

  • 登錄客戶端
  • 點擊幫助
  • 選擇安全消息中心
  • 選擇撰寫,然後新諮詢單
  • 在類別選擇賬戶服務,而主題為投訴
  • 在簡短描述中寫上“投訴”,然後提交
  • 選擇賬戶,然後在空白欄位鍵入您的詳細信息
  • 提交諮詢單




雖然所有提交的索賠也會得到公平和公正的考慮,但提出索賠並不保證能夠獲得部分或全額支付所要求的金額。我們鼓勵索賠人查看客戶協議,因為有關投訴是基於本協議中的條文進行評估。如果客戶協議與IBKR網站不同,則客戶協議將取代網站版本。關於與交易相關的投訴,請注意客戶協議中的以下條款:(i)客戶對使用客戶用戶名 / 密碼鍵入的所有交易負責;(ii)取消請求並不保證;(iii)IBKR不對任何交易所、市場、交易商、清算所或監管機構的任何行動或決定負責,(iv)如果與客戶的委託單一致,客戶受委託單執行的約束,以及(v)客戶有責任瞭解所交易產品的條款和條件以及相應的市場。客戶有責任隨時在賬戶內保持足夠的淨值,以滿足保證金要求。如果客戶賬戶的淨值不足,IBKR有權(但非必需)隨時以任何方式清算客戶的全部或部分持倉,而不會事前通知客戶。請注意,IBKR在任何時候都不會就技術問題或機會損失對客戶進行賠償。



How do I file a complaint with Interactive Brokers?

In order to file a complaint with Interactive Brokers, please submit a trouble ticket via Client Portal:

  • Login to Client Portal
  • Click on Help
  • Select Secure Message Center
  • Select Compose followed by New Ticket
  • Select Account Services as the category and Complaints as the topic
  • Write "Complaint" as your brief description, and submit
  • Select Account and enter your details in the field provided 
  • Submit ticket

Within the body of the ticket, IBKR asks that you provide a detailed description of your complaint.  If your complaint is regarding a trade, IBKR asks that you provide the details of the trade(s), which may include, but is not limited to the order submission date and time, security description, execution date and time, execution price, and requested compensation amount with calculation.  Please keep in mind that all trade related disputes must be submitted within a timely manner.  Specifically, trade cancellation requests must be within IBKR and/or the exchange's time parameters.

Upon receipt of your complaint, IBKR will acknowledge and respond to your complaint via Client Portal thru a new ticket created by IBKR entitled, "Communication for complaint related to ticket #<TICKET NUMBER>".  Thereon, IBKR asks that all correspondence related to your complaint be written in the communication ticket.

Typically, complaints will be responded to within three to five days; however certain complex issues may take longer to evaluate.  In the meantime, IBKR asks that you manage all orders, trades, and positions in your account in order to ensure that your account is not subject to unnecessary risk or fluctuations during the investigation period.

While all claims submitted receive fair-minded and impartial consideration towards resolution, the filing of a claim alone does not guarantee partial or full payment of the amount requested. Claimants are encouraged to review the customer Agreement as it is the language in this agreement which forms the basis by which complaints are evaluated.  Should the Customer Agreement vary from the IBKR website, the Customer Agreement will supersede the website.  With respect to trade related complaints, please note the following clauses in the Customer Agreement:  (i) Customers are responsible for all transactions entered using the customer's user name / password; (ii) Cancellation requests are not guaranteed; (iii) IBKR is not liable for any action or decision of any exchange, market, dealer, clearinghouse or regulator, (iv) Customers are bound to the order execution, if consistent with the customer's order and (v) Customers are responsible for knowing the terms and conditions of the products traded and the respective markets.  Customers are responsible for maintaining sufficient equity within the account at all times to meet margin requirements.  Should the customer's account have insufficient equity IBKR has the right, but not the obligation, to liquidate all or any part of the customer's position at any time and in any manner without prior notice to the customer.  Please note that IBKR will not indemnify a customer for technological issues or lost opportunity at any time.

To review the IBKR Customer Agreement in its entirety, select Forms & Disclosures from the bottom of the IBKR homepage followed by the applicable Customer Agreement.


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