

Interactive Brokers Group(「IB」)および英国関連会社であるInteractive Brokers (U.K.) Limited(「IBUK」)では、現在2020年12月31日にスケジュールされているイギリスの欧州連合離脱(Brexit)移行期間終了に併せ、弊社のヨーロッパのお客様用のサービス調整に向けて準備を進めて参りました。弊社では証券サービスの移行と継続をスムーズに行いつつ、これに伴う変更と混乱を最小限にとどめることを最重要事項としています。これによる影響の対象となるお客様には、変更とそのスケジュールをご説明する通知をご送信致します。下記はIBUKから弊社のヨーロッパ内のブローカーへの口座の移行に関し、よくあるご質問をまとめたものになります。


Q: 2021年1月1日以降の証券サービスの継続に関するIBKRの計画はどのようになっていますか?

A: IBKRでは2018年にInteractive Brokers Luxembourg SARL(「IBLUX」)を設立し、これは2019年11月に規制当局による許可を受けています。また現在、欧州連合(EU)圏内にInteractive Brokers Ireland Limited(「IBIE」)および Interactive Brokers Central Europe Befektetési ZRt(「IBCE」)を設立する手順を進めています。



Q: 私の口座はどのIBKRブローカーに移行されますか?

A: どの口座が IBLUX、IBIE、またIBCEに移行されるかは現在検討中ですが、  西ヨーロッパベースのお客様IBIE、中央または東ヨーロッパベースのお客様はIBCE、そしてある対象グループのお客様はIBLUXへの移行との見通しになっています。また口座やポジションのタイプも考慮されます。



Q: どういったクライアントが移行の対象となりますか?

A: EU圏内にお住まいの個人のお客様、およびEU圏内の国に設立される事業体の口座が対象となります。対象となる口座のほとんどは現在Interactive Brokers (U.K.) Limited(「IBUK」)によるサービスを受けています。


Q: これに伴って必要となる同意はどのように手続きされますか?

A: お客様の口座の移行準備が整い次第、クライアント・ポータルにログインしていただく旨のメールを弊社よりお客様に送信致します。ログインしていただきますと、ご同意が必要となるディスクロージャーと顧客同意書が表示されます。こちらはオンラインでお手続きいただけます。初回のメールでご返信いただけないお客様には数回にわたるリマインダーのメールが送信されます


Q: 何もしない場合にはどうなりますか?

A: 必要書類にご同意いただけない場合には、移行に同意いただけないものとして、取引および移管に関する規制がお口座に発生します。お口座はEU圏内のブローカーのどれか、またはIBKR以外のブローカーへ移行される、もしくは解約される時まで、現在口座にかかる諸条件(手数料や証拠金に関する方針を含め)の対象となります。


Q: 移行に同意しない場合にはどうなりますか?

A: 指定されるEU圏内のブローカーへの移行にご同意いただけない場合には、 新規のお取引やご入金、またポジション移管に規制が発生することがあります。これらの規制はIBKR以外の口座への移管には影響しません。


Q: ログイン情報は変わりますか?

A: 変わりません。現在の口座にご利用いただいているユーザー名、パスワード、またツーファクター認証は移行後もそのままご利用いただけますが、移行先の口座には新しい口座IDができます。


Q: 移行後もこれまでと同じ取引プラットフォームを利用できますか?ソフトウェアには何らかの変更があるのでしょうか?

A: お取引や口座管理にご利用いただいているソフトウェアへの影響はありません。テクノロジーはすべて同じです。


Q: 口座残高の移行はすべて同時に行われますか?

A: 残高はすべて未払金(利子や配当金など)を抜かして同時に移行されます。未払金は現金化した時点で移行されます。未払金が利子の場合これは通常いったん戻され、発生した次の月の一週目に現金として記入されます。未払金が配当金の場合にはいったん戻され、発行体によって配当金が支払われる日にちに相殺する現金として記入されます


Q: 現在利用している口座は移行後どうなりますか?

A: 現在ご利用いただいている口座は、未払金がすべて現金化され移行先の口座に送金され次第、解約となります。 口座は解約され次第、取引には利用できなくなりますが、確認や過去のステートメントを印刷するためなどにアクセスすることは継続して可能です。


Q: 口座の移行に伴って現在の手数料や費用も変わりますか?

A: 変わりません。IBKRの手数料および費用は、どちらのブローカー管理の口座になっても変わりません。


Q: 口座の移行後、 取引許可に何らかの変更はありますか?

A: IBLUXに移行される口座以外は現在の取引許可に変更はありません。IBLUX口座では規制当局による決まりのため、レバレッジ型Forexの取引ができません。同様の規制がIBIEやIBCEでの口座に適用される見通しはありませんが、移行前に何らかの変更がある場合にはお客様にご連絡致します。


Q: 口座が移行する時点でオープンになっている注文(Good-til-Canceledなど)は、新しい口座でもそのまま有効になりますか?

A: オープン注文は新しい口座に移行されますが、移行の完了後、元の注文と一致しているかご確認いただくようお薦めします。


Q: 口座の移行後、米国パターン・デイ・トレーディング規則の対象になることはありますか?

A: IBUKの口座は米国ブローカーであるIBLによる管理になるため、米国パターン・デイ・トレーディング(PDT)規則の対象となります。PDTは資産がUSD 25,000以下の口座に対し、5営業日内に3回までのデイトレードに規制する規則です。



Q: 年次のアクティビティ・ステートメントは、ひとつにまとめて年末の発行になりますか?

A: いいえ。年次のステートメントは既存の口座に対して2020年1月1日から移行日までの期間をカバーするものがひとつ、また移行日以降2020年12月31日までの期間をカバーするものがひとつ発行されます。


Q: ポジションに現在適用されている原価基準も一緒に移行されますか?

A: はい。移行によるポジションの原価基準への影響はありません。


Q: 現在の口座設定は、移行後の口座にも同様に適用されますか?

A: 現在の口座設定は、移行後に適用される規制の許す限り適用されます。口座設定には証拠金やマーケットデータ、追加ユーザーやアラートが含まれます。 まれに同じ口座設定を提供できない管轄区に口座が移行されることがあります。この場合、規制対象となる商品のポジションをそのまま移行して保有する、またはクローズすることはできますが、増やすことはできなくなります。


Q: 2020年12月31日までにIBKRが規制許可を受けとることができない場合にはどうなりますか?

A: IBLUXは認可されてはいますが、ビジネス許可に規制があるため、2020年12月31日までに移行を完了させるためにはIBIEまたはIBCEのライセンスが必要になります。ライセンスの取得が時間内に完了しないと判断される場合には、Brexitの移行期間が終了する時点でお客様の口座がどうなるかをご説明する内容の通知をお送り致します。


Q: 苦情の申し立てが必要になる場合には、移行後も継続して金融オンブズマンサービスを利用できますか?

A: IBUKのお客様は、IBUKによる苦情処理にご納得いただけない場合、金融オンブズマンサービスをご利用いただいておりましたが、IBLUX、IBIE、またはIBCEへの口座移行後、こちらはご利用対象外となります。代わりにご利用いただけるサービスの詳細は弊社よりご提供致します。弊社内での苦情処理手続きには変更ありません。


Q: 移行によるデータ保護への影響はありますか?

A: IBUKからのIBLUX、IBIE、またはIBCEへの移行によるお客様の個人情報への影響はありません。こちらは継続してデータ保護規則の対象となります。IBLUX、IBIE、およびIBCEは各自データ保護に対する責任を負うものであり、お客様の個人情報に関するデータをこれまでと同様に高い基準で保護します。


Q: 口座保護への影響はありますか?

A: ブローカーの責任となるイベントに対してEU圏内でご利用いただける保護内容は通常、英国や米国に比べ低く設定されています。

現在、資格対象となる場合には、英国金融サービス補償計画(UK Financial Services Compensation Scheme「FSCS」)の下、IBUKのお客様は£50,000の金額まで保護されています。IBUKのお客様は米国ブローカーであるIBLの管理となるため、口座内の証券がUSD 500,000の金額まで(現金はサブリミットであるUSD 250,000の対象となります)、米国証券投資者保護公祉(「SIPC」)による保護の対象となる可能性があります。

EUブローカーであるIBLUX、IBIEおよびIBCEの管理となる場合、資格対象者は最大EUR 20,000までの保護の対象となる可能性があります。適用となるスキームとカバー、また資格対象者の詳細は、移行リクエストと共に弊社よりご提供致します。 


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Converting From a Single to Joint Account

The process of adding a second owner to an existing single account for purposes of converting to a joint account is outlined below:

1.       As the joint account structure differs from that of the individual in terms of account holder information required, legal agreements and, in certain cases, taxpayer status, direct conversion is not supported and a new joint account application must be completed online.
The joint application may be initiated online from the single account by logging into Client Portal and clicking the User menu (head and shoulders icon in the top right corner) followed by Manage Account. Click the Configure (gear) icon next to the words Open an Additional Account. This process will allow you to retain your existing user name, password and security device for purposes of operating the joint account. Be sure to request trading permissions and, if necessary, margin status, sufficient to maintain the positions currently carried in your individual account. Note that if your account is managed by a financial advisor or you are a client of an introducing broker, please contact your advisor or broker to initiate the new application (you may need to make arrangements with your advisor or broker for fees that have accrued but not yet paid if the individual account closes).
The joint account application requires Compliance review and approval and documentation evidencing the identity and address of the second account holder may be required. If this is the case, notice as to the required documents and how to submit will be provided at the conclusion of the online application.
2.       Once you have received an email confirming approval of the joint account application, send a request from your Message Center authorizing IBKR to manually transfer positions from your single to joint account. Prior to submitting the request you should make sure to close all open orders in the individual account to ensure that no executions take place following the transfer.
Due to the manual steps and scheduling required, you should allow a minimum of one week after joint account approval and submitting your request for the transfer to take effect. 


1.       Note that exchange regulations preclude ownership transfer of derivative contracts such as futures and options. If you are holding such positions you would either need to close them prior to the transfer taking place or request that they remain in your individual account.
2.       Prior to processing the transfer, you should make sure to close all open orders in the individual account to ensure that no executions take place following the transfer.
3.       The SMA (Special Memorandum Account) balance in your individual account will not transfer to the joint account. In certain cases this may impact your ability to open new positions in the joint account on the first day after the transfer is completed.
4.       Elective options such as participation in IBKR's Stock Yield Enhancement Program will not be carried over to the joint account and must be re-initiated to continue.
5.       The cost basis of transferred positions as reported in the activity statements will remain unchanged for tax purposes.  
6.       Once the transfer has been completed and assuming all positions have been transferred your individual account will be designated for automatic closure. Note that certain balances such as dividend accruals can’t be transferred until paid, after which they will then be transferred and your individual account closed.
7.       You'll receive any applicable tax forms for the reportable activity transacted in each of your individual and joint accounts at year end. Access to Client Portal for your individual account will remain after it has been closed for the purpose of reviewing and printing activity statements and tax forms.
8.       IBKR does not provide tax advice or investment guidance and recommends that account holder consult with qualified professionals to determine any legal, tax or estate planning consequences associated with single to joint transfer requests.


How to Reopen a Closed Account

Accounts which have been closed are generally eligible to be reopened, subject to the following:


1.       The account was opened after January 1, 2002;

2.       The taxpayer status of the account is properly documented;

3.       The account is compliant with respect to all documentation required for regulatory purposes;

4.       If the account is a sub or client account of a master, the master account is open.


The reopening request may be submitted online by logging into Account Management and selecting the Manage Account, Settings and then Reopen Account menu options (Note that the email and password combination necessary to log in remain the same as that at the point your account was closed). Alternatively, requests may be submitted by contacting your local Client Service Center.


Once your request has been submitted it is subject to review by our Compliance Department. Please note that these requests are processed in the order by which they are received and you should allow a minimum of 48 hours to complete.


Notification of approval is sent to the email address of record, after which you will need to log into Account Management and submit a deposit notification.  The minimum deposit required to re-open is USD 10,000, or equivalent; the same as that for opening a new account.


Also note that in certain instances, you may be required to update account information and/or documents which are deemed by our Compliance Department to be obsolete.  If this is required, you will receive an email outlining those which are required. 

W8 Re-certification

If you are not a U.S. citizen or entity formed within the U.S. and have an account with Interactive Brokers, you are requested to declare your citizenship or country of formation with the US tax authority (IRS). This declaration can be done online by correctly filling out the W-8BEN form. Filling out this form is an easy process that only takes a few minutes. In the short movie below, we show you where to find the W-8BEN in your IB account management and how to fill it out.

If you fail to declare your foreign citizenship or country of formation, and IB does not have a valid W-8BEN form on file, you are presumed to be a US person/entity without a proper tax certification. As a US person/entity, you will be subject to backup withholding at a rate of 28% on interest, dividends, and substitute payments in lieu; as well as gross proceeds. 

Every 3 years the IRS requires a re-certification of the W-8BEN form. IB will ask the beneficial account owner to re-certify their foreign status by re-signing the W8-BEN in order to continue their status as a foreign person and claim the tax treaty benefits. If you experience any problems or have questions regarding the W-8BEN form or how IB handles Non-US persons and entities, select this Tax Information and Reporting link and choose the tab Non-US Persons and Entities or consult the following IRS information page for more details: www.irs.gov/instructions/iw8/ch02.html

Cost Basis Reporting


1099 Reporting

Year End Reports

Account Transfers


1099 Reporting 

Statement and Year End Reporting for US persons and entities comprises the following:

1.  Cost Basis:  While the required reporting schedule was staggered, the primary cost basis that will be reported to the IRS includes equities bought and sold after December 31, 2010.  This includes the adjusted cost basis resulting from wash sales and corporate actions.

The future phase-in period for broker reporting includes the assets sold on or after the following dates:

--- Mutual Funds and  ETFS - 1/1/2012

--- Simple debt instruments (i.e. treasuries, fixed-rate bonds & municipal bonds) and options,  - 1/1/2014

--- Other debt instruments - 1/1/2016

2.  Tax Basis Method:  Brokers are required to use the method first in, first out (FIFO), unless given other instructions by an investor.  Changes to your tax basis method may be submitted through the Tax Optimizer.  The Tax Optimizer is launched from within Account Management and is available for stock, option, bond, warrant and single-stock future trades.  

IB offers multiple  tax basis methods, including three basic options:

●        First In, First Out (FIFO) - This is the default option.  FIFO assumes that the oldest security in inventory is matched to the most recently sold security.

●         Last In, First Out (LIFO) - LIFO assumes that the newest security acquired is sold first.

●         Specific Lot - Lets you see all of your tax lots and closing trades, then manually match lots to trades. Specific Lot is not available as the Account Default Match Method.

Tax Optimizer also lets you select the following additional derivatives of the specific identification method.

●        Highest Cost (HC), Maximize Long-Term Gain (MLTG), Maximize Long-Term Loss (MLTG), Maximize Short-Term Gain (MSTG), and Maximize Short-Term Loss(MSTL).

For complete instructions on using the Tax Optimizer and details on the lot-matching algorithms for each method, see the Tax Optimizer Users Guide.

Note:  Changing your tax basis is effective immediately.  The basis selected will be applied to all subsequent trades on the account statements and tax reports.  Updates will not affect previously closed trades nor the TWS profit and loss data displayed.

3.  Gain & Loss Categories:  An additional requirement to the cost basis reporting is the capital gain or loss category.  The gain or loss category of equities is determined by the length of time in which the security was held, known as the "holding period." 

●         Short-Term - Holding periods of one year or less are categorized as "short-term."

●         Long-Term  - Holding periods over one year are categorized as "long-term."

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Year End Reports

The following statements and reports display cost basis information that will be reported on Form 1099-B for eligible accounts.

  • Monthly Account Statements
  • Annual Account Statements 
  • Worksheet for Form 8949

For a complete review of the tax information and year end reporting available, click here.

Note:  Unlike the Account Statements, the Gain & Loss Worksheet for Form 8949 may consolidate sell trades.  The cost basis will be adjusted, as required for 1099-B reporting.


Asset Transfers

U.S. legislation from 2008 included new guidelines for tax reporting by U.S. financial institutions.  Effective January 2011, U.S.  Brokers are required to report cost basis on sold assets, whether or not a gain/loss is short-term (held one year or less) or long-term (held more than one year).   U.S. brokerage firms, Interactive Brokers LLC (IB) included, implemented changes to comply with the legislation.

For more information on cost basis with asset transfers, see Cost Basis & Asset Transfers.

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Disclaimer:  IB does not provide tax advice. These statements are provided for information purposes only, are not intended to constitute tax advice which may be relied upon to avoid penalties under any international, federal, state, local or other tax statutes or regulations, and do not resolve any tax issues in your favor. We recommend that you consult a qualified tax adviser or refer to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service.

ACATS Transfer Guide (US brokerage account transfers)

ACATS Transfer Guide


ACATS Transfer Benefits

Navigating The Process

Incoming Or Outgoing

Initiating Your Transfer

What To Expect

Who To Contact For Help



Understanding the basic facts about transferring accounts between US brokerage firms can be help to avoid delays.  Through this article and other Knowledge Database resources, Interactive Brokers seeks to assist with your incoming and outgoing ACATS requests.

US brokerage firms utilize a standardized system to transfer customer accounts from one firm to another.  Known as the Automated Customer Account Transfer Service or ACATS, the process allows assets to move seamlessly between  brokerage firms in a unified time frame.   ACATS transfers are facilitated by a third party, the National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC), to assist participating members with timely asset transfers.

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ACATS Transfer Benefits

The majority of assets may be transferred between US brokerage firms and some banks through ACATS.  This standardized system includes stocks, US corporate bonds, listed options, unit investment trusts, mutual funds, and cash.  Information on assets eligible for transfer is provided at "Assets Eligible..."  Though impacted by multiple factors and time constraints, the accepted or rejected transfers finalize within 10 business days in most cases.

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Navigating The Process

4 simple steps of the ACATS process will help you understand the flow and minimize delays.  Familiarizing yourself with the transfer process helps to ensure a successful transition.

1.  Incoming or Outgoing

2.  Initiating Your Transfer

3.  What to Expect

4.  Who to Contact For Help 

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 1. Incoming or Outgoing


Incoming ACATS Transfers

The financial institution that is receiving your assets and account transfer is known as the "receiving firm."  Investors always work with and through the "receiving firm" to move full or partial account assets into a new broker. 

Contact the "receiving firm" (Interactive Brokers) to review the firm's trading policies and requirements.  You should verify that your assets are eligible for trading at the "receiving firm" before initiating the transfer request.   Not all ACATS transferable assets are acceptable for trading at every brokerage firm.

Outgoing ACATS Transfers

All outgoing ACATS transfers, full or partial, must be approved by the "delivering firm."  Investors, however, should work with and through the "receiving firm" in order to begin the the transfer process or to status the progress of the request.      

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2. Initiating Your Transfer

Investors must always begin the ACATS transfer with the "receiving firm."  An ACATS transfer form or Transfer Initiation Form (TIF) must be submitted.  The "receiving firm" takes your reqeust and communicates with the "delivering firm" via ACATS.  The process begins with this request for transfer of the account. 

For your Interactive Brokers Account, the transfer is usually submitted online.  Video instruction on submitting the transfer is provided at "How to deposit funds via a full ACATS/ATON Transfer."  or through Step-by-step instructions.

Note: Outgoing account transfers from your IB account should be directed to the other broker.  Your request will be submitted to IB from the other broker through the ACATS electronically.

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3. What to Expect

Your Account

Brokers ensure the safety and security of transfer requests by only authorizing requests between open accounts that meet the following criteria:

  • Same Account Title
  • Same Tax ID Number
  • Same Account Type

Transfer Approval

Ultimately responsible for validating the transfer,  the "delivering firm" may accept  information from the "receiving firm" correcting data originally entered.  Approved or validated requests result in the delivery of positions to the "receiving firm" for their acceptance.   Assets may not be accepted by the "receiving firm" for the following:

  • Non-marginable or Margin (credit) violation
  • Not Tradable
  • DTC Chill

Note: The most common reasons for ACATS rejections are outlined by clicking here.

Processing Time-frame

The processing time for each transfer request is fixed.  In general, approved transfers complete within 4 to 8 business days.  Almost all transfers complete within 10 business days.  Each firm is required to perform certain steps at specific intervals in the process.  Feel free to review the Full ACATS transfer process flow.



While Interactive Brokers does not charge a fee to transfer your account via ACATS, some brokers do apply a fee for full and partial transfers. Prior to initiating your transfer, you should contact the "delivering firm" to verify any charge.

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4.  Who To Contact For Help

Interactive Brokers Customer Service stands poised to assist with your incoming ACATS transfer reqeust.  Click here for Customer Service contact resources.

Note:  Outgoing or ACATS transfers sending accounts to another broker should be directed to the "receiving firm."  Their Account Transfer Group will work with Interactive Brokers directly to complete your outgoing request.

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Tax Treaty Benefits


Income payments (dividends and payment in lieu) from U.S. sources into your IB account may have U.S. tax withheld.  Generally, a 30% rate is applied to non-U.S. accounts.  Exemption from the withholding or a lower rate may apply if your home country has a tax treaty with the U.S.  Complete the applicable Form W-8 to find out your status. 


Tax Treaties*

U.S. tax treaties with some countries have different benefits.  Legal tax residents of the following countries may be eligible for the treaty benefits.  Below is a list of the tax treaty countries.  Benefits vary by country.

Australia Czech Republic India Lithuania Sweden
Austria Denmark Indonesia Poland Switzerland
Bangladesh Egypt Ireland Portugal Thailand
Barbados Estonia Israel Romania Trinidad & Tobago
Belgium Finland Italy Russia Tunisia
Bulgaria France Jamaica Slovak Republic Turkey
Canada Germany Japan Slovenia Ukraine
China, People's Rep. Of Greece Kazakhstan South Africa United Kingdom
Commonwealth of Ind. States Hungary Korea, Rep. of Spain Venezuela
Cyprus Iceland Latvia Sri Lanka  

*Country list as of April 2009


Refer to IRS Publication 901 for details on withholding rates for your tax residence country and your eligible benefits.


Which Tax Form Should I Select?


3 simple questions can help you choose a tax certification form.   Read the questions and select the form.  For more detailed help, see Tax Information & Reporting.

Question # 1:      Are you a U.S. Person or a U.S. Entity?

• U.S. Citizen • U.S. Business or Organization
• U.S. Green Card Holder • U.S. Domestic Trust
                                       • U.S. Legal Resident

If the answer is YES, complete Form W-9

If the answer is NO, go to # 2.

Question # 2:      Do you have a U.S. Visa?


• H-1B Visa Holder • TN Visa Holder         
                                         • O-1 Visa Holder

If the answer is YES, find your status by the "substantial presence test." See More U.S. Legal Resident Info 

If the answer is NO, go to # 3.

Question # 3:      Are you a Legal Resident or Entity of another country?

                                      *Question does Not apply to U.S. Citizens/Entities or Green Card Holders

• Permanent Home Outside of U.S • Entity Formed Outside of U.S.
                                      •Business or Organization formed outside of U.S.

If the answer is YES, complete Form W-8  (U.S. Citizens, Green Card Holders, and Entities still complete the W-9.)

NOT SURE because you work, live, or study in the U.S. then, see More U.S. Legal Resident Info 


Disclaimer:  IB does not provide tax advice. These statements are provided for information purposes only, are not intended to constitute tax advice which may be relied upon to avoid penalties under any international, federal, state, local or other tax statutes or regulations, and do not resolve any tax issues in your favor. We recommend that you consult a qualified tax adviser or refer to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service.

Certify Your Tax Status


Filling out a tax certification form is required to open an IB account.  The forms confirm your tax status in relation to the United States.  Information provided by you may lower or exempt the U.S. tax withholding on your account.


This article will help you to:

►Choose the correct certification form                            ►Find your tax treaty benefits

►Fill out and submit your form online                              ►Answer tax certification questions





Which Form Do You Pick?

Tax Treaty Benefits

Management of account activity differs for each account type.  IB is a U.S. broker and must follow U.S. guidelines.  3 simple questions help you choose the right form

Some countries have a tax treaty with the U.S.  Find out if you benefit from a lower tax-withholding rate. Tax Treaty Benefit Info

Filling Out The Form

Tax Certification – FAQ’s

The certification form is direct.  Supply basic account information on the true owner of the assets or entity.  Select  W-9 Instructions or W-8 Instructions for help. Seek professional advice for tax questions.  These common questions and answers may help you make an informed decision.  Tax Certification - Frequently Asked Questions




Disclaimer:  IB does not provide tax advice. These statements are provided for information purposes only, are not intended to constitute tax advice which may be relied upon to avoid penalties under any international, federal, state, local or other tax statutes or regulations, and do not resolve any tax issues in your favor. We recommend that you consult a qualified tax advisor or refer to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service.



How and When to Use a Direct Rollover


This information is for general educational purposes only.  Individuals should consult with their financial adviser or legal counsel to determine how rollover regulations affect their unique situations.

Generally, an investor changing jobs or leaving the workforce may utilize either a Direct Rollover election to continue their retirement savings outside of their employer-sponsored retirement plan.   Assets distributed directly to your IRA from the retirement plan may qualify as a Direct Rollover.

What is a Direct Rollover?

The Direct Rollover is a tax-free distribution to you of cash or other assets from one retirement plan that you contribute to another retirement plan, including an IRA.  The contribution to the IRA is called a rollover contribution.  The Direct Rollover method transfers the assets directly from the retirement plan (and not to the IRA owner) into the investor's IRA, avoiding the 20% mandatory IRS withholding.  This option to transfer retirement assets has no age limitations.

Eligible retirement plans include:

  • Employer's qualified pension, profit -sharing, or stock bonus plan
  • Annuity plan
  • Tax sheltered annuity plan (section 403(b) plan)
  • Governmental deferred compensation plan (section 457 plan)

Who do you contact first? 

Contact your retirement plan administrator or the human resources office for eligibility and requirements.  The plan administrator is required to provide a reasonable direct method of asset transfer.   Completion of an IRA Rollover Form provided by the administrator may be required, in some cases.  In other cases, the plan accepts an IRA Rollover Form supplied by your IRA's broker.  Therefore, it is important to check with the plan administrator.

Initiating your Direct Rollover through IB 

For those transfers that require a broker-supplied IRA Rollover Form, Interactive Brokers provides a convenient IRA Rollover Form.  Interactive Brokers will forward the request to the plan administrator or broker for processing.  Funds may be transferred by either wire transfer or check directly to Interactive Brokers.

Before accepting an IRA rollover transaction into an IRA, we require that you review your eligibility for the rollover and certify your understanding of the rollover rules and conditions.  The IRA Rollover Form includes the Rollover Form and an IRA Rollover Certification Form.

The Fund Transfers page within the Account Management lets you notify IB of an IRA Rollover deposit of funds into your account.  Select the Funding tab in the header link and choose Deposit Funds in the Transaction list.   In the Method list, select Direct Rollover.  Complete, sign, and return both forms to the Interactive Brokers address on the form.

Contact Customer Service with any additional questions.



In compliance with Treasury Department Circular 230, unless stated to the contrary, any information contained in this article was not intended or written to be used and cannot be used for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed on any taxpayer.

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