账户窗口的第三部分——“可用于交易(Available for Trading)”——有一行叫“剩余日内交易数(T...,T+4)【Day Trades Left (T...,T+4)】”。
A. 向账户存入资金,将账户资产提高到25,000美元以上。账户资产高于25,000美元的账户可无限次日内交易。
B. 通过客户端申请PDT重置。登录客户端,依次打开支持>消息中心,然后从“撰写”下拉菜单中选择“典型日内交易者请求”。典型日内交易者请求工具随即将启动,系统会检查确定账户是否符合PDT重置要求。
Yes, if a position that is opened is subsequently closed in the same trading session (day), it is defined as a Pattern Day Trade. If an IBKR liquidation results in the closing of a position that was opened in that same session/day, it would be counted towards the Pattern Day Trade total. This could also result in the account being flagged as a Pattern Day Trade account.
A day trade is defined as a purchase and sale of a security (US and Non-US) within the same trading day. The FINRA and NYSE instituted regulations intended to limit the amount of trading that can be done in accounts with small amounts of capital, specifically accounts with less than 25,000 USD Net Liquidation Value. A Pattern Day Trader is someone who effects 4 or more day trades within a 5 business day period. You have violated these rules and are therefore subject to PDT restrictions.
In the Account Window, the third section titled Available for Trading displays a line titled Day Trades Left (T...,T+4).
In the example above, we will assume that today is Monday. The account will have 0 day trades available Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday and Thursday, 2 day trades will be available. If those two trades are not used, the account will have all 3 day trades available on Friday.
According to the governing bodies, you are now disallowed to initiate any new positions (though you can always close out preexisting positions) for a period of 90 days. You do have options which are:
A. Deposit funds into the account which bring the account value greater than USD 25,000. Accounts valued greater than USD 25,000 are allowed unlimited day trades.
B. Request a PDT Reset through Client Portal. This can be done by going to the Support section of Client Portal followed by Message Center and selecting “Pattern Day Trader Request” from the “Compose” drop down menu. The Pattern Day Trader Request tool will launch and the system will check to see if the account is eligible for a PDT Reset.
Additional information can be found on the Day Trading tab on this page.