section, clicking the Configure (gear) icon for Account Type to request an upgrade from Cash to Margin.

Please Note

  • Requests will be reviewed by the IBKR Risk and Compliance Departments. Approval typically takes 24 to 48 hours
  • If you recently downgraded your account from Margin to Cash, market regulations require a waiting period of 30 days before your account becomes eligible for Margin again.


常見問題- 轉換為以IBUK作為持有經紀商




答: IB將擴大由IB UK清算和持有的客戶活動範圍,以包括某些當前由IB LLC處理的業務。目前,除實體商品(如黃金、白銀)和未在交易所掛牌的差價合約(CFD)外,IB UK通過IB LLC清算所有客戶活動。為區分由IB英國清算的和轉介給IB LLC處理的IB英國的活動,我們創建了一個稱為IBUKL的內部記賬賬戶,用於記錄IB英國的活動。該IBUKL賬戶將被用於清算和持有更廣泛的產品類型,包括股票、ETF、期權、期貨、期貨期權和外匯。


答: IB客戶群既包括美國賬戶也包括非美國賬戶,正傾向於變得更為國際化。目前很大一部分非美國客戶群的活動在美國經紀自營商IB LLC處清算、持有並託管(除CFD、實物金屬及所有通過IB印度和IB日本賬戶處理的活動),將部分活動轉移到IBUKL具有很大優勢,因規管結構更接近於客戶所在地。

問:IB UK和IBUKL有什麼區別?

答:盈透證券(英國)有限公司(“IB UK”)是一家由英國行為監管局(FCA)授權在英國運營的經紀商。相比之下,IBUKL不是法律實體,而是一種內部的記錄或標記慣例,用於指定通過IB UK交易的客戶業務子項目。目前,該活動僅包括由IB英國清算且作為對手方的場外產品,包括非交易所掛牌的CFD和實體商品(即黃金和白銀)。






問:開立了IBUKL賬戶的客戶是否會同時擁有IB LLC的賬戶?
答:在大多數情況下可能會。如果客戶僅交易由IBUKL賬戶清算和持有的產品,理論上他們無需開立IB LLC賬戶。有其他頭寸的客戶將保留或需開立IB LLC賬戶。


問:IBUKL賬戶會像IB LLC賬戶一樣有多個部分嗎?

答:不會。IB LLC賬戶下的多個部分反映了美國二元分化的監管結構,即證券產品由證券交易委員會(SEC)監管、而大宗商品則由商品期貨交易委員會(CFTC)監管。除了聯合監管的個股期貨以外,CFTC或SEC的法規對另一個監管機構管轄的賬戶中的產品的清算或保證金要求均不作規定。比如CFYC和SEC的客戶保護規則,儘管兩者的目的相似,但應用不同;此類規則旨在隔離一定金額的資產,以便償還與賬戶的證券或商品板塊相對應的權利主張,但僅以單個部分的潛在主張為限。

IB UK的主要監管方英國行為監管局(FCA)同時監管證券和商品,所有IBUKL頭寸將被放置在一個賬戶部分中。

答:頭寸不適用美國Reg. T保證金要求,而是適用基於風險的(VAR)方法。初期,當新產品被遷移至IBUKL賬戶,本地交易所/清算方法(通常為SPAN)將被沿用,賬戶的保證金要求將是多種方法計算結果的加總。未來,IB將對整個賬戶使用統一的保證金計算方法,即基於IB當前獨有的投資組合保證金計算模型。





答:由於IBLLC和IB UK是獨立的法律實體,多餘資金無法自動在兩個賬戶間轉移,除非是為了滿足保證金要求。在某些情況下,IB會自動轉移所需的資金,以滿足IBLLC和IB UK賬戶的保證金要求。賬戶管理中剩餘資金劃轉選項仍將有效,但僅會影響IBLLC賬戶。


答:在IBLLC持有現金餘額的客戶將繼續依據其在證券和商品賬戶中持有的現金餘額分別計算利息。在IB UK持有現金餘額的客戶只有一個現金餘額,利息都根據這個餘額計算。


問:IB UK賬戶能為我提供何種保護?
答: IB UK是英國金融服務補償計劃(“FSCS”)成員。補償標準會不斷變化,有關當前補償標準的詳情,請參考FSCS網站www.fscs.org.uk/
問:IB UK是否提供高於行業標準的額外保護?
答: IB UK不提供高於FSCS標準的額外保護。
問:勞埃德(Lloyds)的保險是否也覆蓋IB UK的賬戶?

答:將資產託管在IB UK有多項好處。這些好處包括能將客戶的非美國商品和證券頭寸整合進同一個賬戶部分、通過頭寸對沖和應用基於風險的保證金計算方法享受更有利的保證金、通過合併當前不同項目下的現金餘額來降低借款成本/提高利息收入、以及盡可能減少美國稅務的報告義務。
答:目前,IB想要將某些產品組遷移至IB UK,因此,所有持有相關產品組的客戶將被遷移至IB UK。將來這些產品可能可以通過IBLLC持有,但目前尚不可以。
問:IB UK破產而IBLLC不破產的情況可能發生嗎?

答:理論上可能,但我們認為這種情況不會出現。 IB LLC和IB UK都是同一家母公司盈透證券集團有限公司(Interactive Brokers Group LLC)的全資子公司。成立獨立實體主要是出於應對監管的目的,我們相信這兩者中任何一家都不會破產,母公司更不可能只讓其中一家破產。此外,由於IB約85%的股權是管理層和員工持有的,所有者出於經濟利益的考慮會極力保護其投資、不致讓這兩家實體破產。




Can I have more than two individuals on a joint account?

IBKR offers three types of joint accounts: Tenants with Rights of Survivorship, Tenancy in Common and Community Property. Each of these joint account types is limited to two account holders.

Applicants interested in opening an account with multiple owners in excess of two may consider the corporate, partnership, limited liability company or unincorporated legal structure account types offered by IBKR. Note that documentation establishing proof of formation and address are generally required at the point of application.

Converting From a Single to Joint Account

The process of adding a second owner to an existing single account for purposes of converting to a joint account is outlined below:

1.       As the joint account structure differs from that of the individual in terms of account holder information required, legal agreements and, in certain cases, taxpayer status, direct conversion is not supported and a new joint account application must be completed online.
The joint application may be initiated online from the single account by logging into Client Portal and clicking the User menu (head and shoulders icon in the top right corner) followed by Manage Account. Click the Configure (gear) icon next to the words Open an Additional Account. This process will allow you to retain your existing user name, password and security device for purposes of operating the joint account. Be sure to request trading permissions and, if necessary, margin status, sufficient to maintain the positions currently carried in your individual account. Note that if your account is managed by a financial advisor or you are a client of an introducing broker, please contact your advisor or broker to initiate the new application (you may need to make arrangements with your advisor or broker for fees that have accrued but not yet paid if the individual account closes).
The joint account application requires Compliance review and approval and documentation evidencing the identity and address of the second account holder may be required. If this is the case, notice as to the required documents and how to submit will be provided at the conclusion of the online application.
2.       Once you have received an email confirming approval of the joint account application, send a request from your Message Center authorizing IBKR to manually transfer positions from your single to joint account. Prior to submitting the request you should make sure to close all open orders in the individual account to ensure that no executions take place following the transfer.
Due to the manual steps and scheduling required, you should allow a minimum of one week after joint account approval and submitting your request for the transfer to take effect. 


1.       Note that exchange regulations preclude ownership transfer of derivative contracts such as futures and options. If you are holding such positions you would either need to close them prior to the transfer taking place or request that they remain in your individual account.
2.       Prior to processing the transfer, you should make sure to close all open orders in the individual account to ensure that no executions take place following the transfer.
3.       The SMA (Special Memorandum Account) balance in your individual account will not transfer to the joint account. In certain cases this may impact your ability to open new positions in the joint account on the first day after the transfer is completed.
4.       Elective options such as participation in IBKR's Stock Yield Enhancement Program will not be carried over to the joint account and must be re-initiated to continue.
5.       The cost basis of transferred positions as reported in the activity statements will remain unchanged for tax purposes.  
6.       Once the transfer has been completed and assuming all positions have been transferred your individual account will be designated for automatic closure. Note that certain balances such as dividend accruals can’t be transferred until paid, after which they will then be transferred and your individual account closed.
7.       You'll receive any applicable tax forms for the reportable activity transacted in each of your individual and joint accounts at year end. Access to Client Portal for your individual account will remain after it has been closed for the purpose of reviewing and printing activity statements and tax forms.
8.       IBKR does not provide tax advice or investment guidance and recommends that account holder consult with qualified professionals to determine any legal, tax or estate planning consequences associated with single to joint transfer requests.


Designation of Eligible Contract Participant

Account holders may designate their status as an Eligible Contract Participant (ECP) by completing an online questionnaire provided via Client Portal. In the case where the account holder has provided information via the application process which suggests that they meet the ECP financial and/or organizational qualifications (see the IBKR Knowledge Base), the questionnaire is posted online in Client Portal. If the information submitted at the point of application does not support ECP qualification, the account holder may update their information online to obtain the questionnaire. Outlined below are the steps necessary to access the questionnaire.


Step 1. Determine if the ECP questionnaire has been posted to your account:

For individual accounts, log into Client Portal and click the User menu (head and shoulders icon in the top right corner) followed by Manage Account and Investor Category. If you reported net worth in excess of the minimum qualifying threshold, you will be provided with the ECP questionnaire. Note that account holders reporting net worth below the ECP qualifying threshold may be provided with questionnaires for different investor categories (i.e., Accredited Investor).

For organization accounts, log into Client Portal and click the User menu (head and shoulders icon in the top right corner) followed by Manage Account and Investor Category. If your organization is of a specified category (e.g., registered broker dealer, FCM) or reported net worth in excess of the minimum qualifying threshold, you will be provided with the ECP questionnaire. Note that organizations reporting net worth below the ECP qualifying threshold may be provided with questionnaires for different investor categories (i.e., Qualified Purchaser).

If the ECP questionnaire has been posted to your account, complete and acknowledge the document via electronic signature. If the questionnaire has not been posted to your account, follow Step 2 below.


Step 2. Update your account information:

For individual and organization accounts, if your net worth exceeds the minimum qualifying threshold of $10 million, you may log into Client Portal and click the User menu (head and shoulders icon in the top right corner) followed by Manage Account and Financial Information. Included on that page will be a section where account holders can update and confirm their financial information. Note that updates to this information are subject to review by our Compliance Department prior to taking effect. Once changes have taken effect and, assuming those changes meet the qualifying threshold, the ECP questionnaire will be made available as noted in Step 1 above.

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