These instructions apply to users who are receiving their statements via sFTP. If you elected to receive your statements via sFTP, you would first need to generate an RSA Key pair.
To generate an RSA Key pair:
1. Download
2. Run the installer and make sure to check
PuTTYgen (key generator) as one of the components to install.
3. Start WinSCP and from the button
Tools select
Run PuTTYgen.
4. Once the tool PuTTYgen has been launched, click
Generate. Select
RSA as
Type of key to generate,
2048 as
Number of bits in generated key and click on the button
5. Click "Save private key" and give the file a name (like private). Leave the extension as .ppk ('ale.ppk', in the picture below is an example filename).
Important Note: do NOT save your public key yet. Save only your private one.
6. Open WinSCP, create a new connection and:
- Select SFTP as File protocol.
- Enter in the Host name field.
- Enter 32 in the Port number field.
7. Click on the button
8. In the Advanced Site Settings screen, left side menu, expand
SSH and select
Authentication. Click on the button
... at the end of the field
Private Key file and open the private key you previously saved at point 5):

9. Click on the button
Display public key:

10. Click on the button Copy Key.
11. Open Notepad, press CTRL+V to paste the key string (which is one string of characters without spaces) and then save the file with the name public.key in a folder of your preference:
12. Send the file you saved at the previous step to us via Message Center ticket or email as per instructions on
13. In the WinSCP Window, click on "
OK" in the information pop-up showing the key, then "
OK" in the Advanced Site Settings screen, then click on
Save to save the new connection you have created.
14. Once the IBKR Sales Engineering Team has configured the parameters for your connection on our servers, you will be able to access your SFTP repository by using the connection you have created.