Username and password management for the IBKR Online Features


IBKR Online Features provides several forums where clients can express their opinion and vote for their favorite commercial or freelance software tools, programming features and third-party tutors.  In addition, the Features Poll forum allows clients to submit suggestions for future technology and service enhancements and to vote and make comments on the suggestions provided by others.  While there's no assurance that any one suggestion will be enacted, those which generate the widest support via this system tend to receive the highest priority in our programming queue.


To participate in a forum, clients must first establish a username and password combination unique from that established for Account Management and trading platform access.  To add, delete or modify a username or password, you'll first need to log into Account Management and go to the Settings section followed by User Settings. Once there, click the gear icon next to the words "Online Features" in the Login section. From there enter a username and password which differs from that which you use to log into your account.  Then enter your account username and password to confirm.

If you have forgotten your Online Features password and/or wish to reset your username, you may do so through this same screen by re-entering your choices, then entering your account username and password to confirm and clicking on the Change button. As clients have the availability to self-manage their password in this manner there is no process in place to supply a forgotten password.